Yes!!!! And also lots of purple

Good evening friends, I hope this day found you well.

I have had a brilliant day- hooray.

Even though I was feeling better, even yesterday I was not feeling my best, and I was still having a dull ache in my stomach, but today I awoke with no pains or aches at all- yes! It is the last day of the antibiotics, and although my tum feels a little delicate (one of the side effects) I think they have managed to rid me of the infection.

Anyway, today I was having my car serviced, and had originally planned on driving it there and running back (it’s about 5 miles) but as I was not sure how I would feel, Andy followed me and dropped me home before he went to work. I sat around for a bit but still felt fine, so I decided to try a run. There is a 5k loop near my house, which I could cut short if I started feeling tired or whatever, but actually I felt so good I went around again. I was taking it steady, but in fact did 6.2 miles in 63 minutes, which for me is pretty fast. I was so hungry when I got home! And also so happy!

(That super cool head gear combo is a head band that is a bit too big which means that my running earphones fit under it- super cool as I said).

I was cold outside and I fancied something warm, so I heated up some coconut milk and made a hot chocolate- delicious! Along with a stoats strawberry and coconut bar.

After a shower it was lunch time, and I just had to take a picture (half way through excuse the crumbs!) when I saw how colour co-ordinated it all was.

My purple themed lunch was a sandwich with cream cheese and beetroot, some nairns caramelised onion bites which have purple on the packet (also with some cream cheese as a sort of dip), on a purple plate. The purple plate was the one at the top of the pile- not planned at all. (I also had a pear which was not purple but does begin with P- am I turning into sesame street?).

Then I got going in the kitchen-I have some friends coming to visit so I made some rocky road fudge (the good old Rachel Allen fudge recipe with some chopped toasted pecans and dark chocolate chips in the middle), (plus can you see the purple stripes on my jumper?) and (I am so excited about this) my own dark chocolate peanut butter! Emma I love you for inventing this recipe 🙂

I did cheat and used meridian crunchy pb (instead of peanuts as I am not sure my mini chopper would hold up), and it is sooooooo good!

In a jar for laters (should I keep it in the fridge though?)

Of course I could not waste the scrapings on the inside of the mini chopper, so I added some cherries and some chocolate alpro for (actually another purple) a choc PB&J style pudding! I thought that only bananas went with pb, but then I remembered apples do (don’t have apples) and jam (so – cherries right?). Scrumptious.

Also I just realised that my breakfast was purple as I had blueberries in my porridge (no piture though you will just have to believe me on that one). Although dinner ruins the theme as it is lentil and spinach chilli on a sweet potato- more orange and green. Should have been a stuffed aubergine….

Anyway, mostly I am excited to finally be feeling well again. In case you have not noticed, I am not good at being ill. I get annoyed with myself for catching the germs, and I also start to invent terrible things in my head and imagine myself lots of “what if’s”, and I start to forget how feeling “well” feels. I have a tendancy to try and get back to normal too soon (possibly my saturday run is an example of this as I was shattered after and was still having dull achey pains), as I do not want to believe that I get ill. But so far today I have been feeling fine. A little tired, but nothing unusual.

So at the moment the plan is aerobics tomorrow with my friend (I was worried I would have to cancel on her and she has not been for weeks, but fingers crossed the good feeling continues) and another 6 mile run on wednesday if I feel like it (or shorter). My plan has 8 miles but I am not sure I will have time as wednesday is a busy day, plus want to take it fairly easy still), body pump thursday and then a rest on Friday, before attempting 13 miles next Saturday. But still I am going to see how I feel and be flexible with the revised plan.

So as my theme is colour today- if you could eat one colour for the day, what colour would it be? 🙂

PS- just saw on facebook that nakd are having some good offers on their website at the moment including 4 boxes of nakd bars for £20- not bad. And they now do a mix box of all the “nudies” (oat/ gluten free ones)! Check it out here.

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13 thoughts on “Yes!!!! And also lots of purple”

  1. It sounds like the rest did you good 🙂 Glad you’re feeling well today.
    My colour would be orange – cantaloupe melon, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, oranges, mangos (kind of yellow I guess!).

  2. Really pleased you’re feeling better.

    My mam used to make fudge and bonfire toffee when I was a lad. I think both will be on my list for pre marathon carb loading now 🙂

  3. I would have to agree with Sarah and pick orange. I actually became rather worried about my squash/pumpkin/carrot/sweet potato consumption when my palms took on a bit of a neon hue, and have since had to cut down!

    If cherries counted as ‘red’ then I might be tempted to pick that (tomatoes, cherries, strawberries, red peppers, apples) and if my tum was a better creature than it is then I would say green (spinach, kale, broccoli, sprouts, golden delicious apples, green beans, sugar snap peas and many more!) Excellent question: I don’t think I’ve ever seen it asked on a blog before!

    All of your food looks so lovely, and obviously colourful! Your Alpro/PB combination had me drooling all over the keyboard.

    So happy the bug seems to be leaving you. I get furious when I’m ill too and tend to go into denial: I feel like my body has betrayed me even though I use and abuse it so much. I have a bit of a mind/body disconnect whereby I feel like the latter is simply a cage or housing for the former, a prison even, and one that I’m not overly fond of. Thanks for teaching me a lesson in taking care of onself and ultimately getting stronger in the long run (pun sort of intended)


  4. I love purple days – I have blueberries in my podge most days 🙂

    orange days are good too – sweet potatoes, butternut squash and of course, oranges :p

  5. Rob- yes I reckon fudge would be great for pre marathon carb loading 🙂
    Sarah- yeah orange has a lot of good foods- pumpkin porridge, sweet potato, satsumas, and of course carrot cake 🙂
    JEssica- I reckon that cherries count as red!
    Tracey- porridge with blueberries is delish.
    Mary and Jess- thanks.

  6. YAY for feeling better and for making the DCD!! By the way, you ARE supposed to keep it in the fridge, and then leave it out for about 20 mins to soften before eating, but I just left it at room temp and it was fine for me! 🙂

    I would choose brown of course!! Brown=chocolate! 😛

  7. I am so glad you are feeling better and able to run again. Being sick and couped up indoors is no fun! Your purple themed eats are cute and I had been considering trying to make my own flavoured nut butters by adding various mix-ins to regular jarred stuff so now I might give it a try.

    1. Yeah adding stuff to regular pb is actually easy (not sure why I thought it would be so hard- I was imaginging starting with actual nuts and grinding them up). Go for it 🙂

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