
Hey peeps

How is it Wednesday already???

I shall re-wind to the weekend. When we landed I went to get us some lunch while Andy waited for our bag, and whilst browsing the M&S sandwiches I realised I didn’t have anything for lunch the next day. We were going to go to the shops on the way home but we landed too late for that.

So I picked up a lovely salad- lentils, cous cous, sundried tomatoes and goats cheese, and had that (along with an apple in my owl box) for lunch on Monday.

On Monday evening I got home and realised I had nothing for dinner. Dearie me. We had booked a shop for Tuesday evening but in my mind that was Tuesday’s food sorted and I had forgotten about Monday. I was going to go on a run anyway and Andy jokingly said I should run to the shops. Well, why not? I stuck my card in my pocket and headed out. I had really stiff calves- perhaps sitting down on the plane on Sunday was not too good for them, so I took it easy, and it was nice to have a wander around the shop half way through my run (in my cool high viz vest of course).

I was just going to get some salad and hummus as I had some falafels in the fridge, but I saw this tea (chocolate orange rooibos tea) and could not resist- I had to buy light things so they would not bother me while I was running, and so these fit the bill perfectly!

I also remembered my love for dried mango. I posted about some gorgeous dried mango infused with lime oil (from Sainsbury’s) before, but it contained sulphur dioxide as a preservative, which gives me tummy ache. I bought some from Pret the other day to take with me on holiday, and found a pack in the bottom of my bag today which was very exciting as I thought I ate all the packs. I ordered some Forest feast mango as they also produce it without preservative so I shall look forward to some of these as afternoon snacks.

Tonight I went to Sweatshop- it has been too long! I went perhaps a month ago, but then I missed several weeks due to work, work, and then a holiday. It wasn’t my fastest time, but I didn’t want to push too hard before Sunday, plus it was nice to run and catch up with some of the regulars there.

Body pump might not be on tomorrow so I am pondering on what to do for the rest of the week, although I did realise that it has been off (or I have missed it) before my two fastest half marathons, so it might not be a bad thing to give my legs a rest this week. Yoga and a walk might be in order instead.

How is your week going?

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15 thoughts on “Multi-tasking”

  1. oooh I love mango, I grew up eating the ones with loads of fibres that would get stuck in your teeth … fun for the rest of the day getting those out 😉

    Definitely save your legs for the weekend and no pump.

  2. Like I said on Daily Mile, such a great way to multitask! And also make sure you don’t buy too much.
    When we flew to Mexico I wore my compression socks on the flight and that really helped. Otherwise I find my feet swell!
    Yay for being back at Sweatshop. I’m back at running club and it’s just brilliant. Running with other people makes things so much easier and I love catching up with the guys. I just hate getting back so late and rushing through dinner and going to bed feeling rather full and very awake.

    1. That is a good idea about the compression socks- I have never thought of that but I suppose they are the same as the flight socks you can get.

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