Jantastic week 12- how did that happen?

Gosh, these last 3 months have whizzed by so fast! I find it hard to believe that I have logged my final workout of the challenge, and equally hard to believe that the marathon is in 2 weeks time.

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From my Wednesday run- You can see how long my shadow is here- the sun was just about to go down.

So, how did the last week go?

Monday- I was pleased with how recovered I felt from the 20 miles the day before. I felt a little stiff moving about, but not as bad as last time. At one point I was going between buildings and broke into a jog, but my legs told me “no” so I slowed to a walk.  I had a meeting at work so when I got home we just relaxed, no walk that evening.

Tuesday– Running club. Thankfully most other runners had run a half marathon on the Sunday, so no-one wanted to go far, which suited me just fine. We headed out together on an out and back route, but I kept slipping further behind the group. When we got to the turn around, the other girls stopped to stretch, but I wanted to keep going. I kept thinking that they would overtake me, but I got all the way back without anyone catching up with me, so instead of standing about in the cold I ran back along to the top of the hill to see if I could spot them coming up it.  I couldn’t, but luckily I was too tired to run down and back up again, so I ran back to the meeting place. No-one was there, so I went back to my car with the intention of sending them a facebook message along the lines of I hoped they were OK but didn’t want to wait. But they were all in the car park- apparently there was a short cut which I didn’t know about, so they had taken that to avoid the hill on the way back, and were starting to worry about me! I am very glad I didn’t go back down the hill again. 4 miles anyway.

Wednesday– I was home earlier than usual, so went out on the fields on my own instead of waiting for the SRC to start. I felt a bit bad but I knew my brother wasn’t going as he was ill, and my other running buddy was going on some trails later on. The trouble is it doesn’t start until 6.30pm, but in reality we start running at around 6.45, and even if we only do a 5k I then run home and get back after half 7- then I have to shower, have dinner, and any work that needs doing it done very late after all that. Whereas I was home before 6.30 which makes a huge difference. Plus it was light enough to go on the fields, whereas at half 6 it probably wasn’t.

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4.8 miles around the fields. Love it.

Thursday- Body pump. We had the new release, and to anyone who got the song in their head after my “all about the cake” post can be satisfied in knowing that it will be in my head after each pump of this series as that is one of the songs. Sensibly kept my squats weight a bit lower.

Friday– Lots of walking around London and then walking home from the station.

Saturday– Needed to do 12 miles (as had breakfast plans for Sunday) but wanted to do parkrun. Luckily my dad offered to pick me up and drive to the St Albans one (which is really in the wrong direction for him), so I could do that and then run home. We ran together, although he is faster so in the final half mile I told him to go ahead if he wanted to. It was so funny; initially he said he would stay with me as he had enjoyed it, and then about ten seconds later went “er, actually I am going to speed up” and overtook 12 people (we compared our finish token numbers). The temptation is always there with parkrun so I had to tell myself “it’s not my finish line today”. I was pleased with my parkrun time (just over 28 mins) and then kept a good pace for my run home. It went so much better than my last 12 mile run- I arrived home feeling strong, confident and optimistic. We walked around town for a bit in the afternoon too.

Sunday – 3 mile run- I was awake very early (6.30, so really 7.30 with the clocks moving forwards) so went on a quick 3 miles in the wind and rain, before going out for breakfast with friends.

So, 4/4 workouts done. 24.2 miles for the week.

Excitingly my monthly mileage is 129 (compared to 98 in January and 104 in February), and I am planning a run on Tuesday evening so it will get a bit higher still. It seems crazy, but I suppose 2×20 miles makes a big dent in that.

My final Jantastic score is 100, but the blue circle is not quite joined, because I was 10 minutes off my predicted time. I did play both my jokers, so I didn’t keep the 4 workouts every week, but I think apart from 2 weeks I managed it which I am really pleased with. I don’t think last year I was quite so successful with it.

If you did Jantastic, how did it go?

Jantastic week 11- positive thinking

Last weekend I had a very tough 12 mile run, but after looking at the stats it turned out I was running faster than I thought, and of course I learnt my lesson about breakfast. With that in mind, I decided to try and be positive.

Monday– Rest day. Walk after dinner.

Tuesday– 7.7 mile run. I finished work early so drove to the club meeting spot early, did 2.7 miles out and back, then 5 miles with the girls. Felt fine, but once I got out of the shower at home I felt totally awful. I was worried I was getting some germs (tonsillitis is going around at work and I had had a sore throat) but nothing came of it thankfully. I was questioning why I had signed up to a marathon at that point, as it seemed to be taking over my life- feeling so shattered in the evening is just not fun.

