Yep, I am a day behind! We had no internet yesterday, until about half ten at night. Ah well. Like a lot of people in the UK, I woke up to a lovely blanket of snow on Sunday.
Everything looks so pretty, and the world is so quiet too. You can’t see it as I was not sure how to zoom in, but all the branches of all the trees were covered in a thick icing layer of snow too.
I could not resist a little walk, which ended up taking me ages because the snow was very deep in places- my foot, ankle and a lot of my leg would disappear.
I did not build a snowman myself (I don’t think that doctors would classify that as resting!) but I did see a huge one that the students had made.
It does not look so huge here, but it was! I did not even reach the neck. Just after this some girls came along and posed for pictures in front of it!
Now, I think the snow is very pretty. Obviously at the moment I don’t need to go for a run, and I quite like one day of it anyway. But it is the day after that is often worse.
To get to the road, we have to drive along this path, and only a couple of other cars use it. Our actual road never gets gritted either, so that turns into an ice rink very quickly. Luckily it is flat, as a flat ice rink is much preferable to a steep one. The trouble is, a few cars drive (or people walk) and the snow gets compacted, then it freezes overnight. It’s silly because I can see the main roads from our house (and saw them on my walk) and they are fine, but it is getting to them that is hard. I have asked for a grit/ salt box before, because I am sure local residents would use it, but they always say no.
Ah well, after a walk it was a good reason (excuse?) to have a lovely hot chocolate. Yum.
What did you all do with the snow? I hope no-one got stuck/ stranded, and I really want to see some more snowman photos! They had some on the news last night (BBC) but when I looked on the website this morning all I can find is a video of someone sledging. I did build a snow bear once, but I can’t find a photo of that either. Oh, here it is.