Wow the weather is gorgeous here!
Suncream and sunglasses on, I headed to the park as I was helping out again at Parkrun. As I was there early I was sent to marshal at one of the further points on the course. I got to wear a high viz jacket- so official 🙂
I was all set up at about ten to 9, so had a little time to find a shady spot and take some pictures.
The route is pretty flat, but this little steep bit is super tough on the way back- it is short but my head was lower than the bottom of that bin I think- it is steep!
There were loads of runners heading through the park, and quite a few people stopped to ask me what was happening, and what the run involved- think I may have signed up a few more people! They ran down towards me and my goodness me the front runners are so speedy.
The park was so busy with people walking dogs, cycling etc, but I managed to snap a few pictures while it was quieter.
I could see the runners in the distance as they then all go around the lake 3 times before coming back up past me before the final stretch. I think there were about 200 of them- impressive!
I loved being a marshal- there was only about ten minutes (if that) between the last people going past me down, and the first runners heading back. I was trying to be encouraging, and it was lovely when the runners said thanks (or just nodded/ smiled- not always easy to speak when you are running fast). Once the last few people had gone I walked back to the start, and a lot of runners said thanks to me on their way home, which was just lovely and very unexpected. Hands were sore from clapping by then!
It was such a beautiful day so I went for a walk around the lake.
Ducklings! They are my favourite. There were loads of cygnets and goslings about too, but the ducklings win the cuteness factor for me.
I was totally baking by the time I got back to the car, so I headed to Starbucks for a cool down. I had packed a bottle of water but it was warm after being sat in my car all that time. Then I was off to the school summer fayre where I was helping out.
When I got home it was time for a late lunch- sourdough with almond butter on one piece and lemon curd on the other, plus a peach and some lychees, and a lavender earl grey tea. I used the new Rude Health almond drink – it is very creamy and very sweet tasting- it doesn’t have added sugar, apparently the rice in it adds to the sweetness.
Last night I picked another tub of fruit- this is strawberries, raspberries, loads of blackcurrants (going to make a cheesecake for tomorrow) and a sprinkling of redcurrants. I am going to potter around at home, and head out on a run later on when it is a bit cooler (maybe?).
How has your Saturday been so far?Â