It’s the weekend! And a rave about Ocado

Hooray! We all made it peeps! Pat yourself on the back!


First up, I love this new iced tea jug. Recently I bought myself a laptop, (with birthday vouchers) as for the past 7 years I have been doing all my work, blogging etc on a teeny netbook, which slowed down and finally all the software ran out or something. Anyway, it is a revelation to be able to see an entire website without scrolling sideways and down. But I also don’t have ad-block stuff yet, and it seems that google is very good at spying on what I browse and then giving me links to places where it is on sale. That is how I found out about this anyway! We have (had?) a jug for iced tea, but I have looked everywhere and think it must have been broken or something. Of course I could just buy another normal jug (and I did look at some)- but then this popped up on my screen. It was pay day on Monday so I decided to treat myself. It has a filter so can be used for loose leaf tea, but I started off with some berry teabags, plus blueberries and raspberries. Scrumptious.

IMG_5749Also, I am getting a bit obsessed with Ocado. We have had our shopping delivered from them for a few years now and I do think they are great. I love it because on a Monday night we can book a shop for the next evening, and edit it until 1 in the morning, plus it only shows what is in stock, so you hardly ever get substitutions. But they are turning into a great place to get more alternative brands too. I love that Alpro unsweetened almond milk and I was so excited when I found out that they stock Zest pesto. They also sell bits like coconut flour and sugar, and they have just started selling PB&Co (although no chocolate stuff). The Rude Health coconut drink is nice (it has rice in there too) but it does curdle in hot tea.


I often just type something in the search box (“coconut” is a favourite of mine at the moment- that is how I found the Primal bars which I have seen Claire rave about before) and on a whim decided to search for Pulsin. Imagine my delight when I found they stock them now! The soya protein powder was on offer- I don’t know why I bought it as I never get on with protein powders- they either taste gritty and weird or give me a stomach ache. I think I was thinking about pancakes or something? I tried it in some alpro yoghurt and it was OK but still powdery. But the Primal bars have been delicious, and the other day I had the Bliss bar in the orange packet- really good too. The coconut and vanilla popcorn also popped up when I searched “coconut”- I have only seen it occasionally in Waitrose before.

My fridge is also rather full of coconut water as the Vita Coco stuff was on offer the other week too.  And they stock Green People toiletries.


My running this week has been a bit more normal. I went to Sweatshop on Wednesday, and we went around the fields (but the reverse direction which is way harder!), and then last night I went to pump. The new release is tough, and I am a bit annoyed with it, because for the last release for the chest track you swapped between the bar and dumbbells, which meant I could go a bit heavier on the bar. Now it is all bar, so I have had to go lighter on the bar again. It feels like anti-progress (insert the correct word here- I apologise as I finished my marking at just after 11 last night…) and I know in reality it is working my arms just as hard, but still. Also, the abs are back to just crunches and those leg extend things- no plank or variations.

Tomorrow we are up early as I have a 10K run in Milton Keynes and then I am hoping to get a bit of baking done too- my mixing bowl misses me.

What is your favourite weekend chill out activity? I am very much looking forward to baking and listening to some podcasts.

Are you stupidly excited by new food products being stocked in your local shops?

PS- If you want to try Ocado I can email you a £20 off voucher (but I think it is off an £80 shop or something)- we did that when we started and ordered loads of things that won’t go off like washing powder. Anyway, the offer is there. And PPS, Ocado did not sponsor this or anything, I am just a bit obsessed with them at the moment.

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16 thoughts on “It’s the weekend! And a rave about Ocado”

  1. Good luck for your run. I’ve shopped with Ocado a few times in the past and was impressed with their Vegan selection and speciality products. I love Pulsin bars, and the Primal bars are really good too.

  2. I definitely approve of what Ocado are doing – it’s lovely to be able to order more obscure bits with your regular shopping!

  3. I love ordering food online. Barely any stress! We do Sainsburys (used to do Tesco but the one near us was always late) which is a bit more expensive than I’d like but the quality is always good. Though I do miss browsing the shop…tho there’s a Tesco within walking distance to work and at lunch I love just walking the aisles. I guess that might make me a little strange! 😉
    Hope the 10k went well!

    1. Thanks- it was good 🙂
      I think a walk at lunchtime sounds good- I like browsing too, much more preferable to having to do a whole big shop.

  4. Yay so glad you found and like the Primal bars and the Pulsin ones too, I’m definitely going to check out Ocado after your endorsement – sounds like they have so many things I buy from different internet places/shops at the moment!
    Well done for the running with all that marking, I hope it eases off soon!!

    1. Yes 2 and a half weeks til the end of term! Nearly there 🙂
      Well thanks for recommending those bars as they are really tasty.

  5. I’m totally in love with Ocado at the moment and have made the most of that voucher too. It’s so great that they stock lots of different vegan and vegetarian products. I bought my favourite Fushi coconut oil in last weeks shop and it was on offer, so worked out much cheaper like you mentioned on my blog.

    1. Yes I had literally just ordered some from Holland and Barrett and then looked on Ocado and found it cheaper- I will know next time!

  6. I love cooking on a weekend (which is handy with me recipe testing right now!) and going out for a cuppa. I don’t think ocado actually deliver where we live! I’ll have to recheck as I’d like to start getting more delivered as going shopping and carrying bags back to the flat from the car is getting harder and harder to do myself.

  7. Wish Ocado delivered in my area!
    Tried the coconut popcorn on saturday its yum!
    Have you tried the soya protein yet? I was given a free sample, yet to try it. Love the Bliss bars too, the chocolate goji berry one is like a brownie!! Yum yum

    1. I had the protein stirred into yoghurt- it was OK but ill grainy. Think I need to try it in pancakes- maybe next weekend 🙂

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