Counting down

So, last night was my last body pump before the big day itself! It was good fun- I kept weights lower for squats, lunges and back, and all was fine.

I do at the moment keep imagining injuries- my knee was sore for a bit and it has not been sore for years, at one point at work yesterday I convinced myself that my back was sore (I think I was just sat badly and then got up quickly and it felt weird for a minute which normally I would not even notice)- possibly this is the paranoia about making it to the start line in one piece. I am starting to feel a little out of control, so I have started to make myself think about the things I can control (e.g. taking my training easy, food in the final week, packing, thinking about all those good runs that I had) to calm my nerves. It suddenly seems so close, and the last week of a half term is always so busy so I think next week will fly by! We fly out Friday night, and Andy is going to pick me up from work so I only have at home until next Thursday. Eeek!

Anyway, when I got home I had half a bag of spinach that needed using up, so I went for a green smoothie. In the blender went the spinach, a small frozen banana, some frozen cherries, 2 tsp cocoa powder, xanthan gum and some rice dream milk.

It turned out so thick it was more like melty ice cream, so I had it in a bowl instead!

I put some pb on there, but I think I should have made a sauce instead as of course, the smoothie being freezing cold, the pb did not melt! Duh. Anyway, this was delicious.

Right, catch you guys later 🙂

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12 thoughts on “Counting down”

  1. I always imagine injuries when I have an event coming up. Always. Like yesterday I totally freaked out that I pulled or strained my trap during shrugs and now it feels almost back to normal — honestly I think it just got a little too pumped up and swelled against my sports bra strap so much that it started hurting a little bit, but of course I tweeked out about it because…that’s what I do. haha.

  2. Very proud of you with reducing weights for body pump, sometimes its easier to increase than to decrease – but all for a good cause 🙂
    Scrummy looking smoothie btw!

    1. Thanks 🙂 It was you who reminded me to do it last week, so I thought I had better!

  3. I am one of “those” paranoid people that can start to imagine things, too! “Oh, I think my knee hurts!” “Uh oh, is that a toothache?” “I think my throat might be scratchy! I must be coming down with something!” Talk about a joykill :X Glad it’s not just me, though! Good luck tomorrow! (tomorrow? today? sometime soon?)

    1. Thanks Jess- it’s next Saturday so I am going to be crazy by the time it comes around!

  4. SO EXCITING!! The last one before the big day wooo!! Good for keeping the leg weights lighter! I (stupidly!) did mine heavier than normal after 2 weeks off with a long run the next day…yeah my quads are KILLING now! 😛

    And that smoothie looks YUM!! 😀

  5. Thanks Carrie- yeah it was soooooooo good!
    Emma- I had sort of thought about lowering the weights, but not really, and then Lara commented that I should, so I thought I had better really!

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