
Love it or not bothered?

I am not a massive tennis fan, but I do keep an ear out on the sports news during the year for tennis results. But I just love Wimbledon! I love getting home from work and putting on the TV- somethingย therapeuticย about the noise from the rally’s and the hush of the crowd. I do, however, get annoyed with all the fever surrounding any British hopefuls, and the people who insist on shouting out during the games. Do they not realise that they are supposed to be quiet?

Today I was not home too late, so I got to watch some tennis before going to aerobics!

But first, last night I had some strawberries and caramel dessert- now the size of these strawberries is ridiculous. Last week I got them and they were tiny and delicious. This week, well, look at the picture to see what I mean:

Yes the biggest one was about the size of the pot. They tasted quite nice, but still, there must have only been about 9 in the box- as it was a 400g box that is nearly 50g per strawberry- craziness. Good for Wimbledon watching anyway.

As the camera was in the kitchen, I also took a pic of my breakfast this morning:

Porridge with fresh raspberries cooked in (from Andy’s parents’ garden). Soooooooo good.

And also my lunch as I got it ready:

A pitta with sunflower seed butter, some roasted peppers and almond and sesame tofu ( I tried that this week but I prefer the basil stuff) and a pear. All in the cute lunch boxes! Love paperchase!

Lastly, a confession of sorts. I posted the other week about my hoarding habits. I was down to my last few Cocoa mint nakd bars, and then I saw that on the website the mix boxes of the cocoa bars were reduced (ยฃ10.99 for a box of 18 so a pretty good deal, 61p each- plus if you get 2 boxes you get a discount too……) .



Yup, not one, but two boxes of mixed cocoa ones (cocoa delight, cocoa mint and cocoa orange). Excuse the messy hair- I had just got out of bed! And excuse the rubbish photo- holding 2 boxes and trying to take my own picture is not an easy task! I do eat them most days (one for my mid morning snack at work) so I will get through the boxes quickly.

That is my guilty face I think! ๐Ÿ™‚

So, any confessions from you guys this fine evening?

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19 thoughts on “Wimbledon!”

    1. I have so far abstained from iherb as I am going to the USA soon, so will load up then hopefully!

  1. I tried so hard to get into Wimbledon when my sister started playing tennis…I just can’t do it! My attention span is too short ๐Ÿ™‚

    Those berries are BEAUTIFUL!

  2. I love tennis too! Wimbledon is my fav after the French! I know some people who managed to get tickets…it must be so so good to see them for real. The players are such magnificent athletes.

    Confession? I was so lazy this evening that the only cooking I did was steaming some cauliflower. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Yay hooray for fellow tennis fans. I also get a bit excited because my Dad does the line judging so I sometimes see him on there too ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I love wimbledon too!I don’t follow tennis but there’s something I love about Wimbledon. Hey if you get a discount you have to buy in bulk! My confession is I’ve run out of practically everything including vegetables so I had 3 veggie burgers and a choc ice for my tea.

    1. I love those back of the freezer meals! And I was restrained because if I had bought more boxes, I would have got more of a discount! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I made shortbread today, I haven’t eaten shortbread since I was about 10 years old …….. I’m making up for lost time, OOOOPS ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I love Wimbledon – I’d really like to go one day. I got outvoted today though and the channel got turned over.
    I love the British strawberries at this time of year, but the smaller ones are much tastier than the huge monster ones.

  7. Sarah- yes you are right the small ones are much tastier.
    Eleanor- well it was a bargain you are right, but still…..

  8. hee hee…. just clicked over to Natural foods and added them to my basket before talking myself round….. I don’t get paid until next week! Must wait. Must wait. Must wait.

    I have one of these babies for my 3pm snack most days along with a Nescafe skinny cappuccino ๐Ÿ™‚ (they are my guilty little secret, I should make my own but those little sachets make it soooooooo much easier).

    and Wimbledon is, for me, strong memories of my Nanny – she loved it ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ x

  9. Hmm, confessions. I don’t think I have any… Oh wait, I left work early yesterday because of a bad mood! (And because I was otherwise just going to eat cake all afternoon — totally unhelpful response!)

    I’m like you with the tennis. I keep half an eye on it year round, mainly just through the sports news here and there, but I always follow Wimbledon when I can. I agree though, all this Andy Murray nonsense is annoying!

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