Keeping busy plus random meals

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

A while ago I mentioned that I fancied doing something to take up my time. In the end I ordered some patches of fabric (from here if anyone is interested) and they arrived the other weekend. So I have started sewing them together.

It was a selection of fabrics, but as they all had pink/ pale teal in them I thought they would look quite nice.

I had no idea how to do this so I started sewing them in pairs, then joining them together.

Anyway, since then I have read that it is better to sew them into strips and then join the strips together. Not quite sure how to turn it into a blanket once I have sewn them all together either! Really I don’t mind how it turns out because (to quote an early years teaching phrase) it is the process, not the product.

It is quite relaxing to sit with the radio on and sew, plus it keeps my hands busy so I can’t be tempted by chocolate the whole time.

I had a scrumptious breakfast yesterday:

Pancakes made with half spelt and half peanut flour, topped with DCD and sliced banana. Mmm.

I also tried some real (caffeinated) tea- Teapigs chocolate tea. I have them on my facebook page and the photos were tempting me! (I am not against caffeine, but the cyst I have is pressing on my bladder, and caffeine tends to make it a bit worse sometimes which is why I have been only having herbal/ rooibos teas lately).

Plus, the latest sourdough loaf was a success!

I made some carrot, sweet potato and butternut soup, and had the leftover-leftovers (well, me and Andy had one lot the other day- this wasn’t reheated that many times don’t worry) for Friday lunch with a slice and my fave hummus. Yum.

It was fab for dinner with bean and veggie bake.

It was also lovely toasted for Saturday lunch (topped with almond butter/ almond butter and apple/mango jam). Even though the top looked burnt, it was really tasty inside. Phew.

Saturday Andy was out and I needed to use up a lot of veggie from our fridge that were a little past their best. I decided to make a lentil chilli, and also roasted some extra veg (carrots and sweet potato) for more soup.

I cooked some lentils:

Then mixed it all up in a pot with some passatta and some chilli.

Nice and warming on a cold night. Plus two more portions in the freezer. Although we need a bigger freezer- it was a real squeeze fitting the pots in there.

We had the soup today for lunch- it was so easy I really should prep stuff like this more often. I put the carrot and sweet potato in the pan, with some water, stock and this time chilli flakes, simmered for maybe 20 mins, blended and served. Easy.

It is half term this week so I am going to have lots more visitors- hooray 🙂

I made the mistake of listening to an old Adam and Joe podcast on my walk on Saturday- cue me walking along laughing out loud like a crazy person. I think those ones are best listened to at home! I am running out of things to listen to. So which podcasts do you like to listen to? 

Shopping and soup making

Yesterday I had to go to the shops, (well, not like I was forced to or anything) because I had ordered some thermal things from M&S that had to be collected in store. We also needed a few bits at home so I went to Waitrose as it is right in the town centre. Randomly I took a photo when I got home of all my purchases. I like seeing what other people buy so here is a treat for you all- plus you get to see how tiny the work surface is in my kitchen:

Although I must have packed some stuff away before I took it. Silly me. Anyway, I got the usual stuff ;bananas, clementines and plums (which were 3 for 2), salad, peppers, courgettes, aubergine, sweet potatoes, tinned tomatoes and tinned beans (although I did look at the dried beans but they didn’t have dried cannelini which are my fave), orange juice, cheese, Pure spread, olive oil, paracetamol, rosemary, black pepper and some montezuma’s chocolate (I have quite a collection but it is on offer!). Anyway, the peanut butter was reduced and I have no idea why as the best before date is months away (which is why I got one smooth and one crunchy). And I got some nice looking rosemary foccacia rolls, and some yummy looking fruit and seed English muffins- straight to the freezer as they went off the same day. I love a bargain! 🙂 I also got Vegetarian Living mag for me and Private Eye for Andy.

I also popped into Julain Graves and saw these yummy looking cocoa dusted almonds. I got Andy some chai tea (shhh) as I am sure our tea supplies are running low. I mean now I can open the tea cupboard without something falling on me, so that must mean we need more, right?

And there are the thermals. I have white vest ones already so I went for black this time and also tried some leggings- 25% off is not to be sniffed at, especially when it is freezing. I got ankle length leggings and they are really drag-along-the-floor-and-trip-me-up length. But I am short. Anyway they are super warm which is what counts.

The other day Mum and Dad had me over for lunch and my Mum made a lovely butternut and carrot soup. I love soups like that but got out of the habit of making them- a few years ago I would have soup for lunch all winter. So I made some myself.

