Hey peeps! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.
On Friday after dinner at home (and after a frantic trip to Halfords as I realised on Friday morning that one of my headlights had gone) we drove down to Bath- the traffic is so much better at that time of day. We had the film podcast for company in the car.
Then on Saturday morning we were off to the Park and Ride (much nicer than trying to find a parking space/ navigate the town centre). The town centre was very busy, but not as busy as last year. We browsed for a bit, had some lunch (M&S salads) and then started on the shopping list. I didn’t have too many bits left to get, but I did have to look for some as I had not decided what to get.
Anyway, it ended up being very successful. We found a gorgeous toy for our friends baby, and I bought presents for friends, wrapping paper, and a blanket for us.
We have been looking for one for ages for our sofa- found this one, plus there was a 20% off voucher- excellent. We found a lovely looking cake shop but each time we walked past it was full (it did only have about 5 tables)- we tried a few places but nowhere had seats so in the end we headed to Starbucks to share a chai latte. That fuelled a trip around the markets- again they were busy but not as bad as last year (last year there was a one way system being strictly enforced and you could not even get close to the stalls it was so jam packed). I saw a few lovely items but the plan was to go back after dinner so we didn’t have to carry too much around with us in the day. Later on we stopped for tea again, and Andy had a delicious mincemeat shortbread slice (he let me have some) and I had a couple of satsumas that had been in my bag. When we got back outside it had started raining which was not so good, although at least it was dry for most of the day. Then we picked up the last few bits from the shops before going for dinner. We came across a Bill’s in the afternoon, so booked a spot for dinner- it was just what we both fancied.
I went for two starters; butternut squash soup with rosemary bread, and a small salad (you could get a bigger size) with halloumi, quinoa, tomatoes, spinach and avocado. The soup was enormous and so delicious-that would have been plenty! The salad was good too (although I find halloumi so salty)- they were very generous with the avocado.
Then we went for a wander around the markets. I picked up a couple of things, including these lovely scented decorations.
They smell so good- a mixture of cloves and oranges and Christmas spices.
Then we got the park and ride and drove back home- it was awful weather by that time.
This morning I woke up early so headed out for a run while it was sunny. I went across the fields (they were super muddy!) which meant I had to take it slow. The route is just under 4.5 miles, and I felt good, and made sure I stretched a lot when I got home!
As I mentioned the other day, I have not had pancakes in ages, so I made some of the lovely Buckwheat pancakes and had it with some meridian mince pie filling, and a little gingerbread syrup.
There were a few bits I didn’t manage to get yesterday, plus we needed something for dinner, so I braved the shops (again, they weren’t as busy as I feared and I found a parking space right away) and was so pleased when I ticked the last few things off the list.
Then I made some Christmas pudding fudge– this will be gifts for people with various dietary requirements so I used a gluten and nut free Christmas pudding. Smells good.
Then, finally, we decorated our tree! On Thursday after work I bought the tree, and put it up at about 11pm or something stupid, so it has been bare for a few days.
It looks so pretty. I have no idea how to photograph it well, as the flash means the lights don’t show up. But I am feeling very very festive now.
This evening my plan is to write our Christmas cards as I am sure we are getting towards the last posting date, and maybe decorate a Christmas cake.
Am I the last person to put up their decorations? Have you found the shops emptier this year?