So Jantastic started this week. In case you didn’t know, it is a (free) motivational challenge organised by the Marathon Talk boys, although this year it’s bigger, better, happier, more productive…. I mean, more companies are involved and stuff. They have linked with Strava, so I have now signed up with them. I was on Daily Mile (I like to see the stats of how many miles per week/month/year) but for 2015 I thought I would start with Strava instead.
In January you pledge how many runs you would like to do each week (I have chosen 4, as that is what I feel I should be doing but it is easy to let the 4th one slide). You can also add other sports like swimming and cycling this year.
In February you do this, and also state the length of your longest run each week, and in March you do both of those things, and predict your time over the distance of your choosing.
The spooky scary cows on my run last Sunday- I ran through that field very fast I can tell you!
Since joining the running club I have been mainly running on a Tuesday with them, so generally my week will be:
Monday: Rest. Possibly a walk if I don’t get home from work too late.
Tuesday: Running club run
Wednesday: Sweatshop run. Run there and back various routes to make it longer.
Thursday: Body pump
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Parkrun
Sunday: Long run on my own or with the club depending on the route.
So before it began I did parkrun on New Year’s Day, then 6 miles on my own on the Friday, a rest on the Saturday, and then on Sunday I was going to go out with the running club, but it was cancelled due to the ice so I went around the fields later on, for 7 muddy miles. The first parkrun back was not the best- better than my 25th one, which perhaps was not such a good idea, but I struggled to get my breath and although I loved it, I was much slower than usual.
But this week I have been getting closer to my normal running self.
On Monday I was home nice and early so we had a walk before dinner.
On Tuesday I did a club run- there were loads of people there, so we paired up and then every now and then ran back to join on the end again, so no-one got too seperated. 4 miles complete.
On Wednesday I went to Sweatshop. My marathon plan said 6 miles, but it started back in December so I am playing a bit of catch up at the moment. I didn’t get home too late, so I left with enough time to run the long way to the shop- 2 miles before it even started. Then 3 fast miles, before running home, for 5.55 miles. Not too shabby, and close enough to my plan to keep me feeling happy.
I won this hand torch on Beki’s blog so I tried it out that evening. I was really impressed- most of our runs are well-lit but in a few areas the trees cast shadows on the pavements so it was helpful then. It has a rear red light too, and an alarm. I don’t think I would take it out all the time, but on club runs I would as I never know the route we are going to do.
Thursday was body pump. This has nothing to do with Jantastic (although I have worked out how to add it onto Strava which I am quite pleased with). Anyway, it was the new release, and I hadn’t been at all in December so it was quite a shock. Plus loads of new people came so it took 75 minutes to get through! The back track was so tough as you had to keep on adding more weight, and although I only finished with my normal weight it felt super super tough.
Friday was a rest day. I went straight out from work and got home at midnight so not even a walk after work.
Saturday was busy. I did parkrun first thing (31.41- beating my 32.19 on 1st Jan)- the weather was actually pretty kind- it was misting with rain (not even drizzling) on the drive there, but after the first km it stopped. There was wind, strong wind, but we were running into the wind on the downhills, and the wind was behind us for the final uphill slog to the finish. I treated myself to a chai latte from the coffee van, as I was pretty cold and had to walk back to the car. After driving home (in the pouring rain- it waited until I got back to the car at least), having a shower and some porridge, we went into town to pick up an online shopping order, and then after lunch we walked up to the shops as Andy had ordered something to be delivered to the amazon lockers (which by the way are the best invention). I was pretty shattered after all that walking (we probably walked about 4 or 5 miles).
Sunday I was up early but this time opted for a solo run. I am so behind on my marathon talk listening that I heard my “rate your run” from the Brighton 10K back in November! It was beautiful weather- cold, but clear and bright, although as I ran the wind picked up and my last couple of miles were quite tough. I just wanted to get some distance under my belt, as I have a 10 mile race next weekend. Originally my plan said 11 miles for this weekend, but that was with longer runs the previous weekends. Anyway, in the end I did 9 miles so I am really happy with that. It wasn’t my fastest (in fact it took me the same time as my last 10 mile race) but the distance is what counts at the moment. I needed the confidence before next weekend that I can do 10 miles, and they have a 2 hour cut off so I was a bit worried that if I needed to walk I wouldn’t make it.
So, week 1 done. 4 runs completed (and logged- peeps if you are doing Jantastic don’t forget to log your runs) for a total of 21.9 mile (how I love Strava for all their stats) and a much more optimistic feel about marathon training now. Phew.
How has Jantastic been for you?
Anyone else on Strava? Which websites do you like to use to track workouts?