Wednesday– 3.7 mile run. Missed SRC due to being home a bit late and also worrying about keeping up with the speedy ones- just myself on the fields (and no dogs this time!). That was far enough for me and again I was shattered afterwards.

Thursday– Pump. Found it very very tough. Same weights as last week, apart from squats where I dropped some in anticipation of the 20 miles to come. My weird stiff hip had come back, but once I was warmed up at pump I was fine.

Friday– Rest. A bit of hobbling at work as my hip was stiff again, but when I was moving around it was fine.

Saturday– Parkrun with my brother. Told him to run ahead as I was stiff- did some of those dynamic stretches again. For the first minute of parkrun I was regretting my decision, but literally a minute in something small went pop in my lower back, and then my leg was fine. I took it steady and finished with one of my slowest times, but I was just pleased my leg was OK.

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After pancakes for breakfast I had a lot of work to do. I did try to get up to do various jobs, and popped to town to collect post and do a few bits, but I was pretty much sat down all day so again my leg was very stiff come Saturday evening. I did a lot of foam rolling and stretches to try and help but I was getting fed up with it by then.

Sunday– 20 mile run.  My leg felt fine when I woke up, and stayed fine for the whole run (and has been fine since). I really have no idea what it is, but movement actually helps, not resting, so of course I will be gentle but I am not going to sit about. The recovery is getting better too- as soon as I got home I had some coconut water, and then had a shower. Once out of the shower I had a chopped apple in muesli (could not be bothered to make anything), Andy made me a cup of tea, and I relaxed for a bit. Then I did some foam rolling, Andy made us a smoothie, and then we went to town to get some cake (I was trying to persuade him that at the organised race they had cake, so I was due some after running all that way)- we had a free cake voucher for John Lewis so walked there and shared their delicious gluten free chocolate fudge cake (I am not normally that much of a chocolate cake fan, but this is delicious). Then once we got home, I went for a nap, and then made some cookies, and had dinner. On Monday I was feeling OK- slightly sore legs when I started to run between buildings at work, and a bit of a stiff back, but nothing awful. So despite a bit of a wobble earlier in the week, and not a great start to the weekend, it ended with an OK note.

So, 4/4 runs done. 34.4 miles. Long run of 20 miles done. Time trial missed by 10 mins (I guessed 3hr 40 and I did 3 hr 50). Onto the final week of Jantastic, and even better, into the glorious taper!

Pros and cons

We have been watching Friends on Netflix and have just got to the one where Ross makes the pro and con lists for Rachel and Julie. Now, I didn’t do this for the run this weekend, but it has been playing on my mind.

20 mile organised club run:

Pros: No need to map out a route. Running somewhere different can be more interesting- and I know some of the route is very pretty indeed. I might run a bit faster in a sort of race situation. Tea and cake at the end (included in the £5 entry fee- bargain). Water stations- no need to carry my own. If I struggle there will be lovely marshals and support vehicles (or something) to help. No headphones allowed- good race day practise.

Cons: I have to drive there. I might get lost. Probably not, but I will worry about it. I have to park at the station and walk- I might not find the start. Probably I will, but again I will worry about it. It doesn’t start until 9.30am, with a staggered start to avoid congestion- so I will probably not finish until gone 1.30pm. Then I would have to drive home again. I will get very stiff legs driving and may not be able to get out of my car once I get home. It is a undulating route with some pretty tough hills. I will probably need the toilet by the time I have driven there- what if they are horrible toilets? I don’t know anyone else doing it- all my club mates and runner friends are doing a local half or a cross country event. No headphones allowed- I was just catching up on Marathon talk. No official timing so I can’t check last years results to check I will come in within the time limit- if you are slower than 4 hours they ask that you make this known- I should not be, but again something else to worry about.

Running 20 miles on my own:

Pros: I can go out early and be home earlier. No need to drive. No entry fee. I can listen to podcasts. I can choose a route that I fancy. If I run slower will I recover quicker?

 Cons: I have to map out a route myself. I will probably run slower. I will have to carry water.

In case you have not guessed, I opted for a run on my own. Yesterday I got myself in a bit of a tizz worrying about this race/run- worrying about what time to get up, when to leave, how to get there, and in the end I just thought that I am the only one who chose this race, and it’s a training run, so it doesn’t matter. I still did the miles, just on my own, and I am sure once I made that decision last night, I slept better for it too.

