Parkrun persuading

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The start was just visible to me, where the brown field ends, next to the tall trees, but ant-sized people did not come out on my phone. I just love how the whole course looks though.

Hooray for the weekend- I am already looking forward to a parkrun tomorrow morning, and this weekend I will be running it (and doing the new runner briefing- eek!)- last weekend I had decided to marshal, because I had the 10 mile race the next day and it was going to be hot. I know, I could run it gently, but it is easy to get carried away once I start, so I decided to be sensible.

I was really looking forward to it- I knew some OH ladies were coming along, and I had promised them an extra big cheer. I was there at around 8.20 in the end (normally you have to park a bit away, but the marshals can use the car park at the start)- I had left earlier too because I knew I would need to help with set up and allow time to walk to the marshal point.

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They are so organised there- every marshal point is numbered, and each marshal gets a laminated (the teacher in me loves anything laminated) map, a photo showing where to stand, instructions as to how to direct runners, and phone numbers of the run directors- love it. After handing out the other ones, I was sent to the point about half a kilometre from the end. On the way there, I came across a dead rabbit on the path, but luckily one of the people setting up was heading past so I asked him to tell the run director- I didn’t think it was that nice to be on the path, and someone moved it.

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As the laminated photo indicated I was to stand under this sign.

After walking there, I had a while to take some photos before the first runners came through (at around 9.15 I think – so impressive).

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It really is so pretty there, and so calming too.

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I had to direct the runners to their left, and then right at the next arrow. But of course for the most part they are following the people in front. I was cheering and clapping each person that came by- it was a hot day and so I was impressed with everyone running. Because they were coming out of a field and into the wooded area I could tell people that they had a nice shady section before the final “slope”- one person told me I knew just what to say to the runners!

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All ready with my high viz, lanyard of info and rucksack with water, very glad to be in a shady spot.

I saw some of the OH ladies- for some of them it was their first visit to Panshanger so I wanted them to enjoy it- at least they were all smiling when they passed me so I am hoping they will come back (and one of them got a bonus high-five for extra energy)! I do love how many runners say thank you (or gasp it- I know what that’s like)- I always try and say “good morning/ thank you marshal” to each one, and it is so lovely being on the other end of that too. After the first couple of runners, people were coming through in a steady stream, but after around 25 minutes of constant runners, it started to tail off a bit. One man went the wrong way (only a few steps) so I had to call him back, but he was very thankful and scolded himself for not looking at the arrow properly!

After the tail runner came through, I shut the main gate and unclipped the signs before walking back. The OH ladies were at the top so I had a quick chat and congratulated them for running in the heat, before taking the signs back to the car.

I know I keep on about it, but honestly parkrun is one of my favourite times of the week. The running is part of it, of course, but really it is the whole atmosphere of everyone enjoying being out in the fresh air, everyone supporting and encouraging each other, children and people of all ages and abilities getting outside and being active, and the core team who run it every week. On Saturday it was the run director’s birthday! How fantastic that he had decided to come to parkrun on his birthday- I don’t feel I know many people there, but he is in one of the bigger clubs and so I suppose it’s even more social. I shall keep on persuading my OH ladies to come along there.

Weekend plans? I am feeling super jealous of all the teachers who finished today! We go on until the middle of next week. Anyway, after parkrun tomorrow morning I am off out for lunch which should be lovely.


Ware 10 miles- race number 45!

The other day I was looking at my race calendar (I keep links to all of my race recaps on a page so I can easily see times etc), and worked out that the 10 mile race this weekend would be my 45th race! I would not have guessed that many. Now I know that, I want to make it to 50 before the end of the year. That sounds easy and I have three 10K’s booked, but not many free weekends left after those (and of course,  I need to find ones I can travel to easily). We shall see…

Anyway, Sunday morning I was off to the Ware 10 mile race. For the past two years I have completed it, but usually it is in the autumn. This year they moved it to the summer, to be part of the festival of running. They had free kids races, and had added a 10K, so it had even more of a community feel. I was worried about the heat because a lot of the course is not in the shade, but the weather was on our side.

