I don’t know about you, but when I get home from a run (and I mean a longer run really) I just don’t know what to do first. I want to wash my face, I want a drink, I should go to the toilet, I need some food, I need a shower…. what to do first?
I used to always get straight into the shower, but I was finding that after I was out, dry, dressed, had wiped down the shower, hung up the towels, then made my breakfast, an hour could have gone by and I would just feel awful. So recently I have been washing my face (so salty), putting on a jumper so I don’t get too cold, having a drink (lovely nuun tropical is my favourite at the moment) and an apple, and then having a shower and breakfast a bit later. It was working well.

But the mileage has taken another hike. I have been having something first, although porridge didn’t work out so well, so this time I had a pulsin’ bar (the vanilla one), and went out about 30 minutes later.
The run was actually OK. I was really dreading it for some reason, and didn’t sleep well at all (although I haven’t been sleeping well anyway at the moment), so I was up at just after 7am and out the door before 8. I had roughly plotted a route, which was a figure of 8 with my town in the centre- good in case I was really struggling. It was around 17 miles (my plan said 17 or 18) but I could always run up and down the road to add a bit more on if I wanted to. I wasn’t sure what to wear, in the end I chose a t-shirt and my jacket (good for the pockets).
I packed these snacks, plus tissues, phone and key, and decided I would not look at my watch. I lined up my podcasts (the rest of the latest Happy Health Chat, Marathon Talk from early Feb, News Quiz from last week, and Adam Buxton on Richard Herring) and then tried not to think about running for that many hours!
I looked at my watch, hoping for 10+ miles, and was surprised when it was over 11, so I had one yoyo then, and another at around 14 miles. I do think I could have done with a bit of water, so I will dig out my waist belt bottle carrier thing for next weekend. The wind was really tough- at times it felt like I was barely moving, but at least it was sunny. I kept having to roll my sleeves up and down, and zip and unzip my jacket, but at no point did I get too hot which I was relieved about. It was slow (3.21), in the end the route was 17.6 miles and I opted against rounding it up because in the grand scheme of things, 0.4 of a mile didn’t seem like it would make much difference.
Anyway, back to the post run routine. Today it went visit bathroom, wash face, have a drink, have an apple. Realise the hot water hasn’t been on long enough. Have a bowl of muesli and some tea (I was going to have French toast but I could not be bothered). Shower. Ah lovely hot shower. Burn half my skin in the shower (the water isn’t that hot, but my skin gets very cold). Have some more water.
We had to pop to town, which I think is a good thing as I need to keep moving. We park a way from the town (well, it is probably about half a mile out)- it was a slow walk today! We had a John Lewis cake voucher, so we shared some chocolate cake and had more tea, before walking back to the car.
But then, there is the whole other post run routine, which I just find a bit hilarious really. It goes like this:
Plug Garmin into the computer. Wait for it to sync the data.
Go to Garmin Connect, edit the name of the run and briefly look at the map.
Go to Strava. Edit the name of the run there. Look at the activity feed and “like” all of the new ones on there. Look at my training log and see the mileage. Notice that I have completed the 10k/ half marathon/ etc challenge and wonder whether if I beat that time I will move up the leaderboard.
Go to Jantastic. Log my runs (Strava has sent them there, I just need to add them). Look at my jantastic score, see how my team-mates are doing, and wonder about the badges.
Then there are the optional ones- go to facebook and post on my blog page. Go to the Did You Run Today? page and post on there/ comment on other peoples’ runs. Go to marathon talk and rate my run (I hardly ever do this now- so many other things to do!). And of course write a blog post.
Phew. A lot to get ticked off!
I do feel like a mad person sometimes frantically clicking from one website to the next- log your runs everywhere!!!
Marathon Talk Ep 265 was really interesting- I highly recommend it. They had a discussion about nutrition with Chrissie Wellington- it did make me think a lot, and I don’t agree with everything that was said, but I do agree that we are really still sold energy gels etc when I don’t think they are needed. Just back from listening to this, I look on my facebook page to see a link to this article, which at one point suggests taking a gel before a run. Just no!! This was one of the reason I stopped buying WR magazine- there was a huge focus on weight loss, and a lot of the articles felt repeated, but also the advice regarding nutrition seemed very swayed by marketing.
Right, I am off to make some French toast as a delayed brunch (really, it is now late lunch but who is counting?). What is your post run routine? How many websites do you have your runs logged on? I haven’t even mentioned twitter as I am not on that, but I bet to a lot of runners that could be added to the list too!