Parkrun- dream vs reality

I always have pretty vivid dreams, but they are normally about something I am worried about, and parkrun is something I look forward to (especially when I missed the previous weekend). Now, I had volunteered this weekend for the new runner briefing again, because that would mean I could still run it, so perhaps I was still a little worried about doing that. Also, someone in my running club had mentioned a new parkrun in Hoddesdon (not much further than Panshanger) so I must have been thinking about that too.

So, the dream:

I am travelling to a brand new parkrun, to do the runners briefing. I get there are 8.30, and begin to try and find the start among a sea of fluorescent-clad runners. I realise I still have my handbag with me, and a rucksack, so try and find Andy’s mum (who was going to watch) so she could hold my bag. I felt bad because there was a long walk from the start to the finish so she would have to carry them a long way. My shoes were not tight enough to I have to keep pulling out more and more of the lace to make them do up. I walk up and down a steep steep a few times, trying to find someone in charge, but I can’t spot the high viz jackets because everyone is wearing bright tops. Then I realise the date- 12th September, and remember that I am meant to be at Panshanger. I have a bit of a panic wondering how I am meant to let them know that I am in the wrong place. Then, we line up. Andy is there, and we are both wearing our Southampton 10K tops. When the guy says “go” we both sprint off  down the hill, with only about 4 others, but are told we false started so have to jog back to the start.

The reality:

I get up, have some water, potter about, empty the dishwasher, pack my tennis visor, check my emails. Drive to parkrun. I see the run director, but he can’t find the laminated prompt sheet, so he writes down the main points for me. One of the OH ladies is tail running, and one is chip scanning, so I chat to them for a bit.

Time comes for the briefing- I stand in my high viz jacket and wave, and have a big group- around half were tourists and half were new to parkrun. No questions, but a guy on a bike turned up late so I go through it with him. The rain is holding off so I leave my visor in the car.

I go to the back and chat with the tail runner, then we listen to the start talk (two people were doing their 50th run). We go. As I am right at the back, it is very stop start, as it narrows through a gate and then along a woodland track. I was not aiming for any time, although I have given myself an unofficial target to keep them under 30 minutes each week. After a mile I catch up with another OH lady, so I say “hi, enjoy” before I pass her.

Past the fields, the track widens out, so I overtake a few more runners. I shall make the most of the downhill, I decide. As we run down through the sheep field (although no sheep to be seen) I try out the grass instead of the track- I think it was a bit faster.

At the 2 mile point my watch beeps, but I don’t look because I want to run on feel- this feels hard but enjoyable- I still have the energy to thank the marshals and smile.

On the final hill I am digging in and someone overtakes me seriously sprinting! I try to say “good work” but I think I just panted something incomprehensible! As I finish one of the marshals (who is RD sometimes) said “well done Maria” to me, which was lovely – I can manage a smile, but then the current RD passes me and asks me how I got on- I could not answer very well! That hill is tough! I saw a few of the OH ladies so we chatted a bit, before heading back to our cars. I bought a chai latte from the coffee van, and while in the queue I saw a guy who was a tail runner with me back in the summer- he had just run it with his wife- it was her first parkrun- hooray! After that, it started to rain, so I put my hoodie on and headed home. Perfect. I think the reality was better than the dream! My 48th parkrun too!

2015-09-12 10.18.01I was showing off my OH hoodie.

Now, I have a dilemma. Next Saturday I am going to a wedding. It’s a small wedding (not sure if this makes a difference), and is more relaxed than normal. I need a hair cut, so I tried to book one, but the only time they had was 9am on Saturday. Those of you who share my love of parkrun will feel my pain. It’s worse because the next weekend we are meeting family near Birmingham, and the weekend after we go to Bournemouth for the 10K, so I won’t go to one for ages.  So, do I keep the appointment and have my hair done for me, or re-book for later, go to parkrun, and do my hair myself? I think you might be able to tell which way I am leaning. But my hair really needs to be cut!

Do you have vivid dreams? Shall I parkrun on Saturday? 

Back to work running

Well, last Tuesday was the last day of the holidays, and my first trip to the running club since my holiday. I love our Tuesday sessions- we never know how far we will go, which route we will do, and whether it will be a steady run or an interval session.

Last week only three of us turned up, so we did a lovely route through a cycle way (an old railway line), and then we took on “the hill”- I had only run it the day before on my Bank Holiday 6 miler. Ah well, the more we do it, the better we will get I suppose.

After work on Wednesday we walked up to the cinema (Mission Impossible 10 or whatever- which I very much enjoyed) so I decided to get up early on Thursday morning. I don’t normally like to run before work, but we had a training day that didn’t start until 8.45, so I had more flexibility in getting to work.

