Lovely innocent


Ages ago I signed up the the innocent smoothie email (if you are not signed up then I suggest you do)- and every now and then they do little random acts of kindness (got some mistletoe sent in the post once!). A while back there was a link to get free innocent veg pots for your office, so I signed up and promptly forgot all about it. Well, they arrived today!

They delivered ten for the school (when you signed up you had to say how many people worked in your office and I didn’t think they would send enough for all the staff- near on 80!)- 4 of these ones, 4 curry ones and 2 mushroom risottos! I had already made my lunch so I bagsied one to take home and enjoy another day. But it made a few people pretty happy at lunch- plus we got some money off voucher- love it 🙂

This morning I tried the cranberry and raspberry porridge;

It doesn’t show up too much in the picture but the berries were so pink and pretty. I thought it might be quite tart, as the only sugar is in the sweetened cranberries, but actually it was lovely, really thick and creamy, and a delicious flavour. I think it would be lovely with some mixed spice in it too.

After work I popped to the shops to pick up some bits, (including some more Christmas shopping- presents for all the parent helpers, kids etc) and in desperation went to Boots to see if they had anything for my poor toes. They actually sell chillblain cream, so I got some and I will be applying it as often as possible from now on! I also got some new thermal socks (20% off in Sainsburys) so I am having a mulit-pronged approach!  I also spent my Boots points (I am such a hoarder) on some Clinique Comfort on call cream. I get such dry skin in this weather, and I think the tub has lasted me 2 years, so as it was running right out I decided it was worthy of my points! I always like to get something worthwhile with them, I don’t like to spend the points on lots of little things, which is silly as it all adds up to the same in the end! Anyone the same with their loyalty points?

After all that it was time for something quick and warming (I suppose I could have had the veg pot but I had a load of veg in the fridge to use up)- a bean burger and some aubergine, courgette and beetroot with tomato quinoa. Yummy.

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14 thoughts on “Lovely innocent”

  1. You are so good at taking advantage of deals and offers and points and things! I must do better in following your example..

    I am going to admit very quietly though that I don’t like the Innocent veg pots. I find them bland (and pricey!) Your quinoa looks fab though! You see, homemade cooking every time 🙂

    1. Yes- I love all the deals! We are using our tescos club points to get free cinema tickets- £3 of vouchers for an adult cineworld ticker- bargain! 🙂
      I am fussy with the veg pots- I had a beetroot quinoa one, and a mexican chilli one which I loved, but then after having them I try to make my own as its cheaper and has the stuff I love! But for a quick lunch (esp for parents evening nights to stop the tummy rumbling during meetings) they are ideal (if no time to make my own). I do think they are expensive (I have a sandwich and fruit for lunch though- home made so dont spend much on lunch)- but they give me ideas for flavours too! And not bad for free 🙂

  2. I too like to hoard my points and then use them on something that is normally too expensive to consider!

    I’m currently loving the Dorset Cereals bars – only about 125 cals each and great for an energy boost an hr or so before a run.


    1. Oooh have not tried their cereal bars- I used to like the chunky slices but havent seen them in the shops for ages- they did a date pecan one which was amazing- will look out for them

    1. Yeah you should- the emails are always a bit “wacky” but they have links, andof course the freebies are great 🙂

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