Veg box cooking

I got a veg box a while back, and have been working my way through the contents.

Onions, peppers and courgettes are what I eat most of anyway, plus pears and clementines are perfect for this time of year. It was the leeks and kale that I was not sure what to do with. I got a lot of suggestions for how to eat the kale- thanks to everyone for those. Online Colleges have culinary classes if you love cooking with veggies.

I tried to make kale chips to go along with chickpea stew. Well, I think I burnt them. The crunch was ok, but I was not keen on the cabbage-y flavour.

Sorry for the blurry photo but you get the idea πŸ™‚

Then I tried to make some kale pesto. I love other pesto that I made, so I thought it would be good. In went a cup of soaked almonds, a couple of handfuls of kale, a roasted romano pepper (also from the box) and some herbs I think. Verdict? Cabbage flavoured. Not keen!

But I did have success with the leeks! I could not decide what to make (I did not really fancy soup), so I think I made some kind of frittata/ bake maybe?

I cooked the leeks in a tsp pure spread.

Then I whizzed up a block of tofu, some natural yoghurt (because I had some left but you could easily leave it out), some red pesto, some sundried tomatoes and a few bits of goats cheese. Then I added in the leeks and a little caramelised onion chutney.

Then I put the mixture into muffin tins (was not sure whether to use cases- I didn’t but think in the future I would as they were hard to get out) and topped with a little more goats cheese.

I baked them for maybe 30 mins at 200C I think.

Turned out pretty well for something made up!

I enjoyed one (for quality control of course) with sweet potato, rocket and hummus, and it was really tasty. The leeks had a nice mild flavour which went well with the sharper goats cheese and sweet caramelised onions. They had the texture of maybe anΒ omeletteΒ but without the eggy flavour (I don’t like eggy flavours!). I have frozen the other ones for a later date- I love a good freezer meal.

At least I know I do not like kale now- the flavour is too strong for me- I will stick to spinach/ rocket/ watercress etc for my greens! πŸ™‚

Anyone else not a kale fan? I see it on a lot of blogs so a lot of people must like it but I have realised it is not for me!

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10 thoughts on “Veg box cooking”

  1. Obviously, I loveeeeee kale. I don’t particularly love the variety you had (I think it’s called dinosaur kale here), but I like it steamed with sesame dressing over it and as kale chips. I think it would be too strong in pesto…

  2. oh i’m so in love with kale chips! i baste mine with macadamia nut oil, baking at 350 for about 40 minutes. they turn out splendidly. and then i dip them in ketchup. my puggle loves them, too. it’s hilarious to watch her chomp chomp chomp onto the crunchy goodness. πŸ™‚ x

  3. I’m so sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well; seriously hope that everything gets better! It sucks not being able to run – I can totally relate. At least the festive season’s right around the corner. πŸ™‚

  4. You’re very creative! I wish I were more creative with my cooking. Being a vegetarian and eating the same (not-so-nutritious) meals every week is probably not very good for you…

  5. Thanks Shaman πŸ™‚ I tend to eat the same things most weeks, but I do try to make something different once a week/ fortnight. πŸ™‚

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