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I left home just after 6am and was treated to a pretty impressive sunrise- it looked like the building was on fire! I did 3.5 miles and it really made me feel so much better- our training days on Wednesday and Thursday were sitting down, which is very different to my normal days at work and I was feeling sluggish.

On Thursday evening I went to Body Pump for the first time in about 5 or 6 weeks. I didn’t think it would be too bad (not sure why)- I chose slightly lighter weights for the squats, chest and triceps, but for the rest kept my usual weight. By Friday afternoon I was really stiff and sore. We got a Eurostar to Paris on the Friday evening, and spent Saturday and Sunday doing lots of walking.

Last night was another club run- a lot of them are doing a local 10K race (the same weekend I am doing the Bournemouth 10K) so we have officially started 10K training.  We ended up doing 5.4 miles (including that hill) at a pretty fast pace. By the end we were running to beat the light- it was fairly gloomy and we ran through a few alleyways that seemed quite dark. It was really enjoyable, but I felt pretty shattered when I got home and I don’t think I will be running far today!

Oahu- running gear spending spree!

So after our few days in Yosemite, we had a night staying near to San Francisco airport before flying out to Honolulu (on Oahu). With the long flight (just under 6 hours I think) and time difference (3 hours) we were pretty tired by the time we arrived, so as soon as we had checked in we headed out for dinner. Because we had been there before, we didn’t need to find our way at all, which really helped.

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I was awake before 5am, but the thought of running in the city in the darkness didn’t appeal, so I got ready and headed out a bit before 6, and was treated to a beautiful sunrise. After a lot of stretching on the beach, I popped to Starbucks (it was at the bottom of our hotel) for a cold drink for me, and a coffee for Andy.

2015-08-04 07.01.27They have flip flops on their summer cups!

We did a lot of walking around the Waikiki beach area, and to a big shopping centre, as well as some relaxing in the hotel room. I still managed over 26,000 steps (although that did include my run).

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Without fail, every day our breakfast was an acai bowl from Island Vintage Coffee- so delicious and refreshing in the heat. It was 0.75 miles from our hotel (on my first run I measured it with my Garmin!) so it was good to stretch our legs first thing each day.

On our second day we got the bus to the bottom of Diamond Head, which is a small crater that you can walk up. It is pretty tough- there were warnings about how many people they have to rescue from it- it’s quite steep, plenty of switch backs, and there is little shade too.

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It was hot and sweaty walking up there, but the views made it all worthwhile.

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You could see all the way back along the coast to Waikiki. Over 18,000 steps walked, and lots of those uphill!

The next day we had hired a car for the day so we could drive around the rest of the island (last time we came, we had a car for the whole time, but it was expensive to park in the hotel, the roads were crazy busy, and we didn’t use it that much)- so after our usual breakfast we walked to the hotel to pick it up.

Last time we had driven to Pearl Harbor and then continued to the north shore before driving back, so this time we headed on a sort of anti-clockwise loop of the island, stopping when we fancied it.

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Here, we were near the big ranch where a lot of films (like Jurassic Park) were filmed.

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(Both of those photos were taken from the same spot. It was strange having the green rocks so close to the sea).

A little later we stopped near the north shore market place, which is just lovely for a wander, with lots of quirky shops, art shops and a famous shaved ice shop. I was most excited to see another branch of IVC, and although we don’t usually have lunch on holiday, we shared a sandwich- how could I resist this- toasted cranberry walnut bread, with peanut butter and fresh mango, served with a side salad.

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We had a wander and bought a picture (the same artist as we had bought on our last trip- Heather Brown– she has a really unique style), Andy got some shaved ice and we both bought some t-shirts there, before we headed back to the car. On the way back we stopped at the Dole plantation for a pineapple float. We were trying to get to the running shop for me to collect my race bits, but traffic was bad, so we just returned the car instead and left it for the next day. After dinner we were walking back along the beach and two runners passed us, both wearing different Hawaii running tops with pineapples on them- once we got back to the hotel I googled them and found that a running store a mile from  our hotel sold them, so I made a note of the address in case we had time to get there.

On our final full day on Oahu we got the hotel shuttle to the big shopping centre, as the running shop (Runner’s Route) I needed to visit was close by. Picking up the race pack was great- I was pretty relieved that there were pages of entries (as when I signed up, the entry list was something like 16 people)- and it was in a really nice running shop so I had a browse. I had left my visor at home (just hadn’t thought about it) so when I saw they had a few nice ones I bought one.  The store had loads of race t-shirts for decoration, so it was great to look at past Hawaii marathon tops and so on. The shopping centre is massive- we went past a Lululemon with a sale, so I had a look at the capris- I like short length ones and they actually did a pair that were the perfect length, so I bought some.

