Wonderful Autumn

Hey peeps

I know I have used this picture before, but I didn’t take any new ones, and yesterday was such a beautiful autumnal day- this picture just captures for me what I love about those days- bright blue sky and wonderful colours on the trees.

Well, last week didn’t go as planned. I felt better on Thursday- no dizziness, but I gave pump a miss because I had such an awful headache- I went out on a walk with Andy instead.

On Friday I did a short run after work, as I was feeling much better, and then Saturday morning was my usual favourite run- a long one of 8.3 miles. The weather was drizzling, and actually much colder than I thought, so I did worry that I would be too cold in my t-shirt, but actually (of course) I warmed  up. The only time I got cold was when someone asked me for directions (well actually she asked for help reading her map)- I did explain I was rubbish at maps, and could not work out where I was on the map but she kept insisting that I help her. In the end I was stood talking to her for 5 mins, and I was really cold after that.

Anyway, it took me 91 mins, so I think I was running quite fast, because I was stopped for all that time, but anyway it was great to be out there.

After lunch I popped to the shops for some bits- got some yummy mince pie filling and soya crisps from Holland and Barrett,  and treated myself to a gingerbread latte (no coffee)- they are the nicest warm drink ever!

Saturday night we went to a birthday party, and then Sunday was a relaxing day- started with pancakes and cooked apple- yummy.

Then I had a cooking session- I roasted some butternut squash with paprika (for a chilli I made today) and I made some mexican casserole (roasted veggies in one tray, quinoa, tomatoes, sweetcorn, beans and chilli in the pan)- one of my favourite winter meals.

Then I made some caramel shortcake for Sunday tea- mmm I love those so much.

We also went out on a lovely walk in the autumn sunshine, and had some warming tea when we got home- lovely teapigs tea 🙂

Now I have got a bit of a runny nose (so maybe the stuff last week was down to me getting a bit of a cold?)- after work I went on a 3 mile run, just to get some fresh air, and I think it was the right decision because I felt better once I was out there. On the drive home I was thinking “shall I just have a cup of tea? Or shall I try a run???”- and in the end I am glad I chose to run. I think I am much better now at knowing when I am OK and when I need a break, although because I had a few days off last week I did feel more like I should.

Right, off to relax in front of the TV now- I think there is a slice of caramel shortcake left over from yesterday…

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