A parkrun, pancakes and afternoon tea- the perfect weekend right there!

On Saturday morning I drove over to my parents house and then my brother and I walked the short distance to Jersey Farm parkrun, as Tony hadn’t run it yet.

From their facebook page- Tony’s in his red 50 top and I’ve got on my black 100 top 

It was a fairly cold day and we even had some sleet at the start, so I regretted not bringing my gloves. Usually my hands warm up fairly soon, but even though I tucked them into my sleeves they were still cold the whole way around. Jersey Farm parkrun is two (and a little bit) laps of undulating grass and paths. It was enjoyable to run with Tony and we chatted as we ran around, not paying attention to the time at all.

I finished with token 145, in a time of 32:31. As soon as we had scanned our barcodes, we retrieved our tops and jackets from the tarpaulin and headed down the hill into Sandridge Village, as we had plans to have breakfast in the Heartwood Tearooms. It’s around a half mile walk, so by the time we got there we were ready for breakfast.

I’d not been to the tearooms before- I think they were linked to the parkrun at Heartwood Forest but the times I had run there I’d gone back to Mum’s for breakfast. Anyway, it was so cosy inside with a log burner, and they served delicious pancakes with fruit and maple syrup (Tony had pancakes with bacon). They had a really long tea menu, so I went for apple spice tea which was really tasty. When we finished the lady asked us if we’d done the parkrun (Tony had on his 50 top) and when we said yes she said “I’ve given you a 10% discount as parkrunners get a discount here” which was lovely, as we wouldn’t have known otherwise. They had a wonderful selection of cakes too (and the people on the table next to us had lovely looking toasted teacakes) so I am trying to work out when I can next organise a visit! As Ellenbrook Fields and Panshanger just have coffee vans it’s nice to have a local one where we can actually go to a (warm) cafe after for more of an authentic parkrun experience.

We then walked back home along Jersey Lane which is a path used by walkers and cyclists before I drove home.  Andy had been decorating the kitchen so I had time to admire his handiwork before getting ready to go out again.

After a shower I had to quickly get ready as I was heading into London in the afternoon. Annoyingly there was only one train per hour so I had to be careful to be there on time! I met some friends for afternoon tea in a hotel close to Covent Garden (The Delauney). The food was really good- the veggie savouries included a sort of pretzel roll with smashed avocado, lime, tomatoes and basil, some lovely little goats cheese and beetroot mini tarts and some smoked aubergine on rye bread (plus an egg on rye which I didn’t have). It was Austrian-themed, and so all the cakes were ones that I loved- a little Battenberg (mmmmm marzipan), an amazing pistachio cupcake and then a little berry cheesecake bite. For the scones course (level?) you could have scones and strawberry jam, poppyseed gugelhupfs (little light bread cake type things) with apricot jam, or a mixture, so we went for the mixture. The tea was proper loose leaf tea and we never had to ask for the water to be topped up, as wait staff would come by every now and then and if they needed topping up with water they just did it. It was lovely to catch up with my friends too, of course.

My train didn’t get in until 7.20, and Andy walked and met me so I wouldn’t be walking back in the dark.

On Sunday morning I headed out for a long run. I still don’t have set routes (we’ve lived here for nearly 3 years now so I’m not sure why)- I wanted to do at least 10, and ended up doing 11.5, taking it steady and stopping to take photos.

It was such a gorgeous day- really frosty with huge icy puddles. I love days like this- it was peaceful to be out, and every time I ran into a new field or along a new track I’d be greeted with another stunning view of frosty fields and blue skies. I was still fairly cold when I got home though, despite wearing 3 layers.

On Saturday on Andy’s request I’d popped into the amazing Swedish bakery in Covent Garden to pick up a couple of cinnamon rolls. He’d been doing more decorating while I was out running, so I had a shower and then made us some tea and he had it as elevenses and I had it as breakfast (plus some fruit and yoghurt for me). They are sooooo tasty- I cannot recommend them enough!

We walked into town a little later as I needed to get my glasses adjusted again (too tight- too loose- hopefully now just right?) and then I had a lot of work to get through.

Pancakes, parkrun, afternoon tea, cinnamon rolls= that’s a good weekend right there!

If your parkrun has a cafe do you tend to visit it often? Do you know of any good afternoon tea places (particularly in London- we are always after recommendations)? 