Carrot, Butternut and Sweet Potato Soup:

I had some butternut that I already cubed and roasted with some rosemary, but you could do it with raw stuff.

In a pan soften 3 chopped carrots and 1 peeled and chopped sweet potato. I used about a tsp olive oil. If using raw butternut add it now too. I added mine a little later as it was soft from being roasted.

Then add a litre of hot water and some vegetable stock- I like this vecon stuff. Put the lid on and simmer for a while- maybe 30 mins? I do the fork test (eg poke a carrot with a fork, and if it is soft it is ready).

I added a bit more water here (I originally added only about 750ml I think) but it depends on how thick/ watery you like it really. Add in some rosemary and black pepper. Chilli would be nice too for a spicy soup- maybe I will try that next time

Then blend away until it turns into a lovely thick smooth soup. Of course you can leave some lumps if you like.

I had it with some sunflower ryvita with caramelised onion hummus- a tasty and veggie-packed lunch.

This made 4 good portions so I put the rest in the fridge for the next few days, although I am sure it would freeze fine too.

And as for the rest of the roasted butternut- it went into a chickpea stew. I am pretty sure it had red onion, red and yellow peppers, butternut squash, tomatoes, chickpeas, chilli and spinach. It was lovely anyway, plus it made 3 portions so I have 2 more in the freezer. My favourite kind of meal (and I even labelled them so no more mystery dinners).

So, what soups do you like? I like thick ones, no weird coloured water for me! I like the actual soup to be smooth but I don’t mind things like lentils or beans in there- makes it more filling. Anyway I quite enjoyed making it- pretty simple but it is quite nice to have different flavours and not always make the same one.

WIAW- sourdough edition

Morning everyone.

Yup, if you have not had enough of my weird baking already, I took photos for WIAW when I made my first sourdough loaf (Friday).


Mint tea (I condensed most of my mint teabags into one box- I thought it was all I had (Twinnings and Aldi) but then found a whole box of Whittards ones too. Having one a day will use them up pretty quick).

Plus porridge- Gingerbread porridge plus a spoonful of dark choc dreams and a topping of cinnamon. Tastes like a chocolate coated gingerbread cookie. Yum.




I could not resist a taste of the sourdough, so I had it with some caramelised onion hummus, cucumber, grapes and persimmon.


Some dark chocolate with some lemongrass and vanilla tea. I went on a little walk and I needed a hot drink when I got back inside!


Bean and veggie bake, topped with cheese, and some sourdough. This is my fave way to eat veggies- all cooked up together- in this is onions, red and green peppers, tomatoes, beans, but we will add courgettes/ aubergine/ spinach depending on what we have in.


When wandering in Waitrose I saw these rice puddings- mango and coconut, so I had one warmed with half of a graze punnet (which was dried mango, pineapple and coconut). Totally tropical!

So, Jenn has created a WIAW theme about loving your veggies.

 At the moment I am loving dipping veggies in that hummus for lunch- sometimes peppers, sometimes carrots, cucumber or celery. For some reason I don’t often have cooked lunches, even though at the moment I easily could. It seems a bit of a waste to turn the oven on just for me. Although I do love soup for lunch and have that some days.

I get most of my veggies with my evening meal and my fave way is when they get all cooked together- like in the bean bake, or in a chickpea stew, or the mexican casserole, or a veggie bean chilli. Then you can just put in what you fancy, or what you have in the fridge. Most of my recipes for dinners have veggies in them, so feel free to take a look.

So, to go with the theme, fave veggie packed recipe? 

More baking (are you bored of it yet?) and a storm in a teacup

Hello everyone, hope we are all doing well and that the snow melted before it had a chance to turn to ice.

Right, I have baked a few things over the last week or so, so just like the news, if you don’t want to know the score/ see me ramble on about baking, look away now.

First up, peanut butter bars.

Now don’t worry, I have not gone crazy, and yes I know these are biscuits. The recipe is from Sweet Vegan, and it starts off with 15 vegan “Graham crackers” (another recipe in the book). I think they are a bit like digestives? Anyway, I made them one day. As you know, I have the time!

Then they got broken up (why did I bother cutting them out into neat circles? Oh right, the having loads of time thing) and whizzed up with peanut butter and icing sugar. And maybe something else, can’t remember.

The topping is the prettiest part. It is meant to be chocolate melted with some butter substitute (as it is a vegan book) but I used Dark chocolate dreams instead, and let me tell you that is the most amazing topping for anything, ever. Ever!

