A better sports massage

But first up, the rest of the week. On Wednesday instead of Sweatshop we went to the cinema to see Twelve Years a Slave (well we were going to see Anchorman but it was on too late for a school night). Now, I am not someone into romantic comedies, and I do like films based on true stories. But this film felt exhausting from beginning to end. I hope this is not a spoiler (but if you are worried then skip down to the next paragraph) but when it finished all I wanted to do was watch Django Unchained to see slaves getting some retribution. It was very claustrophobic to watch, and worse as it is all true (and apparently toned down for the film).

On Thursday I went to pump and upped my weights a bit as I have been feeling fine. Oh my word that shoulder track is so tough. I wimped out and kept the lightest weight but have promised next week I will go up one- not sure how I am going to manage that! The lunges were even more painful and I had to stop- I thought it was because I had chosen a heavier weight but then our instructor realised she had swapped legs too late- no wonder the first leg was so tough! When I got home I had a hot chocolate and some mango and papaya.

On Friday after work it was time for run number 2 of the week- I did 3.6 miles in the end, and was pleased as I managed to keep my average pace as 9.58- just sneaking in under the 10 mark! It was so cold and my legs felt like lead (a combination of post pump legs and the cold air I think) so I was even more pleased to have managed it. Then after dinner we watched The Little Mermaid and enjoyed some of this gorgeous vanilla and coconut popcorn.

This morning I was off for my sports massage- I was super nervous but when I got there I explained that the last ones I had were quite painful so he promised to take it easy. As the physio had said that my lower back was tight, he focused on that, and also my left shoulder as I have a problem with that- sometimes I can’t turn my neck to look over my left shoulder as it seems to freeze. Now, I was a bit worried that it would be weird, him being a man and all (last time I had a woman) but it was actually OK and pretty relaxing. There were some tender spots, but generally it felt just like good tension release. I did feel a bit dizzy when I got back up again after, but apparently that is normal. I am going to leave it for a bit before I book my next one (his advice) but I am not dreading it now!

Also, look what came this week in the post! Pretty compression socks! I ordered them after Christmas (from running skirts UK)- going to wear them after my run tomorrow. Well, one pair.

As for the half marathon training, I feel like I have had now nearly 2 weeks of good running (well no pain or soreness in my hip or anything) so I think I can start getting into it properly. My plan says an 8 mile run this weekend, but then next weekend is only 6 (because really I am joining the plan almost half way through- not advised but I know that I can cope with that)- so I am going to swap them over, do the loop tomorrow that is just over 6 miles and see how I get on.

After the sports massage this morning I popped into town- I wanted to look at some trail shoes in John Lewis (I have vouchers and I like to buy big things with vouchers, not lots of little things)- anyway they only had them in the clearance in a size 4- too small for me.  I started to feel quite drained, and saw this chai latte when I was getting some flowers for my mum. We went to my parents to watch the football, and then late afternoon I had it as a rather late pick me up. I think I have had it before, and I really should write it down that I am not a fan of powdery drinks. I even used my little frother to mix it up, but still the texture is grainy, plus I don’t like the idea of powdered milk. This is the perfect example of why I should not go in a shop when I am tired and/or hungry.

Ready for tomorrow I have been baking from my Clandestine Cake club book- this is a spiced cake with a fresh marzipan filling (icing sugar, ground almonds and egg)- smells pretty good.

It was a bit of a faff to do the layers- the cake batter is very thick and you had to put half on the bottom, then the marzipan filling (which was thick and crumbly) and then top with the rest of the cake mixture. I think it will be worth it though. The only trouble with making a big cake is that I can’t try a small bit first (for quality control purposes you understand)…

Would you prefer a male or female sports masseur? When I booked my second physio appointment originally they had swapped me to a male one, but I worried so much about it I ended up changing the appointment. I was a bit apprehensive about it today, but it was fine and I am glad I went.

Jantastic 2014 week 1

Hey peeps

I hope you have all been well. This week I have started Jantastic, hooray! Originally when I signed up I went for 4 runs a week, which I knew would be a challenge to keep going (I do that some weeks, but not consistently), but since my hip niggle I decided to err on the side of caution and go to 3 runs per week. I had rested since last Tuesday- I felt like I could have run at the weekend but wanted to make sure I started off well. So on Monday after work I went out on a cautious 2 miles. Literally out and back. It started raining when I was half a mile from home and usually I would up the pace to get out the rain quicker, but I didn’t. Lots of stretching afterwards too.