Bad maths on a long run and a long awaited return to yoga

Last Sunday I had a long run planned. I’d signed up to the Lululemon 40/80 (km) challenge on Strava, which annoyingly started on the 2nd January (so my NYDD plus run between didn’t count). Originally I thought I’d aim for the 40km, but after a few 4 or 5 mile runs after work (instead of the 3 that I had reverted to in December) and my warm up before Panshanger parkrun I was getting closer to the 80. The challenge finished on Tuesday but I didn’t want to leave myself with loads to do as I had two meetings after work so didn’t think I’d get home that early. Anyway, on Sunday I thought at first that I’d run for 10 miles, as I had 29 km left, which somehow I worked out as 10 miles on Sunday and 5 miles on Tuesday. While I was out running I realised my mistake (after working it out a few times I actually had to stop and google 29 km in miles…) and so added on a couple more miles so I totalled 12 miles which meant I would only need 5 on Tuesday.

It was a pretty grey day and after a shower I had a lovely bowl of porridge and a cup of tea to properly warm up.

I made some cranberry and chocolate fudge to take into work, and then later on we popped over to see Andy’s parents before an evening at home.

On Monday we had a quick walk in the evening and then on Tuesday I set out to do the last few miles for the challenge. I am quite pleased with how it’s gone, because a while ago I would regularly run 5 miles (or longer with the club) in the evening, but recently I’ve been doing lots of 3 miles and no further. Partly if I get home later I am conscious that if I head out on a longer run then we eat dinner even later, but also some of it has been perhaps taking the easy route, and I think to find myself feeling stronger on the longer runs, I need to make sure that my shorter runs aren’t super short. So it’s been good to get back into the swing of slightly longer midweek runs.

Also what has helped the runs has been the discovery of a new podcast- it’s a true crime one called Teacher’s Pet, investigating the disappearance and probably murder of a women in Australia in the 80’s. It is really well done and reminds me a bit of the first Serial season. I find some podcasts like this hard to follow (I listened to the whole of Murder in the Lucky Holiday Hotel and feel like I still have no idea who did what because it was so confusing), but this one is properly like a page turner of a book (what’s the podcast equivalent of that?).    I’m on Episode 11 as it’s pretty much all I’ve listened to on my commute and my runs this week (with one slot reserved for With Me Now).

So, Wednesday was time to get back to yoga. We had a while off as our teacher went to India for a month, and I was feeling so stiff and in need of a session. We had a lovely getting back into it session, where we did various poses to stretch out shoulders, hips, backs and so on. My arms were so tired by the end- downward dog is usually a bit of a relief but I was struggling a bit by the end. It will come back though.

On Thursday I had to squeeze in a quick run as we had tickets to see Colette at the cinema. The run was absolutely freezing – the kind of cold air where your cheek bones feel like they have frozen solid. Anyway, at least the cinema was warm! I quite enjoyed the film, although it was not how I expected it to be (there is writing that comes up at the end to tell you about her later life, and that was what I thought the film was going to be about). Slightly less disgusting than The Favourite last week!

On Friday the traffic coming home was a total nightmare, and I had to stop at Aldi to get a few bits, so when I finally made it home all I wanted to do was have a cup of tea and watch some TV. I’d seen an advert for a fly on the wall of Hotel Chocolat (on Channel 5) so I got that on catch up and enjoyed it- I do love a fly on the wall! We then watched The Breadwinner, which was really good but not the most cheerful film to watch on a Friday night.

Which podcasts do you never miss? How do you decide how far to run? 

Number of runs times llamas equals finish position (?) plus a weekend rucksack

On Saturday morning I was off to Panshanger parkrun. It was so dark when I got up and the sky was glowing in all sorts of beautiful colours.

In getting out my 100 top I was sad to see that the second zero was getting a few cracks on it. It was my 180th parkrun so it’s got to last quite a few more!

The parking at Panshanger is very busy now, so I tend to get there early, and I decided that I’d run out a bit for a nice warm up. I ran past the llama field and was very excited to see the llamas in there- the last time I saw them I think was on Christmas day last year (I think I made a fa la llama joke about it?) and I’ve run past the field plenty of times since then and not seen them.

(My terrible attempt at getting a selfie with a llama in the background- I just can’t work out how to turn the phone to actually get what I want to be there!).