It is just the sort of low key event that I love- turn up 45 minutes before, pick up your number from the tent, drop your bag into another tent, and have a chat to other runners before the start. There were some port-a-loos, (no queues) but I do not like to use them, so just distracted myself by chatting before the race started- it’s all nerves anyway!

Lots of OH ladies were doing the 10K, so we had a team photo before the start, and then they cheered me on, as the 10 mile started about 15 minutes before the 10K (which seems much more sensible- at the St Albans half the 5K goes an hour before the half, so that people are collecting their bags after finishing the 5K just as the half marathon runners are dropping bags off).

Like my jazz hands? This was me excited before the start!

Anyway, the route was slightly different in a few places, but basically two 5 mile loops- the first 2 miles were hilly (including some very short sharp steep ones) and the last 3 miles were flat, around playing fields and along by the river- such lovely views.

As always, there were marshals everywhere cheering everyone along. I wasn’t aiming for  pb because I don’t run well in the summer, and have not run much further than a 10K since the half I don’t think. I started with my running buddy, but she is a bit faster so headed off after a mile or so. I was going OK- I wanted to keep under 10 minute miles and mostly I was managing it. Going along the river at the end of the first lap I caught up with a group of Fairland Valley runners, so I stayed at their pace, but then as it was hot I decided to stop at the half way point water station to have a few sips of water, so I lost them at that point. I got a bit of a stitch after that, but the marshals helped (it’s the last time you have to see me/ think of the cake etc)- I walked a few steps of the steepest hill because the stitch wasn’t going and one of my calf muscles was getting tight, and the lovely marshal at the top told me this was the furthest point from the finish, so every step was a step closer to cake. The cake is a big thing in this race!

After that was out of the way I picked up the pace again, and caught up with the group of runners by the river again. Then, as I came into the field to do the final loop, all the OH ladies (who had finished their 10K’s) were cheering me on in different places- it was lovely to have that boost right at the end.

My lovely running buddy had finished a few minutes ahead of me, so she bought us some cake and we had a photo- the homemade cake is mostly the point of this race!

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I can’t flip the photo around, but I am sure you can see it!

I picked up my lovely high viz t-shirt too- the size was written on the number so they were ticking them off- very organised and it means that even if you finish last, you get the right size.

Chip time- 1.37.47

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In anticipation of the rain I had packed a t-shirt to change into for the journey home (excuse my expression here- not sure what that’s about)- although it was dry, I was glad to take off my vest.

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After a shower I had a snack of muesli and yoghurt, plus watermelon coconut water, as then I was off for afternoon tea. I didn’t even take a photo of the afternoon tea, but it was perfect to lounge around and catch up after a busy morning.

I think 50 races before the end of 2015 sounds like something good to aim for. My running buddy is aiming to do 50 half marathons, and is well on her way, so perhaps that would be the next one.

How many races have you completed? Do you have a particular goal in mind?

WR10K 2015

This Sunday I was up bright and early to drive up to Milton Keynes for the Women’s Running 10K race. I did it last year, and really enjoyed it (despite not being sure if I would like a women’s only race- and yes I know I have now joined a women’s running club but they are the only running club in my town, and also I love them).

Last year Andy dropped me off, as it was a Saturday and he was off to watch the qualifying at Silverstone. I got a taxi to the shops after (I had illusions of walking the 1.5 miles, but realised I would get hopelessly lost, and it was raining, and I was tired…)- by the time he picked me up I was a bit grumpy- shops on a Saturday are not my thing, and especially not lugging around my stinky running clothes. Anyway, back to this week.

The race had moved to a Sunday after their feedback from last year- so I drove myself as Andy had no idea when the race would end, plus after last year I didn’t want to hang around too much.

I listened to Marathon talk in my car (oh, I am loving the novelty of being able to play podcasts through the stereo system), and arrived with about 45 minutes to spare.

