So here is me thinking I have not bought anything in the sales. Well, it turns out I have bought more than I thought! Online shopping means it is easy to order things quickly, without a 3 hour battle for a car parking space, or a long queue at the checkout. Today the door went twice- first of all were my new trainers from Sweatshop;
They are too pretty and clean to wear outside in the grey slush and mud!
Then it was my parcel from Wiggle;
My waist pack for water and some clif bars.
Also I took a picture of the bargains I picked up yesterday;
A silver sparkly scarf and a trio of measuring cups from Waitrose (I saw them in M&S but didn’t get them)- there is a 1cup, 1/2 cup and 1/4 cup that all fit inside each other.
I have also ordered a dress from Animal which has yet to come, so in fact I have bought quite a lot of things!
This morning after breakfast I was off on a long run. I decided to try out my new waist pack, and was pleased that my old bottle (which even though I wash it in the dishwasher still smells slightly of squash due to me having Nuun in it) fitted in the bottle holder. I could not decide where to wear it- I started off with the bottle in the small of my back, and kept on needing to tighten the straps as I ran as I had made it too loose at home. This was not really uncomfortable, but it was great either, so I ended up sliding it around so the bottle rested on the back of my left hip- that seemed to make it bounce less and also meant it was easier to get the bottle in and out. Andy told me before I set off (in a sarcastic tone) “you look cool- how far are you going?”- I feel I would like a sign that says “I am running 8 miles” so people do not think I am out for a 20 minute jog with all the gear! Anyway, it was much better than getting an aching shoulder after carrying a bottle in my hand the whole way. My run was a steady 8.5 miles, in 93 minutes (with a few stops to cross the roads)- around the park and back while listening to the marathon talk podcast review of the year- I was again laughing out loud at points. If you have not listened to one yet then I really recommend it- it’s informative, funny, light-hearted, interesting, inspiring, and helps the miles fly by.
I did not try the new shoes as they were too pretty to get covered in goose poo (I ran to the park if you didn’t guess). I logged into Nike+ the other day and it was so funny- I have the sound off on the laptop and suddenly a video of Paula Radcliffe popped up. I put on the sound and played it again and it was because I had run 500 miles! I had not even noticed. But those 500 miles have been in the same pair of shoes, so no wonder I needed some new ones!
This afternoon I am mainly relaxing- watching Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs, and maybe making some spiced nuts. By the way, I had the easiest meal the other day- (for 2 of us) we cooked 2 sweet potatoes (in microwave and then finished in the oven), heated a pot of Sainsburys fresh 3 bean soup (it is tomato soup with beans and veggies but it is thick, like chilli)- had this on the sweet potato with some salad. Amazing, so lazy but much nicer than a ready meal!
Later, dudes
Great sales purchases. I’ve often thought about getting one of those bottle holders – I’m definitely going to need something when I start training again, last year I got sick of holding my bottle and having to refill at a shop on my long runs. I think a camel pak may be in order!
I have label envy. I’m a sucker for North Face!
Great tip on dinner — I didn’t know what to have this evening, as I’m working through random leftovers, but I have sweet potatoes and ingredients for some kind of bean soup. Great idea!
Ooh those shoes look nice! What are they?
Wow 500 miles is pretty good! I’ve no idea what my mileage is- I wish I’d kept track!
I’m glad you got on okay with the bottle, I had a brief try with a Karrimor one but it didn’t go too well! I found it bounced all over the shop!
New shoes look very very pretty and definitely too pristine to be subjected to Goose Poo quite yet!!!
Laura- I was a bit dubious about the waist pack but once it was in a comfy place it was fine and so much better than carrying a water bottle.
Glad you liked the dinner idea too- it was tasty 

Alison- it was fairly cheap on wiggle- they have bargains all the time!
Emma- its Nike+ that keeps track of mileage which is pretty useful, otherwise I would have no idea and would guess at about 200 miles! I will edit a link to the shoes in the post
Rose-it did bounce when it was in my back but once I had tightened it and turned it around a bit it was fine.:)
Those are good bargain buys! I’v not really had many this year, I’v bought quite a few things that are too small with the hopes of fitting into them soon. I always scoff at people who do this, thinking that its ridiculous to buy things you will probably never fit into, but I’m a woman on a mission, hopefully in a months time I’ll be a size down, so buying stuff I could only wear a month is silly, right? That is the theory anyway!
I have done that before, but then they dont always fit my shape once I fit them anyway, so I try not to! Nothing wrong with it though