After seeing them it was time to head back to the park as the parkrun would be starting soon. The car park (where people start- you can’t park there) was packed- I suppose lots of people are starting a healthkick in January so perhaps the events  have a bit of a boost in numbers? I was just going for a steady run so started fairly far back, meaning that I had to stop and start a bit as the course is fairly narrow at the start. I enjoyed the run- it’s such beautiful scenery there. I kept being overtaken by the same man pushing a running buggy, but I never noticed when I ran past him so it kept confusing me each time he overtook me!

I finished with token number 360 which greatly pleased me as 180 x2 = 360 so there must be some sort of fun with the numbers (someone on the With me Now page pointed out that it could be total number of runs x number of llamas = finish token) although when the results came through I was number 260. I had to double and triple check my photo, and it was 360, so there must have been a bit of a mix up with the tokens. Just under 400 runners (398), with Ellenbrook Fields (which is usually around half that size) getting a new attendance record of 346.

I did a little cool down before getting in the car (how long will this last?- probably until I can’t remember that my knee was sore…) and quickly heading home as my brother was coming over for breakfast. He was invited to parkrun but was playing football in the afternoon (and he doesn’t usually do both on one day). I’d prepped the baked French toast again, this time with a chocolate panettone (another Christmas gift), and cherries as well as blueberries.

I didn’t add any sugar to the egg mix this time as the panettone is already very sweet, and I think that worked better. Andy had put it in the oven so when I got home I had time to change, make tea and then a warm breakfast was ready.

In the afternoon we walked into town, mainly to get my free Starbucks drink plus some bits for dinner, and then did a bit more sorting out at home (tackling my office is less enjoyable than sorting clothes because you find all sorts of things like old phone cases that you don’t really know what to do with but don’t need, but probably can’t sell/give to a charity shop either). It’s done now though.

Onto the rucksack:

Recently I was sent the Kyte 36 bag from Osprey. I was originally looking for a bag to take on the plane with me when we go away for the weekend, and as there was a 36 and a 46 I thought it would be small…  Of course I just looked at the measurements  and thought “that seems about right” without looking at a tape measure or anything. So, it didn’t come to Berlin with me as I like a rucksack that is guaranteed to be hand luggage (so can fit under the seat in front). However, for a weekend away in this country it’s great. I love the colour first of all. As well as shoulder straps it has hip straps (it’s really meant for hiking)- this took me back to my DofE days when you had to do an expedition (basically walk many miles to a camp site carrying all the camping gear, camp one night and then go home)- the hip straps were an absolute saviour as the weight went into your legs and not your back. It’s also fitted specifically for women.

It’s hard to see but the hip strap also has two small pockets at the front/side so you could have things like your phone, wallet, keys, lip balm etc. handy without needing to take the pack off. This is one of my favourite features as often I end up wearing a small handbag under the rucksack to keep those things handy, whereas I don’t need to do that with this bag as it’s all to hand.

Inside it has a separate sleeping bag compartment (good for running kit and shoes also) and as it has side compression straps so that when it isn’t full you can pull the straps to make it more compact. All in all a good bag for a running weekend away as there is loads of space for running kit and shoes as well as the regular weekend things.

Have your local parkruns been busier than usual? Do you have any unusual animals in fields near you? What type of bag do you usually use for a weekend away?  I used to have a holdall but converted to a rucksack after we started getting the train down to Brighton a lot as lugging  a holdall around is so much harder than wearing a rucksack.

*I was sent the bag to review, but as always all opinions are my own.

Aylesbury parkrun as a last minute decision, and resting my knee

Along with Dad, I’d pencilled in the two weekends of the holidays for some parkrun tourism.  We went to Gunpowder the other week as that’s still fairly near (around 25 min drive from me) but it is starting to get harder to find events that are close enough that we haven’t done.

I suggested Aylesbury, but Dad looked and thought it was a bit far. He suggested Houghton Hall, so we arranged that I’d pick him up just after 8 and we’d head there. It sounded familiar, and when I looked at my blog, I realised I had already run it, and more crucially so had Dad. I write down the postcode for Wendover Woods as I ran that with my brother, thinking I’d say to Dad we could head there instead as it was new to him at least. On Saturday morning I got a text from him saying that if I was a few minutes early we would go to Aylesbury, so of course the most haste less speed thing happened, and I got stuck behind a recovery truck. I’d not had time to look up the new postcode, but thankfully when I picked up Dad he’d written down the directions and postcode and we were good to go!

The car park was right by the finish area, and thankfully we parked at 8.50am- a bit later than I’d like but just in time. There was a tarpaulin where people were leaving jumpers, and I decided to leave mine there because although it was cold, it wasn’t as bad as I thought, and I knew I’d warm up once I started.