I baked some apples and had one with mince pie filling and some rhubarb and strawberry yoghurt (picked it up in Sainsbury’s as the flavour sounded good).

This week I found rather a lot of tins of pumpkin in my cupboard so have been enjoying pumpkin porridge for breakfast this week. I found that Sainsbury’s do their own almond milk so have been using the unsweetened version this week- it is good.

Tuesday was a rest day, and we went to the cinema to see American Hustle. I enjoyed it, but I felt like it didn’t quite live up to the hype- sometimes I wish I didn’t know about films before I see them as then I can be pleasantly surprised if that makes sense. Anyway, it was very long- it kept seeming like it would end and then it would carry on. Luckily even though it was long I didn’t get stiff.

On Wednesday I went out for a little longer- I added a small loop to Monday’s route to make it 2.8 miles. Again, felt good, felt like I could go further but don’t want to push it. I was tempted by Sweatshop but I know that I will run too fast so it was better going on my own.

On Thursday I went to pump. Last week I looked at going but the website said the gym was closing at 4pm. Well apparently it was open- only 3 people turned up to the class though, and one only because she was in the supermarket opposite and noticed the lights on! Dearie me. Anyway, it was a newish release (new to me), and I kept the weights very light. My arms ached so badly!

Friday was another rest day and this morning I was so pleased to see sunshine! I have found a Bupa half marathon training plan that I think I will follow, although I am not quite sure how many weeks I have, so we shall see. Anyway, depending on the week it should have been either 3 or 5 miles, so I went out for just over 2, turned around and came back, for 4.5 miles. Good stuff. I chose a route I don’t do in the dark, variety is always good.

So, 3/3 for this week, a good start.

After I got home I pottered about a bit (needed the hot water on before I could shower) so ate a few dates and got all the bits ready for a brunch of pancakes. I added in some pumpkin to the batter- often that goes wrong for me but it went right today. I used 1 egg, added a tbsp pumpkin purée (70g?), 40g buckwheat pancake mix, and 100ml almond milk. after a shower I cooked it (slowly)- I love the orange colour of the pancakes. Served with apple, mince pie filling, and a little gingerbread syrup (Whittards stuff which is made with fruit extract, flavourings and lemon juice- very different from most syrups but it tastes good), plus Teapigs chocolate flake tea, so good. This ended up not even making brunch, but being actual lunch. Procrastinating so much!!!

Andy is off at football today so I have a day of pottering ahead of me- I need to pop to the shops to get some celery (for a science experiment next week) and some bread for dinner, and I have a bit of work to do, but am also going to try out my new yoga DVD. Fingers crossed I can manage it.

Also, I have signed up to Daily Mile as I wanted to have something to track my miles- I used to love it on Nike+ when it would say “you have run xx miles this month/year) and as far as I can see the Garmin dashboard doesn’t do that. I have tried synching it with my Garmin but now it is showing all the runs I have done (181 apparently) which is a bit annoying. Plus even though I have given it my Garmin details it only finds the workouts when the Garmin is plugged in to the computer. Any tips? I think I am doing it wrong!

Have a fab weekend 🙂

How Cycling Can Improve Your Running- Guest post

Hi folks,

I have a post for you today which hopefully you will find interesting, especially if you are considering the crazy leap into triathlons:

When it comes to training towards a triathlon, one of the biggest problems comes with the fact that you will think that there is not enough time to train for all of the disciplines. At first glance, running, cycling and swimming are all very different, which means that you need to focus on all three of the aspects. If you are pushed for time, this can be a difficult process. However, by cycling, you can also improve your running performance, so there is an opportunity to train for two elements at the one time.

One thing to bear in mind apart having more than one form of physical activity to enjoy is that you can be active when recovering. The day after a lengthy run, the thought of doing any walking, never mind jogging or running, can seem very difficult. However, a bike ride can get your legs back into action which helps to get the blood pumping and will flush out the lactate from your legs. Being slightly active with a cycle will certainly help you to get back into action a lot faster than a rest day where you site on the couch.

