And relax!

This post may not turn out to be that coherent (compared to normal)- we shall see.

I have just had a really busy week and feel like I will need the entire weekend to catch up. Today I got home at 6, had to take Andy to the station and then came home and did a couple more hours of work. Then I did some tidying (our house gets very messy when I run out of time) and have now put on some scented candles to help me relax.

Including this candle, which Airwick have sent to me to for my blog as they have a big range of air freshener products. I can’t take photos of candles burning, it just does not work. There is something calming and cosy about the flame on a candle, and I love scented candles, especially spicy or citrus ones.

Normally if we are both home on a Friday night we listen to the film podcast, Andy cooks dinner (sausage and bean bake for him, and plain bean bake for me with some sourdough) and we watch a film. I had grand plans for dinner- first it was going to be polenta, then I downgraded it to avocado pasta, but then the time came and I was hungry and busy so I went for the easiest option- toast with sundried tomato pesto, avocado and a little basil oil. Oh, and a splodge of hummus. Andy would tell me off for having toast for dinner- shh!

I realised earlier in the week I didn;t even do a Jantastic review of week 2, and now week 3 is nearly over, so I will combine them over the weekend I think.

Last week I raved about my new compression socks (from Running skirts UK if you are interested)- the pink ones are fab- the feet parts are sort of padded and patterned (hopefully you can see that in the photo). The green ones are more like normal socks- they still have the markings on them but not as much detail. So go for pink if you get some.

Check out the grip on these babies!

I have been on the hunt for trail shoes for a while now- I love running across the fields near me but recently they have been a nightmare due to all the mud. Plus when I did the Ware 10 mile race it was great but some of it was so slippery I needed ski poles- my road shoes are not cutting it! I have looked for ages- I had John Lewis vouchers so wanted to use them, but the shoes in the sale were not the right size, and they didn’t have any other trail shoes, so in the end I ordered from Wiggle. I love Wiggle- free postage and good prices, but they always include a packet of haribo in with whatever you order, which annoys me, as for one, they are not vegetarian, but also why not something more sporty? Anyway, this time as well as the obligatory sweetie packet, there was also a High5 energy bar- it looked a bit “fake” but the ingredients are dates, sultanas, cashew nuts, chocolate chips, sunflower seeds and a few other bits- not too shabby. I look forward to sampling it.

Finally I have a question. I have signed up to Daily Mile, and now when I plug my Garmin in to my computer it will synch and find new workouts. But even if I have previously uploaded a run to my Garmin dashboard, Dailymile won’t seem to be able to find it (eg if I forget to log it right away). Am I doing it wrong? I don’t normally plug in my Garmin after each time I use it as it is a bit of a faff. Or, can I log something on there that is not from my Garmin?

Plans for the weekend?

I am not going to Parkrun this weekend as I need to run around 8 miles, and should not be running 2 days in a row, plus the weather for Sunday looks pretty bad so I am going to go out tomorrow morning. Other than that I have some work to do but also some relaxing to catch up on. Have a good one!

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12 thoughts on “And relax!”

  1. Those are a brilliant choice of trail shoes 😀 They look like the updated version of the ones I wore for this race back in 2011:

    They were the best pair of trail shoes I ever had, by far. Sadly the newer versions were all too narrow for my toes and too wide at the ankle, so I currently don’t have a trail shoe. They make such a difference running on slippy/muddy surfaces though.

    I will warn you that those bars are super, super-sweet! I had a different one in a race pack once (it was just dates and peanuts I think) and because I had a long wait to get home before lunch I tried I bit…wow, if something is too sweet for me then it must be off the scale for everyone else.

    Enjoy your run! Sunday looks like pretty horrible weather everywhere I think, so definitely wise to get it done on Saturday.


    1. I have a sweet tooth! But it is only small so hopefully it will be ok. The shoes felt good when I tried them and also had rave reviews – just want good grip really for the mud.

  2. Whenever Dan goes away I always have great plans as to what I can make that he wouldn’t touch (normally a vegetarian dish). But when it comes down to it, cooking for one isn’t as fun and I always end up with half a meal or something really easy!
    Those socks look fab. I’ve never had compression socks but have heard lots of good things from people.
    Yay for the beautiful trail shoes, although be prepared to have to clean them all the time! I’ve got two pairs in rotation and although they do make running so much easier across the mud they take so long to clean!

    1. Cleaning shoes? What is this?? I have not heard of that! I just bang them together to get the dried mud off!
      Glad it is not just me that downgrades when cooking for one!

  3. Love those socks, looks like they are having a sale to … mmmmmm end of month coming up 😉
    Busy running around this weekend, kids haircuts, kids birthday parties, possibly spin class for Jared if someone cancels (its the gym open day to introduce the latest Body Pump/Balance/Combat/etc releases). With all the running around I miss Pump & Balance but have booked for this week when there is no stress. Have a fab weekend x

  4. I didn’t know Daily Mile could pick up the Garmin upload. I’ve always had to do it manually? Which is why I always forget about daily mile…
    Ooh the trail shoes look great. I need to do more trips. Probably be better for my knee! I love the adventure sense I get from it as well, and the achievement. You know you’ve had a good run when you’re covered in mud!

    1. Yes at the top you can synch it- first time it took ages as it found every run I had ever done on my garmin! I have not worked out how to add them any other way!
      Yes trail running is meant to be better for joints. Plus the uneven surface helps work other muscles too. I love the fields as they are away from traffic too.

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