The info on the page warned you to be there in time because the start was a little way away so they walk there early to ensure a prompt start. (You can see below the green start was a bit of a walk from the finish).

The route was very flat, out along a hard gravel path (road shoes were fine), two loops and then back along the path to the finish area. It was varied parkland, with some of the path being through woods but most of it in more open parkland. It had a nice feel to it, with the marshals on the loops having a bit of a chat with runners on their first and second passing. We were lapped by the front runner just as we came up to repeat our second lap- impressive!

We chatted on the way around, and achieved a nice royal flush of 9:22, 8:53, 8:34, 8:24, for a time of 27:42. The lady behind us as we finished said “I managed to keep up with you” and then commented that we must be running comfortably if we could still be talking at the end! We walked back to collect our tops, did some stretches and then headed back to the car.

When we got out of the car my knee felt a little stiff, but after walking around a bit in the kitchen (while Mum cooked pancakes) it was fine. Later on, after driving home and having a shower, we walked into town and at first my knee felt weird again- after stopping and rubbing it a bit it was fine.

I had to get one of my glasses adjusted (side point- my opticians appointment was on the Thursday and they were in the store for me to pick up on the Sunday- so speedy!). I clearly have a style that I like because when they are side by side my old pair and two new pairs are the same shape and size. I’m looking forward to sunshine to try out my Minnie style sunglasses too, as my last pair of sunglasses were so big and kept slipping down so I just never wore them.

We watched BlackkKlansman which was very well done but also pretty terrifying, particularly the last few minutes as it makes you think about how little has changed in so many places.

On Sunday morning the little catch on my Garmin finally gave up- it’s been splitting for a while, so I repaired it  with a hairband. I also chose my Run Disney top from the Disneyland Paris half marathon as now all my running tops are organised by colour it makes choosing the nice tops very easy, instead of choosing the top that is on top of the pile!  I headed out on my run, but at first my knee felt weird- it felt as though my knee was bending the wrong way (which I know is impossible) when I put my foot down. I had walked a mile, every now and then trying to run, and was about to cut through the park and head home, but on the run I tried in the park my knee suddenly felt fine. I took it gently but ended up running 8 miles (well 1 mile walk, 7 mile run).

Sunday evening was time for a treat- we bought a Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser before Christmas and it is so good- you add little flakes of chocolate and whichever milk you like and it swirls around, blending and heating it, to make a perfect cup. (We had an offer to get the little sample packs which give you the right amount, but they also do tubs which will work out better in the end once we decide on the best flavours).

We watched Spirited Away, which I found rather weird! I think some of the Ghibli films are a little too much fantasy/magic for my tastes.

On Monday my knee was feeling a bit odd when I was trying to run at work, but it was a rest day so I just had a short walk in the evening. We were then off to the cinema to see The Favourite. This was a totally weird film. I quite liked most of it, as it was a bit quirky and the battle between the female leads was interesting, but towards the end it was starting to feel a bit long and I was slightly losing interest.

As there was no yoga on Wednesday, I decided to have an extra day of rest on Tuesday and run on Wednesday instead. I was feeling OK, so decided to head out for a gentle one and see. I was very excited to see that the new With Me Now podcast was out.

My run got off to a bad start though as I thought I was ready, then realised I needed gloves, ran back upstairs to get them, was about to leave and then realised I needed my torch so had to run back upstairs and find that. As I could run in the daytime in the holidays I’d got out of the dark-running routine! Anyway, 4 miles listening to parkrun tourism chatter under a beautiful sliver of a moon and I was feeling very happy. It was so cold out there though!

On Thursday I decided to run a little further and managed 5 miles, again it was freezing! This time catching up on Marathon Talk podcasts from the holidays. My knee was feeling much better, so I think it must have been a muscle pulling on the knee in a weird way. Sometimes with stiff legs a run helps because it gets the blood flowing and you can warm up and cool down.

On Friday I had to stop off at the shops on the way home from work, and in the evening we ended up watching the Bros documentary from I-player. I didn’t really know anything about them (it would not have been the type of music my parents would have listened to) and it almost seemed like it was a bit of a parody (or like The Disaster Artist). Some very David Brent-like gems in there.

Are you a hot chocolate fan?  How do you decide on which parkruns to tour to? I saw a cool idea on the tourist page with a tin where the person had written down the parkruns on folded bits of paper and they would choose one on the Friday night which could work for close by ones.

