On IWD I headed back to Oaklands College parkrun. After a few weeks of touring, it was good to set the alarm later. Andy and I had plans to head to Oxford in the afternoon (seeing Ash and The Darkness) so I needed to be home fairly promptly too. Happily, Branka and Holly were there for a parkrun RD/ambassador meet up, and lots of OH ladies were there so it felt like a lovely social occasion.
I parked at my parents and jogged up there, testing out to see if this would be an option, and it was perfect as the start is just about a mile away.
All week I’d had a sore throat, and I thought I was getting a cold (I was), so wanted to take it gently. I ended up run/walking with Branka which was perfect, as we chatted all the way and had a lovely time catching up. It was my first time trying out the new and improved Oaklands College route- sadly it doesn’t look like a dog any more!
Old route (dog shaped):

And new route:

Definitely not dog shaped any more!
The previous was two laps, with one out and back section, and now it is a lot of out and backs, but only one lap. I really enjoyed it- it’s flat and you run past “the swamp” rather than through it. It was good to see more of the parkland there too, as you cover more ground, and more interesting parts rather than rugby pitches.
I wore my new parkrun alphabet top as it was IWD (and purple seems to be a theme for them)- I got my run 25 t-shirt for my 250th (as I attached a paper 0 to it for the run) and don’t tend to wear it much. As the parkrun alphabet is 25 letters (no x), it fitted perfectly so I sent it off to Shadow of a Saint for personalising- I am really pleased with it. Branka took a photo below of me running in it:

Swamp picture, purple pop up fun and my purple top.
When I finished we stood around for ages in the sunshine chatting, it was just lovely.

Lots of OH ladies in the before and after photos, plus Lee doing a super job with the first timers welcome. And just look at those blue skies!

A few views from the course. The section was a little muddy in places as tractors had driven over the path and created some ruts, but it was not too bad and my feet stayed dry.
The following week I was back there again- Dad was around but we both needed to be somewhere local (I had a haircut and he was off to football) so we opted for Oaklands. Lee (one of our OH ladies hanger ons) was debuting as RD, so wanted some friendly faces to be there, so we were happy to oblige. I ran to my parents, we ran/walked up together and then ran around the course together too. Dad hadn’t been to the new route yet, and he enjoyed it. I got a course pb too! We couldn’t hang around at the end too long as we had to be out again by 11, so we jogged/walked back to theirs soon after finishing.
Below- celebrating with Lee at his RD debut, a pic with Dad and more selfie rehearsals. When we finished, Dad said “I’ll get our jackets and then we’ll do photos?”- he knows that the photos are a required part of the parkrun experience now!

On the Sunday I was helping out at Birchwood juniors. I have been doing a run before recently, but the cold was not shifting so I had a short walk before volunteering- I was handing out tokens and this marked my v100! The day before was parkrun 395 for me, so it was quite satisfying to reach this milestone a little before my 400th parkrun.

Volunteering at juniors- the novelty of handling the number 1 token has not got old yet!
I also got my parkrun anniversary email on the Sunday too- so what a way to celebrate 12 years of parkrunning- parkrun with friends and Dad on the Saturday and then my v100 on the Sunday with the lovely Birchwood community.
Now I need to decide if I get a v100 top or buff or anything. I do wear my purple v25 t-shirt a fair bit, particularly in the summer when volunteering at juniors, but it’s covered with the high viz anyway. I don’t think I’d be likely to wear it running much so I am not sure. I do think you can never have enough buffs, so I might get a v100 buff? Decisions decisions!