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I got up early, had 2 pieces of toast with coconut butter and jam, and a nuun tab in a glass of water, pottered for a bit, then put 2 packs of yoyos and one nut bar in my belt along with my phone. I put another nuun tab in my water bottle and left that at the bottom of the stairs. I did a loop of 10.6 miles, collected my bottle from home, and then did an out and back route. I cut home across the fields (as a treat) but the got a bit lost, and in the end had to run up and down the road for the exact mileage- it was my jantastic timed run- although that takes the time from Strava and has given me a slightly longer time, not sure why.

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20 miles on the dot. It was fine until about mile 16 where I started to slow, but my leg (which has been stiff this week) was fine all the way through. I only ate one pack of yoyos (mile 13 and 14) and then had the almond cereal bar on the fields when I was trying to work out where to go (around mile 18 I think), and finished all my water in that second half. All done. Taper time. Phew.

Are you a fan of pros and cons? Good running this weekend?

Jantastic week 10- when the going gets tough

The tough go to sleep?

So it seems that the 20 mile run last weekend totally wiped me out. We had a walk in the afternoon, and I had a sleep, but the next day I was really stiff.

Monday– Rest day. Walk after work, foam rolling and bath with Epsom salts helped.

Tuesday– OH club run- 5 mile route but reversed so included a big hill. Tough. I kept up with the front girls for the first mile but after that my legs were not playing ball. It was frustrating as even going up the hill my breathing was not challenged but I just could not move my legs any faster. Luckily I packed my torch as two of us ended up running down a pitch black alleyway to get back to the car park (turned out we went the wrong way).

Wednesday– After the day before I ducked out of SRC and opted for a run on my own. Went on the fields but by the end it was totally dark so had to come back via the streets. Got jumped at by a dog- possibly a boxer (my google search of “horrible dog breeds” showed me a few pictures of them)- it had about 6 inches of drool hanging out of its’ mouth and kept jumping up at me. I stopped (I normally stop anyway if I come across a dog off a lead as it seems they find the running more exciting)- anyway the person walking it was saying “heel” in the quietest most un-commanding voice ever. I surprised myself by shouting at him to please control his dog and speak to it in a commanding way so that it actually followed his instructions (normally I am too scared of them setting their dogs on me, but this guy was very drippy in his behaviour and I wanted the dog to stop jumping at me). Honestly I really get annoyed by dog owners who are not responsible (eg who do not pick up dog poo etc)- if your dog can’t be safe off the lead then keep it on a lead- it’s not that complicated!!!!! Rant over.

By the time I got home I was properly shattered and my legs were so tired- another 5 miles done anyway.

Thursday– Pump. In the biceps track I decided to tack some extra weight on the end to see how I would go- my friend commented that she was surprised I was trying it, so I was extra pleased when I got to the end of the track without having to knock them off!

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I was sent some high protein pasta from the folks at My Protein this week, so I had that with pesto, veggies and pine nuts before pump. The pasta is made with pea protein, durum wheat and eggs (which must be free range, as it has the vegetarian society symbol on the website) and is 50% protein. We mixed it with some normal wholewheat pasta as we had some in the kitchen already, but I could not tell the difference in texture or taste. I do like pasta but as I don’t have meat it tends to be a lower protein meal, so a little boost can’t hurt.2015-03-12 17.53.31

I also had a mini panic when I realised this marked 1 month to go.

Friday– Rest. We went into London to see Idlewild- it made us feel old as I think the first time we saw them was about half our lives ago! Anyway, it was fab, but my leg was feeling a bit sore, and so standing for all that time wasn’t good, and walking down the steps at the tube station on the way home was a bit painful.

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Saturday– I had arranged to go to parkrun with my dad, but in the morning I could not decide as my leg/ hip was a bit stiff. I did some jogging in the living room, and soem dynamic things (yes that is the proper term) like leg swings and lunges, and I felt OK, so I decided to go, but tell my dad to run ahead as I needed to take it easier. After the first mile I felt pretty good so decided to speed up a bit. I also just totally loved the run- the sun was shining, there were lambs in the field that was run down through, the lakes at the bottom were beautiful blue colours and glinting in the sun. I even surprised myself by overtaking some people on the final uphill stint- I am not celebrating the act of overtaking (one girl told me “great work” as I ran past her- I love parkrun) but the fact that I was feeling strong enough to take it on. I think it was my third fastest time on that course, not bad at all. Later we walked around town, did some jobs at home, and had a walk in the evening, but the late night combined with a busy week (3 before-work meetings and 3 after work meetings) meant I was totally shattered. We spent a lot of time watching The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt which is just so funny- anything Tina Fey is involved in is great by me, and then watching a lot of Songify the news (have a look here as I can’t explain it)- sort of Flight of the Concords meets Day Today crossed with the trapped in the closet song. Anyway he did the theme tune to the TV show.