2015-07-05 09.26.40I had a walk to the lake, and to the real toilets in the park (they did have port-a-loos but there was a big queue and I would rather wait until the end of the race than use one), and then headed to the bag drop, where I came across my lovely OH ladies run leader- I knew she was marshaling but didn’t expect to see her there!

I joined in with the warm up, which was actually pretty good, led by a runner (she worked for the WR magazine and had run distances from 5K up to ultras, so she knew her stuff)- no leisure centre aerobic warm-ups here.

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This year they had introduced a 5K option at each race (and if you wanted to swap from 10 to 5 on the day, you could, you just had to get a new number), and so the 5K was one lap, and the 10K was two laps of the lake. Everyone started together, but they only had pacers for the 10K times, so they were saying if you were aiming for a 30 minute 5K, go with the 60 minute pacer etc.

I decided to aim for an hour, and keep with the 60 minute pacer. It was cloudy, but very muggy so I didn’t know how I would cope in the heat. I thought that if I was feeling OK I would try to speed up a bit in the second lap.

The course is really good- it is all on footpaths around the lake. I saw some geese and their goslings, and lots of people were out supporting. The final part of the lap is lovely as it goes through some woods. I kept behind the 60 minute pacer for the first lap, along with a big crowd of other women. The pacer was lovely- really encouraging, and even reminding us to keep tall as we ran up inclines (it is flat, but every now and then you run up and down sort of bridge things- they go over storm drains into the lake or something- basically like running down and up an underpass). I looked at my watch a few times and saw 9.30ish pace, so I knew I was OK for around the hour. There were marshals at very frequent points, and I liked to think I knew the parkrunners as they all said “thank you marshal” to each one. I saw lots of Redway Runners, and realised the reason for their name at long last- Redways are paths around Milton Keynes. I have seen them (the runners, not the paths) at local races before but never worked out the reason for the name!

I got a bit of a stitch around the 4.5K mark, but managed to run on- and I saw my run leader as I passed the half way point so that gave me a boost. I was feeling OK, and although it was muggy there seemed to be a bit of a breeze on the second lap. The big group of runners diminished a bit as some of them were doing the 5K, but it was still a bit congested so I went a bit ahead of the 60 minute pacer then. I could still hear her behind me and it was nice to hear her encouragement still.

At the 5 mile point my watch beeped and I had been running for 47 minutes, so I knew that even if I slowed down a lot I should manage the sub 60, although sometimes this does not help as then I get a bit of an adrenaline rush. I got a stitch at the 9.5K point too- no idea why as that was a flat part through the woods.

I really like the two lap route, and the second lap always feels faster because you know exactly where you are going, so the finish line seemed to appear suddenly, and by that point there were loads of people out supporting. A few people put on mega sprints to pass me with a few metres to go, but I was happy to finish strong. The announcer was calling everyone’s names as they came up to the finish which was a nice touch.

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My run leader was handing out bottles of water, so I had a quick chat before collecting my goody bag, t-shirt, drink and ice cream, and sitting down on the grass to stretch for a bit, and rest.

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The marshals had lovely purple technical t-shirts, and I was hoping for one of those, but ours were white. Still nice, The protein ice cream was disgusting though! I was given banoffee flavour, and I am not a fan of banana flavoured things, but this just tasted almost bitter it was so artificial. And with a very weird texture too. I won’t be having that again! Ice cream should be a nice treat I think and should not contain whey protein isolate or xylitol.

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The goody bag was pretty good- (ha ha, like the name)- two magazines, dried mango, teapigs tea, foot lotion, gel, rehydration tabs, a hairband, crackers and popchips (I ate those in the shopping centre). No banana through 🙁  I got someone friendly to take my photo on the stage.

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I had packed a  nuun tab, so I had that in my water right away. As well as the mouthful of gross fake ice cream, I had a sip of the soya drink they were also handing out, but again it wasn’t good. After cheering some runners over the line, I went back to the real toilets to change- I always feel a million times better after a face-wipe and change of clothes.

