Brighton Half Marathon 2025

I’ve completed this race so many times now, I really do enjoy it. Any excuse for a reason for a weekend in Brighton is good by me, but the course is always good (running by the sea) and the support is always fantastic from the locals.

This time the weather was pretty amazing- sunny with a gentle breeze. It had been frosty on the Saturday morning, but it was not frosty on Sunday. Andy was running this year too, which meant I took a jacket to tie around my waist so I had something to wear at the end, as usually he would meet me at the finish with another layer to put on. I get cold very quickly when I stop so I knew I’d need something and didn’t want to use the bag drop. After not wearing sunglasses to parkrun the previous morning, I knew I would wear them for this run, and at the last minute decided on a visor too- I was glad of both of these as it was so sunny the entire time.

The race had a new start/finish area on Hove Lawns this year, which worked so much better than the previous start area of Madeira Drive- there is a lot of work going on restoring the arches at Madeira Drive so I think that was why, but the Hove Lawns area was so much wider. Often it is so congested and it’s hard to get past the queues of people at the port-a-loos, and it can take a good 30 mins to get out of the finish area. This year was a lot better so I hope they keep it in the future.

Back to the morning- our hotel was less than a mile walk along the seafront to the start, so we left the hotel at around 8:45 with the race starting at 9:30. We were not using the bag drop or anything, so just had to get into our start pens before it began. On the walk we saw some people riding penny farthings- I remembered seeing them last year out on the route while I was running it, so this must be some sort of tradition!

The penny farthings, before the start, heading to Hove Lawns

Andy is a quicker runner than I am, but we started in the same pen so we could chat up until the start. I decided to let the runners go so I stood to one side (I was in the sub 2 hour pen, which was not a time I would be running! I have done that once but it’s probably a never again!)- I didn’t fancy being swept up by all the faster runners.

The route covered pretty much the same ground, but in a different order. Previously you head east along the coast first, then do the out and back in the city centre, and finish by heading out to Hove and back.

A few pictures from the route, and Joe Wilkinson starting off the race (before joining at the back- I saw him at one of the out and back sections too)

This year, we ran into the town first, then headed east along the coast (this is the trickiest bit as it’s uphill and the road has quite a camber), back to the centre, then you had a small out and back along Madeira Drive, you then ran along west towards Hove, and then looped around to head to the finish. Usually when you turn at Hove you have a parkrun to go, but this time it was around 1.5 miles so I quite liked that we were closer to the finish at this point.

A few more photos from the race

I’d looked at my time from last year and decided to aim for a similar time- between 2:10 and 2:15 would be realistic. This meant I needed to hover around 10 minute miles, so every now and then I would glance at my watch and I was always below that pace. I think starting in the faster pen meant I got a bit swept along with all the speedier runners.

I enjoyed the out and back sections- if you know someone running it’s always fun to look out for them. Andy saw me as I was heading up the coast, and I saw him at Madeira Drive, so that was nice. I enjoyed seeing the various supporter signs, running club vests and of course just looking out to sea and enjoying the views.

I usually get a drink at the turn around point, but realised after not having anything at the penultimate one that because the start and finish had moved, the water stations were in different places. I was struggling a bit by the time I got into Hove, and made myself stop and walk and drink the whole cup of water- this was at the 11 mile mark. Around this point we were all held back for a few moments while bin lorries drove across the course- it was a bit confusing as marshals were stopping us but other people were shouting “keep going”- I think they were supporters just being encouraging, but after running 11 miles and being tired it wasn’t easy to register what was going on!

Anyway, after the water I felt a bit better (I had a very dry throat, which I put down to being thirsty, but in fact this week I lost my voice and am now getting a bit of a cold, so I think that was actually what was happening with my throat there) and as we turned it was around 1.5 miles to go. I enjoyed this bit, looking at the beach huts, thinking about the parts of Hove Prom parkrun that we were running on, and soon we were being directed into the finish chute. This was actually quite a long chute so I was very relieved when we finally got under the finish arch. My official time was 2:11:06 so I am very pleased with that (last year was 2:13:59). Looking at my splits only miles 11 and 12 were in the tens- where I walked to have some water and then took a while to get going again, the rest were sub 10 min miles.

Medal, pancakes with tofu scramble and blueberries (we shared this as we knew we’d have an early dinner) and the sea

I should have put my jacket on right away, but instead I got my medal, can of water and banana, and then wandered about trying to find a good place to take a photo (as it was so crowded). Andy had messaged to say he was back at the hotel, and I had decided to head into Bird and Blend to get a tea for the walk back. After taking a photo I was just soooooo cold. I put my jacket on but that was probably too late, and then in B&B there was a bit queue so I had to wait ages for them to make my drink.

I made sure I stretched while I was standing and waiting at least!

Pavilion seen during our post half marathon walk, Nowhere Man mirror (for the best pancakes), B&B tea and marmite fries.

After a shower in the hotel we headed out to get some pancakes (for who knows what- brunch/ lunch?), and then a bit later on we had the star of the weekend, marmite waffle fries from Oowee! We stayed until the Monday, so we had a nice seafront walk in the morning before heading home- very nice not to have to rush back on the same day.

All in all, a great weekend. I’ve not signed up to 2026 just yet, but I am sure it won’t be long before I do!

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2 thoughts on “Brighton Half Marathon 2025”

  1. Sounds like great fun! Looking forward to it next year. I’m also debating the Cambridge half, but this year Brighton and Cambridge were a week apart and if it’s the same again next year, I’m not sure I fancy two halves in the space of a week! Well done on your time too.

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