Hey peeps.
I see a lot of the US blogs getting green for St Patrick’s day this week, but being English it is not something I have ever celebrated (nothing against the Irish, but it is not really my culture). But I am loving the green theme (thanks to Jenn) , and this week I have not taken pictures of one day, so I just have a selection of green meals from the last week instead:
A salad for lunch, with rocket leaves covered in strawberry balsamic, cucumber, pistachios , figs, ryvita with pumpkin seeds (they didn’t have the sunflower seed ones which ae my fave, but then the green pumpkin seeds fitted with the theme even more) and some roasted pepper hummus. This was delicious- I loved the figs and balsamic together.
I attempted to make some sweet potato/ kidney bean burgers. I mashed up cooked sweet potato (2 I think) with a tin of kidney beans, some lime juice, some paprika and tomato puree. Then I shaped and baked them (made 8 I think). They probably needed flour or something as they were squishy, but very tasty. I had some with more rocket, roasted courgettes, roasted asparagus, roasted fennel and peppers, and some hummus (I think).
Some wholemeal pasta with delicious pesto (the stuff I got from Brighton- called Zest- it is amazing) with peppers, courgettes and cheese. It looked more green in real life!
Some mexican casserole bake (which has celery, spinach, red onions, sweetcorn, peppers, tomato passata, quinoa and beans) served with more spinach and some cheese.
I have also been having some lovely fruit salad bowls.
This was a papaya, fig and grapes, with a squirt of lime juice and topped with some vanilla munchy seeds. I won the seeds on facebook, and they are nice, but they are coated in icing sugar which I don’t like so much. I prefer their savoury seeds (which is a surprise coming from me!).
And another one with papaya, plum, grapes, lime juice and munchy seeds. Papaya with lime is such a delicious combination.
I also had some green tea. This one has lemon with it, and it quite nice. It does say to brew for only 2 minutes, which I think helps as I find green tea can taste bitter really quickly. When I have it I think it tastes OK, but I would not normally choose green tea if I had any other option. Ah well, it fits with the theme!
But, do you know what is missing???? Green chocolate!
Phew! The balance has been restored. This was peppermint Drink me Chai, and some Montezuma’s Christmas (ithey lasted a long time!) peppermint truffles. Yum.

I’m going to have to keep a look out for that zest pesto! Love the look of that fig salad, I need to get some more balsamic again and try that combo. I didn’t really mark St Patrick’s day, I think its a shame we don’t celebrate St Georges Day much but at least we have the Jubilee and Olympics for a bit of national celebration 🙂
Yes that is true I do think we in England should get a bit more patriotic sometimes- it seems to get hijacked by the racists somewhat.
Yes figs and balsamic is an amazing combo 🙂
Look at all that green, way to go! I’ve never heard of rocket leaves, what are they?
I think you call it arugula in the USA? They are salad leaves, quite peppery. You have a different name for it anyway.
I love zest pesto so good! When did you come to Brighton? Next bloggy meet up!!!!!
I came down for the Half marathon weekend – I was meant to be running (but obviously could not) but Andy still did so I watched him.
Zest pesto is fab! Love it! Your burgers sound great, cannot wait to make my own again.
I celebrated but for a different reason – march 17th is also my mum’s birthday – so nothing green, but lunch out & gluten free orange and lemon cake instead. my first GF baking and it was great! was a bbc good food recipe i’d recommend for a treat.
Ah what a lovely celebration- I might look up the GF cake too as I have a friend with coeliacs and it is so hard to find things for her to make.
No, not a St Patricks Day supported either. I don’t have any Irish connections either so its never been a ‘thing’ in our family. I do like the colour green though! 😉
Zest pesto sounds delicious!
Hope you are having a nice day!
I’ve never done the St Patricks Day thing either (although I do like guiness!)
As for green stuff, I’m currently addicted to watercress. The salad bar that I go to at lunchtimes always laugh and say ‘with watercress?’ to me whichever salad I order!!
MMm watercress is fab too. I am sure it has lots of calcium and iron in there too, so a very good choice.
Great eats! I love fruit salad bowls, especially now that its warmer out. 🙂