We could have got the shuttle back, but I wanted to see how to get to and from the race (it started at the beachfront park close to the shopping centre) so we walked the 2.5 miles back to the hotel, which was nice but pretty hot! When we got back to our hotel, our room was about to be cleaned, so we quickly got some water and then headed out in the other direction to the other running shop (Running Room) in search of the pineapple top.

In the end I was spoilt for choice- they sold it in different vest styles, t-shirts and long sleeved tops, in a variety of colours. I was very restrained and only bought one!

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We walked out for dinner, and then to watch the fireworks (they have free ones set off by the big Hilton hotel)- we had walked over 23,000 steps that day, not bad.

The next morning was my race, so my alarm went off at 4.45am, ready for me to leave the hotel at 5.15 and run the 2.5 miles to the race start. Once the race was over, I picked up breakfast on my way back, and had a quick shower as we had a flight to catch- next stop, Kauai!

A run in the rain, feeling better again

Since getting back it has been hard to get into a routine. We landed at lunch time on Monday, and I felt pretty rubbish that afternoon (I think a 10 hour overnight flight will do that to you). Of course, even though I was tired, I ended up waking up at 1am, after only a few hours of sleep, and despite my best efforts I just could not get back to sleep. On Tuesday I met friends for breakfast, went in to work, and had planned a club run that evening, but I felt shattered and gave it a miss.

Wednesday I went out and did 3 miles on an out and back route. Heavy rain was forecast, but it didn’t start until half way into my run. Then it poured so hard that my t-shirt was sticking to me and my feet were squelching. Luckily I had worn a visor so I had a little vision through my glasses! Andy saw the rain and left me a towel at the bottom of the stairs before he left for work- I had to take everything off as water was pouring all over the place. I was so cold I put on some old clothes and had some tea before a shower. I quite enjoyed it, but it felt quite hard, although I am blaming the lack of sleep for that.

Thursday I spent all day in London with friends- if I was home in time I would have gone to body pump, but I was back too late.

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We got cakes from Hummingbird, and I took one home for Andy, although annoyingly I was given black bottom instead of red velvet for him.

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Friday I went out first thing (making the most of the last few days of holiday). I decided to do a 6 mile route, out and back. The weather was nice- it was breezy and sunny but not too hot. I was catching up on old marathon talk podcasts, and although I do enjoy my “me” time, it gave me too much time to ponder. I felt like I was plodding along, and wanted to stop and walk, and although I don’t run to time, I did wonder how on earth I ever managed a 10K in under an hour. I know it was down to tiredness (and I will have lost some fitness as I think I ran 6 times in 3 weeks on holiday) but I was just a bit grumpy when I had finished.

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I have been using my tea pouches (there was a David’s Tea in San Francisco- I only came across it on our last day)- I do have some mini infusers but sometimes a teabag is just easier, so these are perfect for working my way through my piles of loose-leaf tea.

Saturday was parkrun day! Hooray! I knew a few of the ladies from the club would be there, so it was lovely to see a few of them before we started running. It gets a bit bottle-necked at the start because you run through some woods, and I didn’t see any of them whilst running, but I just enjoyed being out there by myself. I had no idea of what time to go for, and pushed my Garmin around so that I could not even glance at my pace. I had forgotten how hard the finishing hill is, but of course after a few minutes of getting my breath back I was fine, and good to chat with the other girls about how their running had gone. When I looked later on Strava I was pleased to see my mile times as 9.38, 8.42 (a big downhill bit here but often I find I slow in the middle) and 9.09. A bit erratic I suppose but the course is up and down so it would be hard to get gradually faster.

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I attempted some baked french toast as I thought it would be easier than cooking it in a pan- not sure if it was. I used half a mini pannetone (I had a sort out of our cupboard and found it, and some Easter eggs- they need to be eaten), basically I beat together an egg, some almond milk and some vanilla extract, put the sliced bread in there with some blueberries, and left to soak while I was at parkrun. Then before I got in the shower, I put it in the oven for 30 minutes. I cooked an apple to go with it, so I don’t think it saved time in the end!

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Later on, we walked up to Sweatshop, as while I was away I had received an email from Panshanger parkrun saying that I was the monthly prize winner! I was very chuffed indeed. (Each parkrun chooses one person each month, and that person gets to choose a new pair of trainers from Sweatshop).

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I wore my current trainers there, as I have been getting on really well with them, and they advised me to keep to the same style- luckily they still had the same model, so I have a second pair now. Thanks lovely Panshanger event team!

