A productive weekend

Hello all

I hope you all had lovely weekends. I managed to fit loads into the 2 days which is the best way I think. After the rainy run on Saturday morning, I needed to go shopping as I have a wedding over 2 days this week, so needed 2 outfits (nightmare- finding one is hard enough!). Andy agreed to go with me, and we treated ourselves to a Starbucks (well my treat for not getting too grumpy in the shops)- we shared a cinnamon roll for a late lunch- mmm. I managed to find some shoes, but no nice dresses. I picked a massive pile of blackcurrants from our garden and made a cheesecake for Sunday.

This is a massive pasta bowl and it is full of currants!

Not sure why it went to red in the picture!

I used a recipe that I had used before, (base of ginger biscuits and butter, middle of light cream cheese and light condensed milk- not sure why either of them are called light but anyway) and for the topping I heated 1/2 cup water, added some agar flakes, and then added the berries. I left it to cool a bit before I put it on the cheesecake, but it set really well. I still have loads of berries left though so I might make some jam or something.

Saturday evening we watched a film and shared some treats we had picked up at the shops- I had a little M&S voucher so we bought some chocolate pretzels, and some giant salted chocolate coated peanuts- yum!

Sunday morning I was up bright and early doing some work, and once I had made some progress I made us some pancakes- Andy requested banana and chocolate, so I put some chocolate chips in the batter (the batter was super easy- 1 egg, 75ml almond milk, 75g wholegrain spelt flour, 40g apple sauce, almond extract, baking powder and bicarb)- and while they were cooking I sliced a massive banana and cooked it in a pan with a tsp spread and a tbs coconut sugar. Yum. The banana was huge but it really cooked down- does not look like much compared to the big pile of pancakes!

I made some fudge (more fudge as end of term gifts for people)- this one was peanut butter fudge with white chocolate and freeze dried strawberries- instead of putting the chocolate as a layer in the middle, I sprinkled on chocolate chips (they melt as the fudge is hot) and then poured some strawberries on.

Then I went shopping again (this time on my own) and found a dress, although now I think I might need something for my hair? That might be a job for tomorrow! I then made the mistake of going to the allotment- my this wet weather has encouraged the weeds! I felt like crying- and what is the deal?? Something has been eating the onions but left all the other weeds that are growing around them- I don’t get it! Anyway, I did about an hour of weeding, but at least once I break up from work I can go up a bit more.

Then we had a lovely chilled out afternoon.evening at Andy’s parents- lots of wedding talk as it is his brother who gets married on Friday (and the Reception on Saturday)- it seems to have come along very quickly.

I was planning on doing some more work when we got home, but (shh) I didn’t because we got in at about half 9.

Today when I got home I went on a run, but again it was hard work. Not as hard work as last Monday’s run, but still my legs were stiff. I am not sure whether it is the longer runs on Saturday that are doing it, or whether I am not moving about enough on Sunday (although I think I was), or something else? Anyway the weather didn’t help- I know I prefer the cooler weather but it was windy and the rain was sideways at times (not too heavy just annoying). I did see some rabbits though 🙂

Right, off to watch The Newsroom- night 🙂

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