My word that Parkrun tired me out yesterday! I was feeling good and decided that as I had not been to pump on Thursday, or run on the Friday I should try and see how fast I could go. I looked on the Lucozade website (they create free pacer bands) just to see what sort of speed I should be aiming for- I think I put in 27 minutes even and I had to aim for 8.41 pace. I ended up starting right at the back as I was chatting to one of the girls from Sweatshop (she was running with a dog so was at the back)- the start took me by surprise and I felt like I spent a long time weaving in and out of people. A few times I got stuck behind a couple of slightly slower runners, and had to wait as the path can be narrow in places. I glanced at my watch a couple of times- the first time I was doing 9.09 so a bit too slow, but then a bit later I was 8-something. After the second mile I flipped my watch around so I could not see the screen, as often if I think I am going fast all the adrenaline starts going, which then makes me feel drained, and I end up really slowing. I got overtaken on the final stretch to the finish line, so I wasn’t holding out much hope, but once I had crossed the line I stopped my watch and was amazed to see 26.48 on there. I kept my fingers crossed that it was close to my recorded time. I was so excited to get the text at lunch time to say I had indeed got a new pb- 26.50 (by 22 seconds!)! I was not sure it was possible for me to go that fast!
Breakfast- Orgran buckwheat pancakes made speedily with their egg replacer, apple cooked in coconut oil and sugar, vanilla chai and some chocolate coconut water which was weird.
After heading home, shower and breakfast I had a few hours of work to do. I then did some housework (which I think is good as it keeps me moving), popped to the shops as we are replacing the blinds in our living room, and made an apple cake.
These are apples from my garden! There are a few more left on the tree too.
I was shattered! After dinner we watched A Winter’s Bone which was more heavy going than I had expected, but I needed to chill out!
This morning I was awake early again, and pottered around for a bit- I downloaded the newest marathon talk podcast, and had a nakd gingerbread bar instead of the dates I have been having for a pre-run snack. I even pre-planned my route, which is something I have not done in a while!
It seemed quite mild so I went for a vest again, and that was fine but when I got out of the door it was drizzling- that wasn’t forecast! I went back in to fetch my tennis visor, and headed out. A few minutes later I heard my comment being read out on marathon talk, and they had a bit of a field day with my tennis visor- should I call it something else? It’s not a baseball hat!
Anyway, the ten miles went fine and although I felt pretty tired by the end that is to be expected I suppose! I had the same pancakes for breakfast, only this time I used an egg instead of the egg replacer- partly because I had loads of eggs but also because I was very very hungry.
So, onto the Nutribox Sports Nutrition box review.
I was kindly sent this box in exchange for a review, and I have been loving it. These sort of snack box delivery services seem to be taking off, and I can see the appeal. In case you are not familiar with them you sign up to receive either a large box (containing 16-20 snacks) or a small box (with 8-10 snacks) and they will deliver the selection to you each month. They are all gluten free, and you can select a vegan option too. They say that the retail value would usually exceed the price of the box too. You can look at previous months’ boxes to get an idea of the sorts of things that would be included but it does seem good value- those Bounce balls are usually close to £2 each.
Love those coconut Bounce balls.
The Sports Nutrition Box aims to include items with good amounts of protein, carbohydrate and healthy fats (but no trans fats). I loved the variety in the box. If I visit a health food shop (or Wholefoods) I will be tempted by new cereal bars and I liked the range included in the box. I had already tried and loved the coconut and macadamia Bounce ball, but all the other products were new to me.
There were some favourites (the beond bar/ Bounce bar/ Pulsin’ raw chocolate brownie), some I enjoyed but I am not sure I would go out of my way to find them again (the creative nature seed bar/ peanut Bounce ball/ the salad topper seed mix) and ones I didn’t enjoy that much (the Pulsin’ maple and peanut protein bar had a chalky texture, and I am not a massive fan of dried apricots so the Turkish delight mix – apricots, dates, brazil nuts- was not for me).
The element of surprise is great too- it was exciting to open it up and see what was included.
If you are tempted by it, they have set up a discount code: RUNNINGCUPCAKES which will get you 35% off your first box- not a bad deal.
What should I call my tennis visor??
Have you tried or would you be tempted by a snack delivery service like this?
Did you have a good run/ workout this weekend?