Sunday I was busy marshaling at the triathlon- again I thought I might run after that, but I didn’t finish until midday, when it was estimated that we would be done at around 10.30, and then I had to collect some orders from shops, have breakfast and so I didn’t fancy it.

But having a three day weekend meant I had another chance for a run. The weather again was forecast as heavy rain, thundery showers- not really the best running weather. The club was having a “Bank Holiday Special run” at 8.30, but I didn’t set an alarm as I wanted to try and sleep a bit. In the end I was ready to run at 8.25, but I would not have had time to drive to their meeting place, so I went out on my own. It wasn’t raining when I left, but I knew it wouldn’t be long. I had no idea of what route to do, and could not even decide how far to go. I didn’t fancy the out and back from Friday, I didn’t want to go on the fields because of all the mud, so I decided to head to an old Sweatshop route, the dreaded “hill” route. As I was running I just felt much better. I have no idea if it was the cooler air, or having a longer sleep, or a combination, but I felt like I wanted to keep on going. At the point where I normally loop back, I realised that in our OH runs we sometimes arrive at this point from another direction, so I checked the maps on my phone and decided to keep on going. At one point I did worry because I didn’t recognise the road, but of course everything looks different from the other direction. At least I knew that if I got really lost I could retrace my steps, but I didn’t need to. I could have gone further, but it was raining, and every minute it was getting harder, so I decided to head back. In the end I got home with exactly 6 miles run, and I am quite pleased to have made my own new running route. I felt brilliant when I got home. It wasn’t a fast run, but it was enjoyable, and I felt like I could have carried on for much more.

At the moment I only have 10k’s booked for the autumn, but there is a new 10 mile race in Brighton, in October, so I am trying to decide at the moment whether to sign up or not. Pros- 10 mile distance is great, Brighton is great, new race is always great. Cons- would have to travel the day before, probably have to drive because the trains are not running all the way through on the Sunday, hotels might be expensive, don’t have many free weekends to catch up on work…..

What are you looking forward to about autumn? I feel like now it’s September, I can mention it!  Although I love sunny days, I do find that I run better when it is a little cooler, plus it warms me up for the rest of the day, instead of making me too hot.

A Golden Gate parkrun

Hey peeps, I hope you are all well. I am back home now, and trying to battle the jet lag (so apologies if I end up with weird typos)- I have been awake since 1am!

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Anyway, after Hawaii, we had a few days in San Francisco before coming home. I think I saw they had a parkrun because Tom Williams (from marathon talk) put some photos of him there, but equally it might have been the Did You Run Today facebook group. Who knows. All I remember is that once I realised that we were there on the Saturday morning ( we got there Thursday night, and left Sunday afternoon) I knew I would have to do it.

The parkrun is in Crissy Field, an area of marshland next to the bay. On a previous trip to San Fransisco, we had been there, but either cycled or got a bus- it was a bit too far to walk from the centre. I did look into bus routes, but they were confusing, and seemed to take ages. The journey was only about 4 1/2 miles (and none of that is flat!) which was too far for me to run really, plus the navigation wasn’t that easy so I thought I might get lost. In the end, I signed up to Uber, because that, apparently, is what all the locals do. We used one to get from the airport (as we didn’t fancy the underground at nearly midnight) and it was brilliant.

If you don’t know, Uber is a sort of taxi app (there has been fuss about it costing real taxi companies business). I am converted. I hate getting taxi’s, and avoid it as much as possible. The thing is, the firms are so hit and miss. After the WR10K last year, I got one into the town centre and it was great, I got a text saying the number plate of the cab etc. But then in London after doing a 15K, I had awful trouble even finding a firm, and then it took ages to arrive and didn’t know where I was. Plus you never know how much the fare will be, and the drivers always huff and puff so much if you try to use a card. With Uber, all my stresses were gone. You load the app which uses GPS on your phone to show you your location, and all the cars nearby (it is quite fun to just watch the cars move about the streets). You move the pin on the map to show where you want to be picked up, and you can either get a fare estimation, or straight away book one and enter where you are going by typing in the address (I had made sure to print off the parkrun info so I had that to hand). Then, you get a message saying the make of the car (mostly Prius!), the number plate, the name of the driver and a little photo, and how long they will be. You can even watch the map to see where the car is. Amazing. Then, when you get in, they know where you are going- their phones show the GPS route to your destination. And, when you get there, the fare is automatically debited from your account, so no need to frantically find cash, or try to pay quickly while they are stopped along a busy road….All my taxi worries are sorted with this!

