Busy baking! And coconut yoghurt!

Hello everyone!

I hope you have been enjoying the most fabulous weather (well here in England anyway). I have been getting out in the fresh air and feeling better all the time- there are some fields near the back of my house, and I have been loving walking through them. Before I was sticking to the roads in case I had to phone someone to come and get me, but I know I can manage it now. Although I did drive the other day for the first time and was so shattered I had to lie down and nearly slept before dinner. I went to see the doctor and she was very pleased with how the incisions are healing- she explained to me that the biggest cut (and the most pain) is on the left because they could not go in on the right side (the side the cyst was) because they could not risk puncturing it. Made perfect sense but I never worked it out! Anyway, she said to increase everything gradually, so not to drive too far too soon and that sort of thing. Plus now although I have some soreness, it is not pain any more, just twinges now and then, and general aching (she said it was still a bit inflamed and would be bruised inside for a while) and tiredness, and that is so much easier to deal with. Hurrah!

The other day I was sent a sample of Coyo, which is yoghurt made from coconuts. I had some when I was in the US in the summer, and it was lovely, so I am so excited that we can get it over here now.ย Unfortunatelyย the package had split in the post, but I managed to salvage a bowl-full to try. I was sent some berry coconut yoghurt, which contains coconut milk, tapoica starch, xylitol, blueberries, blackberries and probiotic cultures.

I topped it with a little bit of coconut, but it was delicious on it’s own too. Iย absolutelyย loved it- the flavour of the berries went really well with the coconut and it was so rich and creamy- it was thick like greek yoghurt. Heaven in a bowl! And such a taste of summer too.

They have a list of stockists on their website, (but none near me currently) but they are also sold online at Planet Organic which I have used before, Goodness Direct (which I have seen other bloggers order from) and also a site called red23.co.uk, which I have not heard of, but looks good.

Anyway, I have also been busy baking!

That mess is the start of sourdough! I had to start off a new culture (I got rid of the last one before I went to hospital because I thought it would not make it!) and seeing as I only started it on Monday it was looking pretty good (the rest is in the jar). The dough looks so craggy, but a good lot of kneading will make it come together. I used half white and half rye flour for this one.

It has to be left for a few hours to rise, before you shape it.

I decided to cut it before I left it to rise overnight, because when I have cut it before baking, the bread seems too delicate, and I saw it done this way on a TV show this week.

It had risen a lot overnight, and was ready to bake. I used my silicone loaf pan inside the metal one, as the metal one keeps the shape, but it comes out of the silicone one much easier.

It had burst out of the back a bit, but it smells pretty good. I still think it is amazing that this is made from water, flour and salt. No added yeast or dough improvers or anything else. We will have some for dinner this evening but my favourite is to toast it- I freeze it in slices (between pieces of baking paper so they don’t stick) so perfect for lunches/ breakfasts all week.

I also got a little i-herb order ๐Ÿ™‚ I have been using peanut flour in smoothies a lot, so decided to get some more. Also some cinnamon raisin peanut butter (as I have not tried this flavour and it sounds like an amazing combination), some chocolate chai tea and some apple spice tea.

I have also been baking for the blog cookie swap, but I won’t post any pictures until Tam gets her package ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyone want to guess what I made?

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17 thoughts on “Busy baking! And coconut yoghurt!”

  1. So pleased you are healing and letting your body heal. And baking bread for me would be the ultimate, I have tried and landed up with a few bricks … I think I need to try again ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Thanks Lara ๐Ÿ™‚ Give bread a go again- I think you just have to leave it to rise for a long time- the sourdough seems to work better in a way because it needs to be left for so long, whereas with quick yeast it puffs up quickly and then collapses.

  2. Great tip to put the silicon loaf tin inside the metal tin – I must remember that ๐Ÿ™‚
    Oh and I hope you like that PB&Co peanut butter – it’s my ultimate favourite PB!!

    1. Well I used to make things just in the silicone cases, but they don’t hold their shape very well. Using a metal tin is good but then you waste loads of baking paper, so a combination works well!
      I am sure I will love that flavour- I love cinnamon raisin bread with pb, so it must be the same. I brought back some other flavours from my holiday in the summer, but never saw that on sale and only just realised that i-herb do them!

  3. After seeing all your wonderful bread creations, I’m think I’m going to give bread-making a go over the holidays! ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Cinnamon Raisin Swirl is magic! It’s really good – I hope you enjoy it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I love homemade bread nothing compares that’s for sure! So glad to hear your healing up well you’ll be back running in no time!

    OMG I can’t wait!!! X

  5. Bread making terrifies me, particularly as I’d need to attempt it gluten-free. My Mum is excellent at it though, although she has trouble now with anything that requires a lot of strength in kneading the dough.

    The cinnamon raisin PB is to die for. I hope you love it as much as I think you will.

    The coconut yoghurt…ah, I’d be in heaven with that. Red23 are pretty good – I sometimes get my Sun Warrior from them when Aggressive Health are out of stock. They’re sometimes a bit slow to notify when they are sold out of products though – I’m still waiting on some bars from them.


    1. It is good to hear from someone who has ordered from them, because I had not heard about them before. I did do a google search and they seemed OK- may well be treating myself to some coyo from there soon.
      Yes gluten free bread must be really hard seeing as it is the gluten that gives it the structure. x

  6. I’m glad you’re on the road to recovery ๐Ÿ™‚ Hopefully things will keep going in the right direction.
    I would love to try that PB – cinnamon and raisins are two of my favourite things and I can imagine that it’s a delicious combo.

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