Osterley parkrun

Another weekend and another tourist trip with Branka and Holly! This time, we were heading to Osterley parkrun as Branka was celebrating her 200th parkrun! Arbitrary!

Holly picked us up on her way and drove us to the start- it’s a National Trust parkrun and despite it being in a residential area of London (near to Heathrow) as we drove up the driveway it felt like we could almost be at Wimpole- big fields full of cows surrounded by black railing fencing. The car park was a very short walk from the start, and the pop up sign was in the best location with the building right behind. The beautiful blue skies made it look even better!

The walk from the car park went around this lake, and this also ended up being on the parkrun course.

Branka has been teaching me how to line up selfies with the purple pop up so I had another go- I think I’m getting the hang of it!

We had plenty of time for photos, we listened to the first timers welcome and then it was suddenly really busy for the main briefing. The RD was doing that role for the first time and the tannoy system failed, so we couldn’t really tell what was being said, I could catch snippets- something about volunteers- let’s clap, something about the event number, let’s clap, some milestones being announced, let’s clap. And then we were off!

Holly and I ran together while Branka was run/walking. We chatted the whole way around (the best kind of parkrun!) and I really enjoyed the scenery- we ran past lakes, past fields, there was a small wooded section and then we were back running along next to the water heading to the house. It was two laps, and those laps flew by. Some of the paths at the start were fairly narrow, and they had warned us that it could be a bit congested at the start, but we didn’t have any trouble. I suppose you could be frustrated if you were aiming for a fast time. I don’t think we got lapped either which again surprised me. I like running past the start/finish area on a lapped course as you get some nice cheers from the volunteers and it adds to the friendly feeling of the event.

A few photos from the run, the finish area plus the token photo that I have to take!

When we finished we noticed Park Play being set up in the park (no relation to parkrun I don’t think but sounds similar as it’s 2 hours of free “play” (games) which you register for and then turn up)- nice to see the grounds being used in this way as well as for parkrun.

Of course we were also there to parkfaff! The best thing about National Trust places is their cafes, and this one had a cafe plus a little van doing takeaway hot drinks. They had lots of vegan options including vegan sausage sandwiches, brownies and flapjacks, but I opted for a scone and tea- classic. We sat outside for absolutely ages, it was wonderful.

Sitting outside the cafe, plus the picture of the three of us- Branka in her special With Me Now Arbitrary top.

After out lovely parkfaff, we headed back to the car (via the gift shop for Branka to get a stamp). I had tried to scan my membership card earlier for the parking, and the machine hadn’t worked, but as we got back to the car park someone else was using it and told us to try different buttons, so we did, and then got a ticket, so I’d try that tip again if I was somewhere else!

So that was event 120 for me, and my 374th parkrun. It will be my last touring for a while I think, as I might work on my single-ton at Panshanger for the next couple of weeks, and then I have a local one planned with Dad in October.

I’ll finish with the map! Not such a big area as last weekend but still satisfying to gradually fill in those gaps and join up different places.

The additional purple chunk is not that big but it all counts!

Have you heard of park play? I am pretty sure I have seen it in a local park but really assumed it was for kids or families so haven’t paid it much attention.

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