Is it just me that goes off green things after being ill? When I am unwell I revert to the plain carbs- plain toast with some spread (or maybe jam), plain crumpets, maybe some cereal. Anyway, as the theme of WIAW is being green, I did try!
Smoothie with pear, almond milk, peanut flour and frozen fruits (I think raspberry and cherry) topped with a little crunchy cereal. This was so filling but also gave me some brain freeze!
Caramelised onion hummus on sunflower ryvita, with peppers and cucumber for dipping, plus grapes and a graze dip- dried apple with caramel (which I saved for a bit later).
Afternoon snack:
Peppermint tea (that is green- does it count?) and a peanut butter brownie from the freezer. The tea was the best peppermint tea I have ever had, from the Naked Tea and Coffee company in Brighton. So minty. 🙂
Some green- roasted asparagus and fennel (which is more white I suppose), plus butter beans cooked with red onion, peppers, passata, herbs and spinach. I made some kind of tahini dressing with lemon juice- I only used a tsp tahini but I had to add loads of lemon and it ended up being very rich.
Red onion, pepper, basil and oregano.
Add a small drained tin of butter beans and a small carton of passata, plus a little water.
Then add spinach.
This ended up being very rich (maybe from the passata) and I put half in the freezer- it would be like very posh beans on toast I think. Anyway, there was some green from the spinach but it cooks so fast.
A peach yoghurt, which was super creamy.
I had some green (cucumber, spinach, asparagus, peppermint tea and the green herbs) as well as other colours of fruit and veg (important to get a range of nutrients after all) so pretty good I think. I had not had asparagus in ages and after seeing Lucy have it I decided to try some again. It was OK, but I prefer broccoli so I think I would buy that next time instead. Ah well, it is good to have some variety.
Thanks Jenn for organising the link up.

I’m with you on the plain carbs when I’m ill, especially if it’s slightly sweet as well.
I’m having pesto for dinner tonight – I love it mixed in with veggies. I love the way that it fills the house with the gorgeous smell of basil.
Yes- so hard to eat green foods, or much produce at all when you’re not feeling well! Looks like a great, healthy eating day. Your dinner looks delicious!
You’re getting to the Green…keep trying, that’s what counts!
I think you are right to stick to the simple carbs when you are feeling ill. I love pesto on kamut pasta spirals with broccoli or on rice cakes or with courgette ribbons,
I actually have a bit of a craving for pesto at the moment, I love it on raw courgette spaghetti but I actually really fancy some of my pea, broccoli and pesto soup! Must make some soon 🙂
That soup sounds lovely- very fresh and spring-like.
I love pesto on pizza and with pasta! Simple and easy!
You have reminded me I used to love a bit of red pesto on pizza- yum.
I hope you feel better soon! I think you should stick to those plain old carbs until you’re 100% better – there’s no point in forcing yourself to eat something that you just don’t fancy!
Those butterbeans look amazing – I’m going to have to try that recipe!
Also, my fave way to eat pesto is slathered on a brown roll, topped with shredded cheese and grilled in a panini press (or a George Foreman for those of us too poor to buy a grill just for sandwiches)!
I love pesto in a pannini- I don’t even have a George Foreman though- will have to make do with the grill and then squashing it down by hand!
Yummy eats! Fave way to eat pesto would be mixed with quinoa, tofu and veggies like broccoli and mushrooms yum! x x
I never want green foods at the moment – maybe it’s because I still have a virus kicking around?? (I can tell myself that anyway!)
I do like pesto on plain old pasta. And pizza. And cheese and biscuits – pesto for pickle!
Sounds very novel- cheese and pesto on biscuits, but I like the sound of it- pesto goes well with cheese anyway. 🙂
I don’t think anyone fancies green foods when they’re ill, ironically enough. Bland carbs all the way for me as well, preferably savoury ones like plain jacket or mashed potatoes, which I never normally like.
Sadly pesto and my IBS don’t get along – I’m always very jealous of the lovely vegan pesto everyone else seems to use.
That is a shame- I wonder what it is that you don’t agree with? I have made my own but it never turns out as well as the stuff in jars.
Totally agree – I crave carb-y comfort foods when I’m ill as well, like mashed potatoes or ramen noodle soup.
Your eats look right up my alley, especially love your “posh beans on toast”! As for pesto, I actually haven’t had any in ages (since going vegan), but I’ve had a bunch of basil sitting in my fridge for the past few days just itching to be used so I just might make some tonight. Hope you feel better soon!
Looks like the brain freeze was worth it! And loving the brownie 🙂