Hey peeps, I hope you all have had a good weekend.
First up, I can’t remember I forgot to mention this before. The last parkrun I did with my dad and brother, I had a rather embarrassing moment. You have to park a bit of a way from the start line, so we tend to bring a carrier bag and leave our coats and a bottle of water in the bag while we run, to keep us warm on the way back to the car. It was a cold morning so my dad also had a scarf with him, and as we were sorting out things out I realised that his scarf was right next to a big pile of dog poo (yup, how lovely) so I picked up all our bags and moved them. Then someone from SRC came over to leave her bits with ours, and we were chatting- I had noticed that one bag was a drawstring fabric bag and not a carrier bag, and I briefly thought that it was better to bring that than my old carrier bag, but I didn’t pay much attention. Then as I was moving the bits to a better (cleaner) spot a guy came over and asked for his bag back! Whoops! I had managed to pick his (Chelsea) bag up along with all of our bits. Luckily he was OK about it, but I was so embarrassed! Not sure why it didn’t register, especially as both Dad and my brother had on Watford hats! Anyway, that was a few weeks ago now.
Onto this week. Monday was a rest day, after all those runs and workouts in a row last week. I did some cleaning at home, and we had a short walk in the evening.
Tuesday– I had no meeting after work, so I got home quickly and headed out for a 7 mile run. I was contemplating my usual 7 mile route, but some of it is not that nice after dark, so I did 2 laps nearer home, adding a bit on at the end to make it up.I thought it was going to be really cold, but it wasn’t too bad. Weird to think that a month ago this was my long run length, and now it’s a midweek after work run.
Wednesday– We were going to see Andy’s parents in the evening, so as soon as I got home I did 3 miles- no SRC this week.
Thursday– I tried to book onto pump but it was full (apparently). I had a sore throat and had a busy day with work to do in the evening, so we had a walk after dinner in the freezing cold before I finished my work.
Friday– Rest day.
Saturday– Off to parkrun. I was originally going to do St Albans, as we were meeting friends for brunch at 10, but they cancelled as they had a bit of snow, so I went to Panshanger instead. This turned out to be brilliant – the founder of parkrun, Paul Sinton-Hewitt (there is a little background to how he started it all here) was there- he ran it (he is very speedy) and then went to the final corner, just before the final horrible hill, and was cheering everyone on. What a great community. I love it. The run itself was pretty tough- my sore throat had turned into a little bit of a cold, so I kept having to slow down to use tissues, plus the ground was very icy in places, so I didn’t push it. I also kept telling myself “you have to run 14 miles tomorrow, don’t go crazy”. 32.04, fairly slow for me on that course but I wasn’t taking any chances.

As our breakfast had been cancelled, I persuaded Andy that we should still go, but for lunch instead. We popped into town to collect some shopping we had ordered, and then headed to The Waffle House- yay. Hummus and avocado for me, and pulled pork for Andy (he was very happy that it was on special as they don’t have that one all the time). So cosy.
Sunday– The plan said 14 miles. I had decided on a couple of loops- my usual loop is around 8 miles, so I decided to do that once, and then go out until 11 miles (so 3 more) then turn around and come home to total 14. It was a run of three thirds (a new saying). The first third was good. It was cold, but no rain (which had been forecast) and I saw loads of running groups out, including the fit 4 fitness group, and someone wearing a Fred Hughes 10 t-shirt. Plus all the runners I saw were friendly. I listened to the end of one marathon talk podcast, and then a documentary about subliminal advertising (the one before The Infinite Monkey Cage last week). But then the wind picked up, or I noticed it more, and I came to a hill that I do not like. I really felt like I was running through treacle or something. Each time I looked at my watch it seemed to say 11-something, although with hindsight that is because I was either stopped waiting to cross a road, or using a tissue, or putting a tissue in a bin. Getting close to home, but knowing I had another 6 miles to do was also tough. And it rained briefly. And I started to feel hungry. Another marathon talk started, with Boy on the Run’s take on the Ghostbusters song (for Jantastic), and that lifted my spirits a bit. The final part of the run was really a battle with my mind, and I am sure I have more of those to come. Seeing my watch flash for 13 miles at around 2.20 was also a bit depressing, but then I told myself that I am not running this at pb pace, and that would be a respectable half time for me anyway. Those thoughts took up the last ten minutes! I was very glad to finally make it home. All in all, the 14 miles took me 2 and a half hours (although moving time was 2.20). Which initially I felt fed up with, but Strava was my saviour. My miles were wither 9 something or 10 something, and my slowest (mile 13, including another horrible hill) was 10.31- not bad at all. All I want ultimately is a sub 5 hour marathon, and so I would have another 2 and a half hours to run another 12 miles. Should be doable. But it was a bit of a wobbly moment for me then.
I felt pretty shattered after that. I had an apple and a nuun tab in water as soon as I got in, then a hot shower (which always gives me very itchy and red skin in cold weather, but I needed to warm up) and then French toast with blueberries, and also some of the most amazing butterscotch sauce which you can get here (it is divine) and a teapigs chocolate flake tea. And coconut water while I was cooking. Then I started to feel human again! I had to pop out to the shops later, so treated myself to a hot chocolate with almond syrup. Then, bliss.

Laying on the bed, watching rubbish on netflicks, with some tea bread and the rest of the coconut water. I tried to have a nap, but I am not one for daytime sleeping and it didn’t work.

A baked sweet potato with hummus, salad and some cranberry and apple chutney was an easy dinner (Andy was out so I had to fend for myself which often results in toast).
So, onto February. My weekly distance targets are set. I am still going for 4 runs a week, but I might have to play a joker at some point as we have two weekends away and I am not sure when I will fit the runs around at that point. I am just hoping that this cold clears up soon as it is no fun running with.
How has January been for you? Is Jantastic going well? Are you a nap person?