Cycling will work on different muscles in your legs compared to running. This means that you will build up an overall better level of strength, all the time supporting your core. This also ties in to the benefit of working on alternative days, and while the running muscles are resting, your cycling muscles can be hard at work. Working different muscle groups on different days is the key to success when it comes to making the most of your time. If you find you have limited time to train for your race, spreading your work around more effectively will be a great help. Using a good quality bike, such as one from Eureka Cycle Sports, can help you to look after yourself and train effectively.

You will help your hips, knees and ankles by cycling

Just think about the amount of times your feet and body impact hard on the ground when you are running. It is not fun and you are placing your joints under a great deal of strain. Running great distances will help you build up stamina but you may be wearing away your legs and muscles. This is where using a bike ton train will at least help you to reduce the overall impact on your body. You will need to have some element of running in your training regime for a triathlon but adding a strong element of cycling will give you a boost when it comes to looking after yourself.

Something that an increasing number of runners are doing is classed as a “brick” workout. This is where you carry out two different disciplines back to back. Cycling extremely hard to 10 miles and then following it by a 1 mile run will give you the best of both worlds without pushing yourself to a harder extent. It will also help your body get used to what it will be put through when it is time for the actual triathlon.

I used to cycle a lot when I was younger (before I could drive) but the roads terrify me now! I like using cycle paths but they often end too soon for my liking. I do agree that cross training can be so beneficial- I keep seeing more and more people leap on the spinning bandwagon (saddle?)- getting some cardio going but without the impact from running must be a good thing. 

Do you tend to stick to one type of exercise or are you good at varying things?

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Mince pie bars

I know, I know, Christmas is over. But you might have the odd jar of mincemeat lurking in your cupboard. Or, like me, you might have bought some scrummy mince pie filling in the Holland and Barrett penny sale. Who knows.

Anyway, because I had this, and some leftover marzipan, I made some bars. I am not a pastry fan, so the base is a bit like a caramel shortbread base, but with oats added in for some texture. I used some wholegrain spelt flour and some white, but all white would be fine. Wholegrain spelt (I use Dove’s farm) seems to work well in most baking- often I use it in cookie recipes to replace all the flour.

Anyway. If you fancy making it here is the recipe:

For the base:

150g margarine (I used Clover additions)

40g soft light brown sugar

180g plain flour (I used part wholegrain spelt and part white)

60g oats

1 tsp mixed spice


400g mince pie filling (I used Meridian so I needed a little more than a jar but you could use normal mincemeat)

100g (approx) marzipan

Flaked almonds to sprinkle

Icing sugar to dust

Preheat the oven to 180C and line a pan with baking paper (I use a brownie pan from Steamer Trading Cookshop- the best size for most of the things I make).

Make the base by creaming together the butter and sugar, then stirring in the oats, spice and flour until it resembles crumbs. Pour it into the pan and press down with a metal spoon.

Bake in the oven for 15 mins until pale.

Meanwhile make some pretty shapes with the marzipan by rolling it out (dust with a little icing sugar to stop it sticking) and then cutting it out. You could cut it into lines for a lattice effect but I prefer shapes.

Remove the base from the oven and spread the mince pie filling over. Sprinkle with flaked almonds, dust with a little icing sugar and then top with the marzipan shapes.

The marzipan shapes are the best bit.

Then return to the oven and bake for a further 10 mins- this will finish cooking the base, toast the nuts slightly and melt the marzipan.

Leave to cool and then slice into bars/ squares.

These were for Sunday tea. So much nicer than a mince pie.

In other news, I totally rested over the weekend (well I did a lot of walking but that was it)- I was feeling totally fine so went on a short (2 mile) run after work yesterday. I did loads of stretches when I finished, and I am pretty sure I had no trouble. I was worried about this morning (because it seems to be delayed after a run, so not sure if it is related) but all good so far. No two runs in a row for me though, so today will be a rest. At least I have kicked off Jantastic now!

2013 Travelling Tales and Race recaps

So, of course, today is the final day of 2013 so a recap post is due. I think these sorts of posts are really fun to write- I love going back over old race recaps and looking at photos.

