Hello all.
This week for WIAW I chose Monday as my day. It has been pretty cold here so as you will see I have been consuming my weights in tea to keep warm.
Wholemeal toast with nut butter and apple and mango jam, plus mint tea. Not the best breakfast but I had an appointment with Occupational Health and I was again a bit nervous (about driving there and about the actual appointment).
Lovely peanut butter clif bar, and some vanilla and lemongrass tea to calm me down once I got back from the appointment (which ended up being fine although I hate driving/ parking somewhere new and I could not work out their map, and then got told I should have parked in the disabled bay!).
I had a little walk, but that turned out to be not a good idea as I got in a bit of pain and had to sit on a bench for ages before I could walk the last bit home.
Coconut pancakes with coconut chocolate spread, microwaved apple with cinnamon, clementines and (I think ) Teapigs spiced red winter tea. For the pancakes I used this recipe, only I used egg replacer (and only made half), used soya milk instead of coconut milk as I didn’t have any, plus I left out the sugar. They were tasty and very coconutty, but not that filling.
Afternoon snack:
I heated up some chocolate soya milk, and had it with some grapes. This chocolate milk (provamel) is very very sweet, so be warned.
Another mystery dinner (eg something from the freezer defrosted). This turned out to be some chickpea stew which I had with a some tofu marinated in mango/chilli/lime sauce (which did not go very crispy- need to practise this I think!). Plus mandarin and ginger tea.
Rooibos tea and a chocolate peanut butter brownie.
I do wonder how many different types of tea I have! I keep seeing Orange and Coconut tea online, but I have yet to find it in the shops. What is your favourite unusual flavour of tea/ other drink?
Thanks as always to Jenn for organising the link-up- pop over to her website to have a nose. 🙂

The orange and coconut clippers is lovely! If I find some soon I’ll get you a box and post it down. I think I must have about 20 different teas, I just can’t help myself, sometimes I’m just in the mood for different ones and I even like to match them with my meals some times! Glad your appointment was ok x
Thanks Laura, that is very kind of you. I know I think I like the variety and even though our cupboard is full I still like to have a browse at all the teas in the shops. I keep seeing apple/ cinnamon ones too so I once I have finished my current box of fruity ones I might treat myself.
I think I must be the only person who doesn’t like those clif bars – they taste really off to me for some reason! My favourite odd tea flavour of the moment is the pukka licorice and cinnamon. It tastes more like cardamom than cinnamon but is still lovely.
Great WIAW post! I’m a huge tea fan, especially when it’s cold. A weird one I have right now is Mint Chocolate tea. It sounds much better then it actually is. Kind of bland actually.
I’ve never truly mastered the art of cooking nice crispy tofu either, so if you have any tips, I’d love to hear them!
I get through so much tea at this time of year, but just the plain variety. English breakfast or Earl Grey, I stick to the classics!
I love orange and coconut tea – it’s my favourite! I’m not a huge coconut fan, but the flavour is really subtle and sweet. I’ve been drinking loads of tea to keep warm too – our office is so cold!
I often let my tofu get too crispy (I get distracted by blogging!). I usually cut it up quite small so that it dries out and gets crispy on the outside.
Orange and coconut tea sounds interesting! I stick to basics– black tea, rooibos, chamomile… sorry about the stressful appointment, was it helpful?
Glad the appointment wasn’t too bad 🙂
I’m not a huge fan of herbal tea but I like green – and I love the Yogi choco Aztec one; it’s so warming and delicious. I’ve been downing gallons of hot drinks too all week but mainly coffee, which isn’t so good. My favourite is the Whittards amaretto flavour though… it makes the whole house smell great!
I feel for you with the driving/parking somewhere new thing! My sisters and mum clubbed together to buy me a satnav…but I still get lost all the time! I’ve got absolutely no sense of direction!
I’m finding that it’s way too cold for water at the mo, so like you, I’m drinking a lot of tea. My absolute favourite tea (and one that I often crave) is nettle tea. I must have strange taste buds as I absolutely love the taste of nettle tea.. and most people I know hate it!
I am catching up, but I am glad the appointment was okay! That clif bar flavor is a good one… among my favorites! Also that tea combination sounds like one I would adore 🙂
I love having a nice variety of teas at hand and love to try new and interesting flavours…yum!
Thanks 🙂 The appointment was fine in the end- glad I went anyway.
Nada I love cardamom in things (chai tea) and licorice teas are always lovely too.
Sarah I will have to keep practising with the tofu- I did slice it thin but probably need to cook it much longer I suppose.
Sometimes a cup of tea makes everything better!
Ive also tried these cliff bars and didnt like them at all! My favourite drink right now is barley caro! x