A super Sunday

Well after the boring-ness of Saturday, it was good to have a lovely Sunday.

I woke up bright and early, and went out for a run before it got too hot. I was in two minds over what to do (whether to follow my plan or to run it all, seeing as I managed to run on Wednesday without walking at all) but in the end I kept the walk breaks in. I need to be increasing the distance of these weekend runs especially, as I am doing the GNR (a half marathon) in September and I am sure it will come around quickly! So I went for a longer route- 3.5 miles, and had a few minute breaks after each ten min run. I think from now on I am going to add a little more to the weekend run, and if I need them keep the walk breaks in for the next few weeks at least, so that I am used to covering longer distances before I get rid of them. My midweek runs I will keep a bit shorter, and the Wednesday one especially will be a little faster which I think will be good for me. That is the plan for now anyway.

I had put some nuun in the fridge before I left, and boy did I need it when I got home! Despite drinking a glass of water before I went out I was super thirsty when I got home.

Although not quite as red as I thought I would be! (this was no-where near my colour on Wednesday evening!). Loving my Thoosa vest and my Bondi band.

After a cold bath (although hopefully later this week I will be able to use our new shower) I had a very summery breakfast.

Fresh mango, blueberries and some tropical alpro yoghurt. So delicious.

I had some housework to do (I don’t mind doing that) but no actual work! And also made some cookies for Andy’s parents- I used the trusted recipe but added in 50g chopped dried mango, 50g chopped brazil nuts and 20g dessicated coconut. I then sprinkled them with coconut before they went in the oven. I also used coconut sugar in place of regular sugar and that seemed to work well.

Totally tropical 🙂

We were planning on watching the Grand Prix a bit later, but Andy was busy painting the bathroom, so I went to sit in the garden. It was bliss.

I had made myself a jug of iced mint tea, so I took some out there with me. It was so easy to make- boil the kettle, pour over a teabag in a small cup, let it sit for ages (the longer it steeps, the stronger the tea), then remove the teabag, pour into a jug and top with water. You could add lemon/fresh mint leaves etc. I made it on Saturday night and so by Sunday it was lovely and cool, and really refreshing too.

I sat out there in the shade, reading magazines, drinking the tea, and eating a gourmet raw brownie (a coconut/banana one).

Everything was just coming to life in the garden- there are loads of tiny apples on the tree, and the blackcurrant bush is leaving with green berries 🙂

It was such a wonderful way to totally relax and chill out.

The rest of the day was spent watching the race, and then sitting in Andy’s parents garden- so relaxing to be outside 🙂

How are you all planning on spending the 4 day weekend later this week? Fingers crossed for the weather staying this good!

And don’t forget to enter my Groupon voucher giveaway. 🙂

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12 thoughts on “A super Sunday”

  1. Loving reading about your progress back to running, you are doing so well, it keeps me motivated when I feel like throwing in the towel because “its too hot” or its too rainy” thank you xx

    1. Aw thanks for that! I just feel the pressure, plus I know I feel so much better when I get back because if I don’t go out I am liable to have a cup of tea and some chocolate, which don’t give you the same glow!

  2. I’m having a Jubilee party and I can’t wait! I’ve been thinking about the GNR, there seems to be a few bloggers doing it, we should try and coordinate a meet up, perhaps the day before or even at the end of the race, what do you think?

    1. Yes maybe- we could try 🙂 I have a friend from London doing it, and also Andy, and not sure when we are travelling up or coming back down (we will have to travel back Sunday afternoon as I have work the next morning) but if something was arranged I would try to show my face 🙂

  3. You’ll get there for the GNR! Just over three months should be enough time at your current rate of progression – don’t panic (I know, pot calling kettle here but I know you can do it!)

    Haha, if you think you go red then just wait for the photos from the Edinburgh Marathon – I dread to think what colour my face was in 26 degree heat!


    1. Well my face does not seem to look that red in the photos, but it really is! Thanks for that- I am sure I will get there and I am going to allow myself to walk some of it if I need to- no pressure.

    1. Aha! Great minds! I had a recipe for mango, coconut and ginger ones, but I was not sure how well ginger would go down, so added in the nuts instead.

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