I added the stars to pretty it up some more 🙂

As I was giving some away for friends who came to visit. It was very crumbly to cut, but it was really worth it. Although next time I think I would just buy biscuits for the base.

Next up- Carrot Cake.

Andy’s family were again coming over for the football, so I wanted to make something pretty. This was a Hummingbird  recipe, but I swapped pecans for walnuts (not a fan of walnuts), and added in some grated coconut.

I made some sugar carrots for the topping- something I have always wanted to do! I had to use my gel colours  (I keep them in the cute owl box) 🙂 I rolled the orange icing into balls, then rolled them into sort of sausage shapes making one end thin and one end fat. For the greens I rolled into very thin rolls, and used 2 for each carrot. I made a little hole in the end of the carrot with my little finger, and poked the greens in there. Then I used a knife to make nobbles on the carrots.

Hooray for my little carrots!

I baked the mixture in two tins, and then made some icing. Now my plan was to use coconut cream (the little tiny tins from Waitrose) to make a coconut icing. When you pour it out, it looks like loads! Anyway, I added in icing sugar and mixed until it was thick, and left it in the fridge to thicken further. I sandwiched the two cakes with some, and had the rest to put on top.

Now, the cakes were cool but I think the kitchen was warm because the icing really melted and kept pouring off the top of the cake. I shall call it a glaze. Andy’s Mum said she much preferred it to normal thick icing because it got in all the nooks and crannies. Anyway, it did taste really coconutty. More practise needed though!

I had some a day later and the icing had hardened more, so maybe that is the key.

Finally, hot buns. 

From Great British Bake Off book. They are not hot cross buns, because I could not be bothered to make the cross. These were for my parents and I made them with half wholemeal as we all prefer that. Seriously, anyone who visits or has me as a visitor has got to expect some baking at the moment as it is a good way to pass the time.

Something else exciting- Andy had to pop to Tescos the other day, and I went along for the ride (I lead an exciting life)- anyway while preusing the “fancy pretend milk” section look at what I found!

Alpro almond milk! I love the Provamel Almond milk but it is hard to find, and I like the unsweetened Ecomil but that is pretty expensive. I am excited that other companies are making almond milk anyway, especially as this is fortified with calcium and vitamins. 🙂 Plus it is cheaper than the Ecomil stuff.

Finally, the storm in a teacup. Well, sort of. I was sent a few types of tea to review from Storm Teas (love the name) so feel free to check out my review here.

Stay warm people 🙂

And if you could top one thing with the chocolate/ dark chocolate dreams topping, what would it be?

E.T. Sour-dough

Yeah, that is right, my sourdough loaf looks like ET. Well, either ET or a skull, but I hate skulls and skeletons so I am going for ET.

I followed this recipe, so step 1 took several days- putting flour and warm water into a jar and stirring, then each day adding more water and flour to “feed” it. No yeast, but it did bubble.

Here you can see the bubbles that appeared, before I covered it in more flour and water.

Then I had to make the dough- 300ml of the starter mix (which was very gloopy so I had to ladle it out), 500g flour (I did half wholemeal and half white), 200ml warm water and a pinch of salt.

It looked a bit messy in the bowl, and it took a lot of kneading, but it did come together to make quite a sticky dough. From things I had read on the internet, the dough would be wetter than a normal bread dough- something I read said to keep it as wet as you could bare.

Then it went back in the same bowl (I don’t like extra washing up, sorry!) which I coated with a little rapeseed oil.

I actually took some photos to see if it had risen or not, because I was having trouble working it out! Anyway, after a good few hours I kneaded it gently and shaped it into the dough shape. I made a makeshift proving basket by lining a pasta bowl with a teatowel, and left it overnight.

Again, I was not sure if it had risen in the morning.

But a look on the camera confirmed it! Or rather, it had spread!

Then I heated up the baking tray in the oven (at 240C- super hot!) and baked it for 35 mins.

It rose so much in the oven, I was shocked- I honestly think it doubled in height! I did slash the top with a serrated knife, but not deep enough it turns out because it sort of burst out the bottom.

I could not resist slicing it while it was still warm.

And enjoyed an end piece with some hummus for lunch. It has turned out really well for a first go- nice and chewy and it does have a faint sourdough taste. I think as the starter mix gets more mature the flavour will develop too.

And seriously, what do you think it looks like? I am still saying ET!

Have a lovely weekend- stay warm wherever you are 🙂