So- breakfast:
Porridge with cranberry and blueberry compote. Ahem. Tasty!
Snacks– unpictured Clif z bar for morning break, and an apple mid-afternoon.
We were going to go to the local Starbucks, but as it was such a beautiful day Andy improvised and by the time he picked me up he had been to get us sandwiches and hot drinks. We went to the park in St Albans. (Photos from my phone so not sure how well they will come out as it is a 2 year old normal phone!).
Andy got for me a falafel and hummus wrap and a soya chai latte! He helps to feed my addiction! It was so sunny but fairly cold so I kept my coat on!
It was so lovely to be sat outside in the sunshine and just having a chat instead of tidying, marking, setting up for the afternoon etc. I love the red cups too!
Andy took a photo of the Abbey for me too- it just looked wonderful in the sunshine. I wish I could go out for lunch every day- I just felt so relaxed and unstressed all day.
When I got home I went on a run.
Sweet potato fries, rocket, hummus and a leek tofu bake thing. Recipe to follow at some point.
A gingerbread pumpkin loaf thing (based on the vegan pumpkin spice cake recipe). Yum.
Do you ever have lunch out? Do you get a lunch break? Officially we do, but in reality it is crammed with things to get done that you can’t do whilst teaching!
I am not complaining though as I do enjoy the job, and it does have some big positive points. Some people look into onlineย universities when they want to take culinary arts classes- sometimes I have a look at these (things like nutrition always interest me) as you could train while still working but I am never sure if I would have the time.
I don’t need fancyschpants food to tickle my tastebuds, but even I hate the blandness of hospital food. Yuckkk. The leek tofu bake looks super interesting though! I’d love to see the recipe. ๐
I might do the recipe tomorrow ๐
As I am veggie the hospital food was- cheese sandwich/ salad sandwich/ cheese and slice of bread/ cheese and crackers. Hmm.
I can’t see your pics from your lunch out but it sounds delicious! We rarely eat out now, mostly due to cost really! We do love a good coffee date though ๐ Got to get one of those Starbucks cards!
I am going to get Andy to help me when I get home- the pictures loaded in my hotmail and seem intermittent on here! Not sure what has gone wrong!
Right think I have fixed the photos ! ๐
We hardly eat out but it is nice every now and then for a little treat ๐
I do like to have lunch out but I always take my own packed lunch because of the cost of it all. There’s always money for a Starbucks though.
I could imagine that if you ate lunch out every day it would add up so quickly. I think our lunch set Andy back nearly ยฃ10 which is loads! But worth it for a treat now and then. ๐
I think you probably know what my favourite part of your WIAW is…but just in case you don’t -ahh, the mini-pumpkin loaves ๐ So cute, and so tasty, I am sure.
My lunch break tends to vary, and unless I have a 2 hour gap I don’t end up eating lunch until I come home (which can sometimes be rather late…) I don’t think I’ll ever feel comfortable eating at my office, or in Newcastle alone. To be honest I’m too scared to go out and buy anything in case it sets off a binge, because they’re often triggered by anxiety and I’m always unhappy anyway teaching/marking/invigilating as I am at the moment. Sorry, I even managed to turn such an innocent question into a depressing answer!
Hope you’re okay <3
yeah! such a lovely and upbeat post! thank you for bringing sunlight to my day! i hope that you experienced rays of sun whilst dining at the park.
i don’t normally eat lunch at restaurants but did everyday in my former corporate american life of eight years. i think that was a huge contributing factor to my bingeing. now, i just prefer to enjoy fantastic dinner experiences at the posh and chic establishments about town! yeah for restaurants! boo for lunch at restaurants. ๐ x
I always try and get out for half an hour at lunch to get some air, but I only very occasionally buy my lunch – M&S salads are my favourite.
That cake looks delicious – you are such a good baker!
The photos are great considering they’re from your camera!
Soy chais are my favorite ๐ I spend way too much money on those things!
That looks lovely and so nice to get a proper break. I go out every lunchtime to get a yoghurt and usually a few bits of shopping but just to get out of the office really, as I eat at my desk! This looks much better ๐
Falafel is the best lunch!
I get a 1 hour break, but I usually go to the gym. Then when I am back in the office I grab a quick sandwich.
Would love to see recipe for leek tofu thing – sounds intriguing!
I think its quite romantic that he went and bought lunch for you so that you could sit in the park!