Pink porridge!

Evening all!

I enjoyed reading the comments from yesterday about things you have achieved that you never thought was possible. It seems I am not alone in my brain taking time to adjust my mindset.

Today started with pink porridge!

Ok, it looks weird. It was porridge with raspberries and a little bit of crunchy pb (that is all the funny coloured brown bits). I took inspiration from the dorset raspberries and cranberries porridge packets when I found seom frozen raspberries in the freezer. And I remembered they have a bit of iron in them, so bonus there too 🙂

After work I headed out for a run, again in the wonderful sunshine. Love it! I was due for either 6 or 7 miles, so I went for a 6 mile loop with a view that if I was feeling ok I would add the extra mile today, and if not I would do it on wednesday. Well, buy the 5 mile mark I was finding it tough, I was thirsty (despite lots of water at work and some right before I left) and my shins started hurting a bit. So I was sensible and came home. I think my legs can still remember the 14 miles from saturday. In fact I was pretty good- the 10k took me 64 minutes, and this included time to cross roads etc. I tried to pick up the speed once my legs were warmed up, and I think I managed it (have not uploaded my run yet) but I was pleased with the time anyway.

Dinner was some of the lentil and cannelini bean chilli that I made yesterday (it was tasty but so spicy) with some cheese oatcakes. I was too hungry to stop and take a picture-oops.

So, who was out enjoying the sunshine today? It was light ’til so late here today- the daffodils are all out and spring is on it’s way (even though I did have to defrost my car this morning, hmm).

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12 thoughts on “Pink porridge!”

  1. Love the pink porridge!! Raspberries make everything prettier! 🙂

    And amazing run, as always! I was supposed to cross-train and have a running day off today, but I couldn’t resist the sunshine! Had an easy chilled run instead and LOVED all the Vitamin D!! 😛

  2. I’m loving the sunshine we’ve been having and it’s set to stick around for the rest of the week. Yay! It always makes me happy.

  3. It was lovely today wasn’t it? Shame it was a bit cold but the sunshine made it feel so spring like! I love pink porridge, whenever I add frozen berries to mine it goes a lovely colour 🙂

  4. I am salivating at your pink porridge – don’t laugh, being serious. I missed having porridge on Saturday so will remember that one for this Saturday.
    I’m loving the sunshine, took the boys to the park after school and just stood there, totally unsociable like with closed eyes and just SOAKED IT UP – beautiful 🙂

  5. The sunshine was indeed beautiful today: I kept finding excuses to get outside and walk, even if it meant me being *ahem* a little late for things. But sun is so uplifting and enchnanting, particularly when flowers are blooming at the same time. It was ‘bloomin’ cold this morning though! I suppose clear skies and sun equal frost at this time of year sadly.

    Pink porridge looks great. I love ‘fun’ foods like that, which is probably why I make so many green smoothie-type things…it’s a case of whang in the ingredients and see what colour it comes out. It’s half the fun of making them (another quarter being the whizzy noise of the blender and the final quarter being eating it hehe)

    Nice run!


  6. I have raspberry and pb porridge quite often — it’s a great combo! And good on you for turning back and being sensible. No doubt you’re still carrying the 14 miles, and you don’t want to get shin splints. That would be REALLY sucky.

  7. My porridge is often pink! I use frozen forest fruits to add to mine….

    I agree with Alison, you do NOT want to overdo things at this stage. Listen to your legs!


    1. Oh no poor you- at least you had nice weather to look at (or is that worse? I can never tell!)

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