I chatted a bit more to my run leader- there were still people finishing (this was around 100 minutes after the start time) so she was still handing out water. I had some malt loaf in my bag so had that as my post race snack as I didn’t fancy any of the bits in the bag.

Earlier in the week I was set on driving straight home, but I had taken the postcode for the parking just in case, and was glad I had, as I was quite hungry, thirsty, and needed to get a few end of term presents.

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After getting a bit stressed with finding the parking (it is very weird in Milton Keynes- it seems like you park next to offices, and all the roads look the same, and the shopping centre is partially/ mostly hidden from the road, I headed to Starbucks for a sit down.

I ended up shopping for another hour or so- (I was very pleased as I managed to get everything on my list and didn’t get too stressed) by the time I had driven home (another hour) it was late in the afternoon, and we were going to Andy’s parent for dinner so it was too late for lunch. I had a cup of tea after my shower, and that gave me an energy boost for a bit!

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The medal is engraved with the date and place on the back, which is a nice touch. Although it was hard to photograph!

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I got a text through saying my time was 59.09. I am pleased with that time (a whole 10 seconds faster than last years time) but I think they mean gun time. We did run over a mat at the start, and I didn’t try to be too far forwards as with a chip it doesn’t matter. I pressed my Garmin as I crossed the mat both times- but there is nearly 20 seconds different (plus everyone has the same start time if you look at the results, whereas in fact it would have taken a bit of time to cross)- so I think this must be because the start mats didn’t work. (Strava thinks 58.44 so even quicker). I don’t mind because I still got in under the hour, but I am not sure if the 60 minute pacer would have made the  60 minute gun time, which would be disappointing if that is what you were aiming for.

On the whole this event was really good, and I am glad I went there again this year. Parking is right by the start, the bag drop worked smoothly, the warm up was good, the support was good, the route is nice, the goody bag is good, the medal is pretty, and you get a technical t-shirt.

However, the technical t-shirt is quite short- I might save it for an extra winter layer. They could do with sorting the chip timing, and a changing tent would be good . But those are small things and I would look at another one of their events next year.

What makes a great race for you? I prefer the smaller races, I always love a technical t-shirt, and a pretty route helps too.

Trying not to melt

OK, so I know some people live in much hotter places than the UK, but seriously, Wednesday was pretty tough- 35C + temperatures are not my friend!

I had already swapped my runs over, so I ran on Monday and Tuesday, instead of Tuesday and Wednesday, but they were still warm days. Then I had to spend Wednesday evening baking for a bake sale at work (couldn’t do it on Thursday as had my re-scheduled haircut)- after a day at work in that heat, spending the evening in our tiny kitchen, which has no windows, was not enjoyable. Anyway, at least it is a bit better now- today seems lovely summer weather.

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After boiling at parkrun last weekend I decided to volunteer instead- plus this weekend and next I have races on the Sundays so decided that one hot weekend run would be enough. Today I was a tail runner, and because it was 4th July they had a bit of a US theme (although they only posted it last night so not too many people were dressed up). They had red, white and blue balloons at the finish line, and were handing out jelly beans too. (They had some left over so the marshals got a few bonus packets).

The run was really more of a walk as the two people in front of us walked the whole way, apart from the final 0.1 hill. There were two of us so we had a good chat on the way around, and even walking was pretty warm. I remembered to get a finish token, so that was run number 43 for me. Getting closer to the big 50!

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Earl grey and lime iced tea- I had a voucher for a few free drinks here- otherwise I wouldn’t bother. It was nice, but didn’t even have any ice in it!

Afterwards I was super efficient; going to the shops and having my car washed while I was there, picking up a cold drink, coming home and sorting out all the paperwork for my new car, and sorting out other bits at home. A satisfying start to the weekend.

I am half looking forward to the 10k tomorrow- I am under no illusions that it will be a fast time. I am just hoping to enjoy the experience, look at the scenery and not get too overheated!

I think I may have a cold drink and watch some Wimbledon now- I love a chilled out weekend.

