Hey peeps I hope everyone is having a lovely summer still. We have been loving Hawaii- now on our third Island- all so different but just wonderful. The first place we visited was Oahu, which has Honolulu on it (before we started looking into this trip, I thought it was all one island but it is loads)- anyway, a short drive from there to our hotel near to Waikiki beach. It was a lot like Miami beach- I liked it, but it was a big touristy city right by the beach, just a bit more laid back really.
I went out for a run the first morning; luckily some of it had a board walk because running on the sand is such hard work (as someone commented to me!). My bright red face in the hotel lobby must have been a sight!
View of Downtown and Waikiki beach from Diamond Head We went for a walk up to a place called Diamond Head (because people thought that the glittery stones were diamonds)- it was very steep but worth the amazing views- the car park looked very small from up there.
We went to Pearl Harbor (spelling it the American way because it is American)- Andrew really wanted to see it, and it was interesting, but I did find it weird that people were having their pictures taken in front of the memorials and things.
After that we had a more light hearted trip- to the Dole Pineapple Plantation! Mainly it was an excuse to buy some Dole whip (sort of a cross between frozen pineapple, frozen yoghurt and sorbet)- I have only ever had it at Disney before and it is yummy. Plus we got to ride the Pineapple Express (anyone else see that film? I thought it was going to be rubbish and about a bunch of stone-heads, but it was so funny)- and before we got on the train we had to pose for a photo while I held a real pineapple. Random.
We had already eaten quite a bit before we decided to take photos!
Even though I have seen them before, it was still funny to see how they grow.
Also getting a bit obsessed with the beautiful hibiscus flowers that are everywhere. We also spent a day driving around the island- the North Shore was much more quaint, with lots of surf shops and little art shops and things.
So many beautiful beaches and views of the sea. The scenery changes are so dramatic- sea on one side, volcanic valleys covered thickly in trees on the other. We got to see where Lost and Jurassic Park were filmed.
On Friday night one of the hotels put on fireworks on the beach, so we watched those in the evening. Anyway, that is enough photos for now! After that we went to the Big Island (which apparently is actually called Hawaii but that was too confusing)- went to the volcano national park, and even saw some real lava! But I will save that for next time.
Right, I thought I had a picture of me waving (for some cheesiness you know) but I don’t, so this is from the gardens at the pineapple plantation- seems a long time ago already! Bye for now xx
This looks stunning! Absolute paradise! I can’t wait to go some day. My boyfriend was actually born in Hawaii, so we are really keen to go and check out all the beautiful islands! I never understand why people take pictures of things like that, I find it morbid and disrespectful. When I was in New York a while ago people were taking pictures of ground zero, and I just couldn’t understand why you would want to have a picture of that. Baffling.
I think a picture is one thing, but really having their smiling faces on it was just weird.
Yes Hawaii is just beautiful- each island is so different and I am really glad we are travelling about a bit, but it is well worth the extra long flight.
Ahhhh, you went to the locations where LOST was filmed? That’s incredible – I am such a LOST geek that I freaked out completely when I read that. So jealous! And amazing scenery too, obviously 😉
I miss Hawaii so much, it is beautiful. My favourite island is Maui!
Hope you have a great time!
Wow it looks amazing!!!!!!!! x x
I really didn’t want to click on this post and I was right, looks FAB!! Me jealous, never 😉 I cannot believe you did a whole post on Hawaii and its islands and did not mention Magnum once …… or is that me just showing my age?! 🙂
Well I do want to mention Lilt a lot- do you even get that any more? Or maybe Bounty chocolates? That looks like a Hawaiian beach.
I feel very lucky that we are having this holiday 🙂
Im going to sound like such a dork, but omg to you seeing where Jurassic Park was filmed! One of my favourite films! Everything looks so beautiful and picturesque. Also, I’ve never seen an actual pineapple plant hehe.
I have only seen them growing at Disney before!
Andrew was very happy to see the place where it was filmed too. 🙂
Woooooow, I’m jealous, it’s so stunning! The beaches are beautiful and I didn’t know pineapples grew like that, it looks so strange! Love the randomness of having to hold one 🙂
I didn’t know Jurassic Park was filmed there either but can tell once you said it from your picture. Glad you’re having a fab time!
Yes when Andrew said it I was picturing posing with a pineapple character, you know, someone dressed up as one. Not sure what was more strange really!
Wow! I’m so jealous, Hawaii looks so amazing! Glad you are having a good time!
It is really worth the long trip 🙂 Thanks
Wow, all your photos look gorgeous! Glad you’re having a fab holiday 😀
I didn’t know pineapples grew like that either… I’ll have to show Izzy in the morning, she loves learning things like that at the moment 🙂
Thanks 🙂 I think the RHS site (royal horticultural soc) has a page for schools and kids, and they have all sorts of fun info and also projects that you can do. Although be warned, I tried to grow a pineapple once with my class and it just went mouldy! 🙂
These are fabulous photos – you look really happy and relaxed like you should do on holiday 🙂 I would love to go to a pineapple plantation, it sounds like a perfectly random day trip!
Oh my gosh, Hawaii! Jealous doesn’t even cover it. Glad I found your blog, if just to drool over these pics! It looks great. Looking forward to reading more 🙂
Looks stunning, I’m glad you had a fab time!