Not quite s’mores!

So, I mentioned the other week that I bought some vegetarian marshmallows, and that I should try making s’mores with them. More on that in a minute! A few weeks ago I had a cough, but it had pretty much gone when I did the 5 mile race the other weekend.

2014-11-30 21.08.34

After that, I headed into London to meet Andy, and we had a wander, saw the lights, had some dinner and then watched Aziz Ansari (a comedian).

Anyway, that week I ran with my new club, and also on Wednesday with Sweatshop, and felt OK. But on the Thursday morning I woke up, was coughing loads, and my voice has pretty much gone too. So, I didn’t go to pump, and have been trying to rest ever since. I was a bit grumpy at the weekend- I was looking forward to parkrun- it as going to be my 25th so I would be half way to 50 (and that was my target for the end of this year).

2014-12-06 15.59.36


I did have a festive afternoon tea with some friends, which was great for a catch up, but when I got home I felt so awful I just had to lie down.ย 2014-12-06 15.59.27

I also was going to do a long run on Sunday, but no, I could not really walk very far without an awful coughing fit.

So, onto the s’mores. I got home today completely exhausted, and decided to attempt them. I had no biscuits or chocolate (or open fire…), so I put some nutella on some raisin ryvita, broke a marshmallow in half and put it on the top, and then microwaved for 20 seconds. Well, the marshmallow sort of exploded- I thought it would just melt!

2014-12-09 17.12.22So, lesson learnt!

Right, I am off to feel sorry for myself with all this coughing, and taunt myself by reading about all the running that others are doing that I can’t!

Although, silver linings- we may decorate our Christmas tree this evening- look on the bright side eh?

Any microwave disasters?


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22 thoughts on “Not quite s’mores!”

  1. egg + me + microwave = total disaster ๐Ÿ™‚

    Just before bed time, rub vicks under your feet, put on some socks. I find that helps with the coughing (works for me & the kids). Feel better soon xx

  2. Hope you feel better soon! I had a similar awful chest cold a while back and it took me a few weeks to recover. I once put maltesers in the microwave as a kid, they burnt and set the smoke alarm off ha.

  3. I love your idea for s’mores! If anything they actually sound nicer than the authentic version – raisins + chocolate = heaven.

    Luckily I haven’t had any microwave disasters, but that’s because I’m paranoid about the thing, so I rarely use it…yes, I am actually scared of microwaves!

    I do hope you feel better soon – it sounds as though you have the same nasty bug that I had up until last week, and it’s no joke. Take care!


  4. Hope your cough gets better. It’s such a lingering thing isn’t it? I’d hate getting a cold or flu because the cough is always the last thing to go and can keep me up at night.
    Those marshmallows you mentioned in this post (and your previous post) were just far too tempting. I am ordering some for Ben as a surprise sneaky present for Christmas. Hopefully he might share a nibble with me ๐Ÿ˜‰ When I was at university we used to toast marshmallows on the hob of the oven – nothing beats the gooey, melty, scorched taste of a toasted marshmallow. It’s a shame yours didn’t go quite to plan!

  5. poor you, it’s horrid when you’re coughing all the time and can’t even sleep properly ๐Ÿ™

    We once had some indian contractors working for us, they bought some onion bhajis in M&S and put them in the microwave for 30 mins (the coooking instruction for a normal oven!!). The smoke pouring out of the kitchen alerted us about 10 mins in but the office smelt of burnt bhaji for months and the microwave was never the same again!!!


    1. I have some bowls that are good for porridge as they seem to hold the heat well, but if I run out of those the porridge might overflow!

  6. Hope you’re feeling better soon. I hate feeling rubbish and not enjoying doing anything, especially at this time of year.
    I don’t think I’ve had any major microwave disasters…just the usual slight bubble over of soup/etc! I would have assumed that the marshmallows would melt rather than explode too. Luckily we have a woodburner so we toast marshmallows inside on kebab sticks and lay chestnuts on the top for roasting.

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