Hey peeps!
How are you all doing?
My summer is officially starting today! I have been off work for a couple of weeks now, but I spent the first week back in school, and have been doing work at home (and popping back in a couple of times too) since then. But today, no work, only packing, because tomorrow we are off on holiday!
I have managed a few runs this week- on Tuesday I went out for a run before breakfast- I listened to an audiofuel intervals podcast and tried to keep up. It starts off with a warm up, then you do 3 minutes at a fast pace, 3 min recovery, 3 mins even faster, 3 min recovery, and then 3 mins at the fastest pace. I did the whole thing 3 times- I went around the lake and across the park behind the lake which was a nice change- saw loads of rabbits! My best pace was 7.23 but that would have been for a 3 minute burst and not a whole mile of course. My actual average pace was much lower but I suppose that is because the recovery part is very slow. I do like them, but I find that the slow parts are very slow and I find myself doing comedy leaps to try to keep in time.
I wasn’t hungry at all when I got home, but I had been out for an hour so I had a few almonds and some water before I went for my shower. Then I had some fresh pineapple with a passion-fruit Danio (see the seeds?).
Then it was time for a bit of work before I went to see my Mum (3 weeks since she finally had her op and she is doing so well 🙂  ).
On the way back I stopped at Aldi for some washing tabs and things, and noticed pumpkin purée on offer for £1.29 per can- this is the cheapest I have seen it anywhere. The sign said limited stock, so I bought as many cans as I think I can fit in my cupboard!
Later after lunch (I treated myself to caramelised onion hummus- yum) I had some delicious raw chocolate fudge (thanks to Oh She Glows).
Yum! In the afternoon I did some weeding at the allotment, before coming home for some dinner.
Wholewheat pasta with cherry tomatoes, avocado, lime juice and a little salt. Summery perfection.
We spent some time in the evening getting out clothes and other things that we need, although we have searched everywhere and cannot find our adaptor plug- where is it???
Today is generally a “use up what we have in the fridge/ cupboards” day, so for breakfast I had the last cherry/ almond scone (topped with almond butter and home-made blackcurrant jam), along with a peach, some watermelon and some pineapple. I need to do some weeding in our garden, and do some cleaning at home too (does anyone else clean before a holiday? I hope that it means I won’t have to as soon as we get back home), as well as sorting out the packing.
We are off to the North/West USA to visit some of the National Parks that are there, so we will be doing plenty of walking, although I won’t be taking my running things this time.
Also, I just came across this article (linked to by Hungry Runner Girl) and it is very funny- I was looking at the St Albans Parkrun photos from last weekend and yes, there was a guy running the 5k run wearing a tri suit- why??? And also, I can’t understand how people can do any exercise without their hair tied back! I usually do a french plait with my fringe now to make sure that no strands ever break free!
What are you up to this summer?
Do you clean before you go away on holiday?
Do you commit any of those runner fashion faux pas?
PS I have written some posts and I am hoping that I have set it up right and they will come up while I am away. Fingers crossed!