This year we have had some awesome holidays, which can (through a rather convoluted set of circumstances) link back to when I was really ill a couple of years ago. I ended 2011 in hospital- this turned out to be due to a large ovarian cyst that had to be removed. We were meant to be going to New York, Washington, Philadelphia and Florida for the Christmas holidays, but had to cancel as I was not allowed to fly. Luckily we had insurance, so claimed it back (or cancelled things) but before we knew for certain Andy said to me that if we did have to cancel we could go to Hawaii in the summer (2012) instead. So we did. It was amazing. On one of the islands we went to Volcano, a National Park, and it turned out cheaper to buy a yearly pass than for the days we were there. So then we returned home with a pass for the year for all US National Parks….

Easter saw us visit Disneyland in California, before an epic road trip across several western states. We went to the Grand Canyon.

Monument Valley (not a National Park, but Andy wanted to see it)

We went to Zion National Park.

And Bryce Canyon for the day.

Plus Lake Tahoe, Las Vegas and the most amazing place, Yosemite.

I am still not sure how we managed to fit all of that in the Easter holidays!

In the summer we had another epic road trip, starting in Seattle (went to Victoria in Canada for a couple of days) and taking in more National Parks including Olympic, Glacier, Mount Rainier, Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain, Grand Tetons…

We did a 10 mile round trip hike through grizzly bear country to see this beautiful lake filled with icebergs (and saw no bears).

The next day we did a short walk (2 miles) and saw several bears, including a very close encounter!

“There’s a bear in the bush”!!! Exciting and also terrifying!

We certainly got good use of our year pass.

(This has reminded me that I have not posted a holiday recap on here for that holiday- something for a rainy January day perhaps).

This year was a great year for me running wise too. I finally felt like I was back to full fitness and not only got back to my old times, but achieved pb’s in several race distances.

I ran the Brighton Half marathon in February, and got a pb- this race was great to do because I couldn’t do it the previous year as I was still waiting for my op. I also met the lovely Lara in the starter pen 🙂

I have been trying for ages to get my 10K pb under an hour, but at my first attempt this year I didn’t make it, (60.34!!) although this was a cross country course. I made up for it back in Brighton in November, when Andy paced me around and I managed 56.14! I also coined the phrase “Royal Flush negative split” which I am pleased to report has been used several times on Marathon talk now! (Each mile faster than the previous mile).

In June I managed another half marathon pb, getting my time down to 2.10.09, and then in July I had the most fantastic experience running 5 miles in the Olympic Park. Most of the course was not that interesting, but coming out onto that track at the end was just amazing. I met up with Anna briefly at the end too which was lovely. That was a pb too, as I had only ever run one 5 mile race before, which turned out to be a cross country course.

The race I most enjoyed (apart from the final stretch of the Olympic run) was probably the local 10 miler I did. It was a week after another half marathon (that didn’t go so well), it was cold and pouring with rain, but it had the most marshals I had ever seen, it was so friendly, there was a cow on the route- what more could you ask for? Again I got my fastest 10 mile time but that is because my only other 10 miler was the Great South run a few years ago.

I also started going to Parkruns this year. My Dad persuaded me to go, and I am really glad he did. I have been to 11 this year, and helped out at about 3- I don’t go every week but when I do manage it I love it. I have managed to get my 5K pb down to 26.29 which I am really pleased with.

There have of course been some disappointing moments this year. I developed a bad cough in the summer, so could not do a 10K race I had signed up for, and I have spent the last month with this little hip niggle. But I am so pleased with how my running is going- I think running with Sweatshop has helped me run faster over slightly longer distances, and going to Parkruns has helped me to get used to that feeling of really pushing yourself. I also did the marathon talk Jantastic challenge (Go Team Run Blog Bake!) and I am sure having a good base of training at the start of the year helped. All my times have gone down this year, so I am hoping 2014 can continue. When I finished the Stockholm marathon back in 2011, I felt a bit like I had unfinished business. I would love to do another marathon, but I wanted to be faster over shorter distances first, because being out running for over 5 hours is just really tough. And I am getting closer to my target time so who knows in 2014 I may sign up for another one. Maybe.

I don’t tend to set new year resolutions or anything like that, but I like to have goals to work towards. I have signed up to the Bath half and the Oslo Rock ‘n’Roll half marathon (so excited about this) so would love to beat my half marathon time in one of these races. I also need to work on my flexibility so will be carrying on with my physio stretches and looking at booking some sports massages in the new year. But really I just want to keep enjoying running- that is why I do it.

How was 2013 for you?