Hey peeps. Gosh half way through half term already- doesn’t time fly when you are having fun?
Last night (in case you missed it) I went to see Ash play in London. They have always been on of my fave bands, and I have seen them several times- I even did my first crowd surfing at an Ash gig (and we saw them supported by Coldplay who just before playing “Yellow” said “this is going to be a massive hit”- how right they were)! This gig was Free All Angels (one of their albums) so they played the whole album (which was weird as there are some brilliant tracks, but some not so brilliant ones)- they totally funked up Submission which was very cool. Charlotte was back as a special guest (she joined the band when they did A Life Less Ordinary and Nu Clear Sounds and I love her- she is so cool!)which was brilliant as she adds an extra guitar to the mix as well as lovely vocals. Then they had a break (can’t take the pace?) and played a sort of best of (Oh Yeah, Life Less Ordinary, stuff like that, although nothing off their First album – I was hoping for Petrol ), went off and came back on again, for a couple more songs including Kung Fu(which has the coolest single cover ever in my opinion- check out that link if you want!). Anyway it was brilliant, although my ears were ringing so much! I used to go to gigs all the time- think my ears are already damaged from that!
Anyway, it is time for WIAW!
Thanks to Jenn for hosting the party. If you have not joined in, then check out the how to.

Pumpkin pancakes- these did not turn out well- too squidgy, although they tasted fab. With some apples cooked with a little pumpkin puree and spices. Topped with whole earth caramel chocolate swirl spread. (Red onion squash out ready for later)
Rice pudding (flaked rice cooked in Kara coconut milk) topped with more cooked apples + pumpkin puree mixture. I think (?) I had a slice of toast too, maybe with hummus? And a pear. I think! Yeah let’s change the name to what I think I ate.
Post walk Snack;
One of the almond date fudge bars. So delicious- make them now!
Red onion squash and chickpea stew, topped with goats cheese and served with sweet potato fries. Sooooooo good!
I also had some mint tea and a mini pumpkin pie cheesecake thing.The cases stained the pie mix though- not so good.
So I basically managed pumpkin/ squash for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a late night snack! 🙂
Do you have days when you get obsessed by a particular ingredient? I could happily have apples for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks but I try to get some kind of variety!
Do you love going to see live bands? I used to be obsessed- living close to London meant we could go to see most bands when they toured- I love it when bands change up and rock up the songs live- I saw an amazing Foo Fighters gig where Dave Grohl went and did an awesome drumming solo which went on for about 5 mins and was amazing (he used to be the drummer in Nirvana) and then the most rocking Muse gig at a tent at Reading festival. I just love it when they rock or change stuff up- I would much rather that than just hear exactly what it sounds like on an album- I could just play it loud at home. 🙂
Glad you enjoyed Ash, I would love to see them again (I think I’ve seen them about 5 times already) I love Charlotte Heatherly as well, she was playing with KT Tunstall when we went to see her last year – awesome! I’m eating a lot of apples right now too, I did worry I was eating them cause I wasn’t eating enough other stuff, but I think I did a similar thing last year at this time, its just cause they are so good!
Snack snap 😉
The Ash gig sounded like fun- glad you enjoyed it! I went to a really low key gig a while back and saw Marcus Foster play- I loooove his tunes; so chilled out! If you haven’t heard of him then check him out on iTunes!
P.s. Loving your new layout! When did this happen? Sneaky!
Your dinner looks especially yummy! Happy WIAW!
Is Ash the band that does Girl From Mars? I love the Foo Fighters…and Dave Grohl. Yay.
Mmmmmm pumpkin!
I get stuck on single ingredients all the time. Right now I am obsessed with grapefruits and having half every morning then the other half for a snack. I love them!
Wow, and there was me thinking that eating squash for lunch and dinner several days in a row would make me the world’s most orange blogger. Foiled again *rats*.
I am stuck on peanut flour and Sun Warrior, and have been for quite a while. Trust me to have bloomin’ expensive tastes.
I love live music – you have fantastic taste, and I’ve heard that Muse and the Foos are both brilliant live. Nothing tops Rammstein for me though – not only do they impro a bit with their already brilliant songs, they shoot fire at each other. And the audience. I don’t care if my ears bleed, I will be seeing them in concert again!
oooh i used to love Ash! didn’t realise they were still doing gigs! 🙂 glad you had fun! great eats! and happy WIAW!!
I’m been obsessed by apples and pears recently – they go into smoothies, porridge, snacks …
I’ll jealous that you went to see Ash – it sounds amazing. I’ve not been to a lot of gigs – it’s never too late … I should start going 🙂
I can’t work out how to reply to each comment any more! Hmm. So-
Laura- great taste 🙂 and probably snap on the times seeing them too!
Marijke- the layout was yesterday I think? Andy swapped it all over for me 🙂
Fran- thanks 🙂
Errign- yes they do Girl from Mars 🙂
Allie- glad it is not just me- I used to love grapefruits- so refreshing/
Jessica- we can be orange twins! Well, I have not turned orange yet, but one day we will! My little brother is into Rammstein and my Dad is getting into them too- but it is too much metal for me! Fire throwing sounds crazy!
Emma- yeah they are you need to sign up to their newsletter as then you will get emails about the shows.
Sarah- I love pears too mmm 🙂
Yep, I could eat the same things all day; apples, carrots and porridge for me at the moment!
The gig sounds so good; would love to see Ash although I agree it’s a bit weird when bands just play the whole album. Muse sounds great too… the best gig I’ve been to was Travis at Glastonbury – they were so, so good 🙂
Your almond date fudge bars look amazing and I will start to make them – YUM.
Very annoyed with myself for not being ready for the GSR, hopefully I have learnt my lesson.
I love going to gigs, although I don’t go half as often as I used to. I’m jealous that you’ve seen Foo Fighters, they’re one of the few bands left on my must see list!
YUM! The almond date fudge bar sounds so good!!!! Can’t wait to make ’em!! 😀
I definitely have days where I just want a lot of one food…too often that food is bread : )
I saw Beyonce in concert about a year and a half ago, and it was the most amazing concert I’ve ever seen, by far. She was just as amazing as I’d hoped for!
Eleanor- I love Travis! I saw them at T in the Park (a scottish festival) when I was 16! 🙂
Lara- make them now! And it is a shame about the GSR, but you are getting ready for next year already 🙂
Ffion- me too- I used to go to one a month ish, now it’s more like one a year! Or less!
Vien- they are really good!
Danica-I think when bands/ people are live and rock it up it is brilliant.
So glad you enjoyed the concert! I’m loving squash right now too, and apples and persimmons…yum!
I’m not really a concert go-er because I’m stingy with things like that! Last one I went to was the free Sting concert in Russia…was amazing and would definitely pay to see him again! You are lucky living near London…so many good acts to see! 🙂
I love flaked rice pudding! Like, literally can’t control myself when we have it at home! My feeder/eastern-european grandmother used to make it for us for breakfast when my brother and I were small – it’s so good!!!!
Love your eats! 🙂
Jessica- flaked rice is amazing and makes pudding so quickly too 🙂 Sounds nice for breakfast 🙂
Jemma-I am not sure I have ever had a persimmon? Well, I have in shampoo but I don’t think that counts!