Anyway, after getting ready I called an Uber, which arrived in about a minute! There was not much traffic so I arrived at the start at 8.30am, although I got a bit worried because there was already a race going on (Escape the Rock- a swim and run)- I didn’t want it to be cancelled because of another event.

I took a few photos, and then saw some people setting up the sign, so I was very relieved. It was such a friendly event- the event director was greeting everyone with a handshake, and introducing himself. There were only 31 people running, and most of them seemed to be on holiday from the UK. We chatted for a bit about our holidays and running. Some of them were doing a race on the Sunday morning and were apprehensive about the 7am start- it seems most US races start early. The start was very leisurely- we were walked to the finish line so we knew what it looked like, and then walked to the start line. It was an out and back course- out one way towards Alcatraz, turn around (at the end of a pier- you couldn’t go wrong there!), come back past the start, along by the bay, towards the Golden Gate Bridge, turn around (here, they lose people, although they described it well, and it did have two parkrun signs saying “turn around here” on them, and it was at the 2 mile point for people with GPS), then back to the finish. Because there were so many people running anyway, and the finish was along the main coastal path, you had to wave at them so they knew you were a parkrunner, and finish between cones.

Because the start was in a car park (just for the beach) it was delayed a bit while we waited for cars to move about. In the end we started at about 9.15 I think, but who is counting? I could not decide on what to aim for really- I had run a few times over the holiday, but nothing fast (it was too hot). In the end I thought I would run on feel, but wanted to beat my 5K time from the run in Honolulu, as this was also flat, but also a bit cooler. I set off too fast (it is so easy to go off fast when you are so keen!) and after the first mile (8.40- very fast for me) I slowed down a bit. Running alongside the bay, with the fantastic scenery, was great. Because the final turnaround point was at 2 miles, it was ages before I saw anyone going the other way (4 speedy men all did it in just over 19 minutes). I had a runner behind me who was cheering on all the runners she saw, whether they were parkrunners, racers, or just out on their own. I saved my breath but managed a wave to the parkrunners I recognised. I didn’t look at my watch again, but there was a guy in a bright yellow top who I was trying to keep within my sight. I think that helped, as when I looked later my last 2 miles were both 8.59, with the final bit at 8.44 (seeing the finish cones gave me a final burst!). I was handed chip number 16! I don’t think I will ever finish that high again! I got my chip scanned right away, and then waited with everyone to cheer in the rest of the runners. There was a lady taking photos on the line of everyone, and when one lady finished, she didn’t get a good photo, so asked her to run it again for her photo- if only we all had that chance!

(Taken from the Crissy Fields facebook page)

Enjoying it at the start (well, managing a smile)

I had my waist pack thing on for my phone, tissues, room key etc, but in the end could have left it with my jumper as they locked everything into a car while we were running- it was driving me mad bouncing about all over the place.

The sun came out at the end, which made the final mile feel very hot and tough indeed- my red face! In the final half mile I was overtaken by a lady (on holiday from Ireland) and after we finished she came and thanked me, as until that point she had been right behind me, using me as a pacer. Happy to help, especially when I don’t even realise I am!

It was such a lovely atmosphere on the finish line- everyone waiting until the final person finished- there were a few very diddy children who did really well. Then, the lovely lady (I have forgotten her name) offered to take photos of everyone by the sign, and then she mentioned that she had made lemon bars– amazing. I bought some water from the cafe, but time was getting on (it was gone 10am) and I didn’t want Andy to get worried, so after trying a piece (delicious) and wishing people good luck with their races the next day, I arranged another Uber and headed back to the hotel. I got the email while I was in the car- I was first in my age category! A first for me!

So, my first real bit of parkrun tourism (as I have only done two before this, both my local ones) and now I am keen to do a few more. We have a few weekends away booked for races (they are all 10K’s) but I might see if I can squeeze in a parkrun at one of them.

Amazingly, because Andy referred me to Uber, my first ride (up to $20, but it wasn’t that much) was free, so it only cost me about £7 in the end for the return journey- not much more than the bus and much less stressful. So, thanks Uber for making my parkrun tourism dream come true!

Where would you like there to be a parkrun? I feel like there should be one in Central Park as so many people run there all the time. Or somewhere spectacular like Niagara Falls would be pretty amazing.

Have you used Uber before? Are you a taxi-phobe like me?

I do have a referral code, which is mariab3614ue  – it means you would get a ride of up to $20 free, and then I would too, although I am not sure when I would use it again, seeing as it is only in London in the UK I think. But anyway, it’s there if anyone would like it. Also, not sure if you sign up in the UK whether it would be in £’s- Andy’s first ride was up to £10 free, as he signed up here.