June running and missing things by a minute (or more)

How is it nearly the end of June?

Since getting back from holiday the month seems to have flown by. My running has been a bit erratic, with no particular training plan to follow.

Week 1: 3 mile run with OH ladies, 3.1 mile run on my own, Body Pump, 3.1 mile parkrun with my brother, and then the fun Whipsnade 10k.

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We bought some Strawberry Lemonade tea from The Bluebird tea co, and have been enjoying it iced. 

Week 2: 8 mile run (I ran to and from the OH club run), that pretty much tired me out so I didn’t run the next day. (I also missed Body Pump that week to go to see Ash in London- I love seeing them live, and it was a trip down memory lane for the two of us as we went to see them when we first started going out, all those 16+ years ago!). I did parkrun on the Saturday as a lot of the OH ladies were going, and seeing as I go on about how great it is so much, I felt I should be there! Then I did the St Albans half on the Sunday, which was fairly tough due to the heat, middle hilly section and just generally half marathons are hard!

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Blurry Blur

Week 3: 4.2 mile OH run, 3.8 mile run on my own (this didn’t go too well- I went to the fields, and at one point I was running along a track with deep grass on either side. I caught up to a man who was walking- he said hello to me as I overtook him- I said hi back- but then as I ran past, he started running too. I tried to run a bit faster, and when I looked back he was walking again. At that point I chose to go through the cow fields, where I probably should have gone back the other way to the roads. Anyway as I stopped to open the cow gates I could see him running again, and so I basically did a bit of interval training where I sprinted as hard as I could, considered hiding in the woods, kept looking back to see where he was, hid behind big piles of sand, and then got the door key out of my pocket to hold. It sounds silly now, but I really got panicked- normally there are lots of dog walkers about, but I didn’t see anyone else and it really seems fairly isolated. Anyway I made it home in one piece but have avoided that part of the fields since). Back to the recap. I went to Body Pump, but not parkrun because we were meeting friends for breakfast, early because then I was helping out at the summer fete, and then heading into London to see Blur at Hyde Park. Did an 8 mile run on Sunday. Saw a huge mushroom.

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Then I went into London for afternoon tea.

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The bonus of being veggie is that I get a stand all to myself!

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Such a lovely way to spend several hours- I don’t think I got home until nearly 9pm!

Week 4: 5.6 mile OH run, 3.1 mile on my own (which was really tough- I kept getting a stitch and having to stop), Body Pump (new release- argh so tough!), parkrun in the heat, and then no long run because we were off to London.

So, onto the missing out. On Friday I had a training day, which finished earlier than the normal school day. I had booked a haircut (if you saw the photos from the parkrun the other week you would understand why it is driving me so mad!) but a lorry had broken down, blocking 3 lanes of the dual carriageway exit, meaning that a 5 minute section of my journey took over 45 minutes- I was too late so have had to re-book.

Then, on Friday evening the club were launching their website. (It is here if you fancy having a look). I hadn’t officially said I would go, as a while back we thought we might go away for the weekend to take advantage of my early finish, but in the end we didn’t. Anyway it was only when I looked at facebook later on that I saw the launch photos- I had forgotten to go- missing out number 2.

Then, on Sunday, we went into London to see Dave Gorman’s TV show being filmed. The tickets said 5pm, so we got there just after 4, waited about 20 minutes in the queue, and were then told it was full. It was disappointing. Although at least we were not the first to not get in- that would be worse to get so near to it. Never mind, we still had a wander around Westfields (which reminded me why I don’t so much like shopping!), and I did buy a new shower cap. So, silver linings and all that.

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I also had lovely pancakes on Saturday, so the weekend wasn’t a total disaster!

How are you coping running in the heat? I had a 3 mile run today, and all was fine until about 2.5 miles in, when I suddenly felt like I had massively overheated and just could not cool down for ages after I had got home. I switched my runs over so this Wednesday (which will be the hottest apparently) is now a rest day because I just can’t face it.