Sunday– *Only* 12 miles was on my plan this week, and initially I had grand plans of going further, but that soon changed! I was so tired on Saturday, and looking back I don’t think I have not set an alarm for 3 weeks at least. I have had a few busy weeks at work, and I really think the 20 miler took it out of me more than I initially thought. So I set my alarm as a back up, and ended up waking up at 9.15am after probably nearly 11 hours of sleep. I clearly needed it! I had to map out a route as I hadn’t done that yesterday, so it was gone 10 when I finally set out. I didn’t have breakfast, because I wouldn’t normally for a run of that distance, but looking back I should have, because of the time of day. The first part of the run went fine- I had a bear yoyo at mile 8 and another at mile 9, but then my legs got very stiff (I think actually it is my lower back, but that seems to affect my hamstrings) and I was shuffling for a bit. By the time I got home I had managed 11.96 miles and I felt so shattered that I could not even contemplate running up and down the road to get the full 12. I felt so cold when I got inside, and after getting a drink and an apple I had to sit down for about 20 minutes before I could even get the energy for a shower.

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I made some chocolate pancakes this week- one egg, 5g cocoa powder, 35g buckwheat flour, almond extract and almond milk to make the batter thin enough. Alongside some cooked blueberries, Alpro coconut yoghurt, vegan butterscotch sauce (that little jar is lasting an impressive amount of time) and chocolate pb on the pancakes. I had coconut water while I was cooking them, and a teapigs chocolate flake tea with the pancakes, and still after that had a lie down on the sofa as I felt so awful. I think the last time I felt this way after a run was at the Bath half just over a year ago.

So, 4/4 runs done. 24.9 miles. Long run of 12 miles missed by .04. Next week will be better. And I have learned a lesson- just because I can run 12 miles before breakfast, does not mean that I always should.

Also Garmin keeps failing to upload my run grrr, so I can’t look at that, or on Strava, or log my final Jantastic run of the week. Sigh. I am too tired for all this nonsense!

How do you pick yourself up after a hard run?

Do you like going to see bands?

Do you get scared of dogs on your runs? (Or geese- I don’t like the big white geese either). It’s the one thing that puts me off running around the fields as I see loads more there off leads (even where the cows are, where it says clearly to keep dogs on leads, but no, of course that does not apply to your dog, only all the other dogs…)

Have you watched anything good on TV recently? 

*I was sent the pasta in exchange for a review- all opinions are my own.

Jantastic week 9- home straight

I actually had to go to Strava just now and count the weeks to check that it really was week 9.

So, this week:

Monday- Rest. Sports massage. Cleaning. I felt surprisingly good a day after my 17.6 mile run, but then was ill later on.

Tuesday– Spent the morning sleeping/ having visits to the bathroom. Had toast at lunch and felt a bit better. By the evening fancied some fresh air so had a gentle run across the fields.

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Wednesday– Meetings at work.

Thursday– Meetings at work.

Friday– Walk after work.

Saturday– Parkrun. My second fastest time on that course- most of the mud has now dried so it was much easier to grip.

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I treated myself to a parkrun hoodie this week- it is so soft and cosy- I love it! From wiggle if anyone else is interested.

Sunday– 20.6 miles.  After a shower, a smoothie and pancakes, we had a short walk (probably less than 2 miles) and the I had an afternoon nap- I really needed it!

3/4 runs completed. Joker played (as I missed the 4th run). Distance target of 20 miles done. Weekly total of 27.6 miles- should have been in the 30’s really. But there are still 5 weeks to go.

Yesterday I was not feeling as good as I felt last Monday- I was really surprised by how little my legs ached the next day last week. But I had to do a bit of foam rolling before I went to work as my legs were so stiff. I have not been hobbling, but if I sit for a long time (eg in meetings) standing up again after is interesting to say the least. I had a walk after work, and then a bath (I remembered the salts this time) and that helped loads.

Thanks for all the comments on the last post- I think that probably the 20 mile training run is the sensible choice- even though it doesn’t start until 9.30am, so I won’t be finished until 1.30pm, and home later as I will have to drive, I think the race day rehearsal, water stations and hopefully good atmosphere will help me more than just going out alone.

Next weekend I only (only) had 12 miles on the plan, but I think I might add to this a bit, so that the 20 the weekend after isn’t such a shock, but I will see how I feel as the week goes on.