 Which films have you seen lately? I loved Mary Poppins but the funny thing was in the cinema they didn’t turn the lights on at the end, so we sat there right until the very end (I usually sit for a bit as I like to enjoy the music and sort of let the end of the film wash over me) thinking that there would be a funny end to the credits, but no, the lights weren’t even turned on when the whole thing finished!

Things I’ve been loving and a general catch up

With a few days spare at the end of the holidays, I got into sorting out/ early spring cleaning mode. The cupboard under the stairs has not been properly sorted since we moved house- we store the bags for life in there, and random things like an old heater, wrapping paper, kindling and extension leads have also ended up there. It’s hard to get to because the door is at one end, so there is a long shelf which you have to reach around the corner to get to, so it isn’t easy to store things neatly. I was tidying up downstairs and decided to get everything out and sort through it- we definitely don’t need to buy any more bags for life!

I sorted the bags into sizes and wrote on the bags so I knew what was inside each one, although we are going to get some big boxes next time we go to IKEA.

I then sorted out the cupboard under the kitchen sink and the cupboard where the boiler used to be.

During the afternoon I’d been looking through Netflix (watching Nailed it- I am still confused as to who would actually go on a baking show designed for people who make rubbish versions of cakes??) and first of all came across Instant Hotel, which is basically the Aussie version of Four in a Bed (which is Come Dine with Me for B&B owners), and then to my excitement, Tidying Up, which is where Marie Kondo visits people and they sort through their houses and tidy them up. OK, it sounds a bit weird, but I love it.


I was going to sort through my clothes drawers anyway, and now I have started going through them and folding them so that you can see each one (instead of having them in little piles which is what I’ve done before).

I’ve been steadily working my way through all the drawers, and it is so therapeutic. I just have to tackle my office drawers and then I’ll be done!

A few photos from last week:

Christmas treats of Snow Fairy and Cinders (smells like marzipan) shower gel in the sale, plus Christmas tiffin (a slight addiction although I tend to leave it in a drawer so one is there just in case) and Pret chocolate almonds.

I finally finished my delicious Red Velvet tea- I am hoping that Bird&Blend bring it back for Valentine’s day this year. I enjoyed it with one piece of Christmas tiffin from the emergency drawer.

More Netflix, this time Ellen doing stand up, and making the most of the  Christmas tree before we had to take the decorations down.

I went for a back and shoulder massage at the end of the holidays and seriously needed it (as always). It makes such a difference though- I can look over my left shoulder when reversing onto the driveway afterwards.

My new t-shirt/ a Gail’s scone with jam and Oatly creme fraiche (needed using up)/ another favourite snack of dates filled with peanut butter (Pip and Nut Hazelnut) and then a little melted chocolate on top.

Stollen.  This went a bit wrong as I usually make 3- one for us, one for my parents and one for Andy’s parents. I merrily set about making the dough, soaking the fruit and so on, and could not work out why it was so hard to fit in the mixer. The loaves were mammoth, and it was only when I re-read the recipe that I realised it said “Makes 2 loaves”. Yup, I normally make one batch and make it into 3 not 2. A mistake I hopefully won’t make again!

More baked French toast. We had one random pain au chocolate, so I sliced it, spread it with peanut butter and then put it in a dish with a mixture of egg and milk (plus blueberries) while I went out for a run, and then baked it while I had a shower. Pretty delicious.

Running wise, following on from the NYDD, I had a rest day on Wednesday with a couple of walks (I’m managing to keep to 10,000 or more steps per day and am now on 173 days in a row), a 5.5 mile run on Thursday morning, more walking on Friday, parkrun on Saturday and then a longer run on Sunday. My knee was feeling weird on my run (and it had felt this way on the walk into town on Saturday afternoon- when I put my leg out in front it felt like the joint was bending the wrong way, which of course it wasn’t, but it was just strange) so I walked for a bit and stretched it. I kept trying to run, as it felt fine when walking, but each time I tried it just felt wrong. I was going to call it off and head home as after a mile I can cut back through the park to home, but I attempted a little run in the park and it felt OK, so I went gently but ran 7 miles, feeling OK. I’m not sure what it was, but I’ll be keeping an eye on it and at least Monday was a rest day so I could give it a break, and I swapped a run for a walk on Tuesday.

Do you love having a big clear up?