Parkrun wins and a field of cows

This week has been busy (the start of term always is). On Tuesday I had a lovely run with the OH ladies (we did 5.85 miles, and so in the car park ended up doing loops to round it up to 6 to make our run leader happy), but on Wednesday I was tired, got home late, so just had tea and TV instead (and a little walk). On Thursday I had a late meeting, and got home after Pump usually starts, so on Friday I went for a run after work. I didn’t plan a route- initially I thought I would do an out and back, but once I got onto the fields I decided to try the loop (I have not done that since the time with the creepy man).

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It was only when I got to the cow field gate that I realised I was wearing a red top! (Although that apparently is a myth). I could not see any cows, so I decided to run through as fast as I could, and was very relieved when I got to the other side!

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It turned out they were in another field, and I did think about running through it to avoid a big boggy patch, but look how big the horns are! And it was right by the path! Instead I amused myself by taking some cow selfies (they are on the other side of a fence).

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That’s how I feel when I see them! I do not want to run in the same field!

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In the end the route I took ran along the side of the field (on the other side of the fence) and in the corner there were some calves- they took a big interest in me and slowly walked towards me as I took some pictures.

It was a really fun run in the end- I did around 4.5 miles, and although the overall time took longer (because of the stopping and taking silly photos) I managed some speedy miles according to Strava. And do you know what? I love seeing animals on my runs, and I love stopping to take photos, and it was just fab to have a run where the time, distance etc didn’t matter. I was glad no-one came past as I was taking my silly pictures though! Also, I saw so many blackberry bushes and was so annoyed that I had forgotten to take a sandwich bag with me. Next time maybe.

So, I was debating on my haircut last week. But in the end, the lure of parkrun was too great. So I headed off on Saturday morning.

One of the OH ladies was tail running, so I chatted her for a bit but after last week (where I did a lot of stop-starting at the beginning) I decided to start in the middle, but the RD wanted everyone to move up a bit, so I ended up being really close to the front. It was a bit of a sprint start for me, and the muscles around my hips/ glutes were burning after a minute or so. It took a good mile for me to get my breathing back, but then the sun came out and it was just so pretty so that helped take my mind off it. Often the middle mile is my slowest, even though it is mainly downhill, so I decided to follow one of the run leaders advice and use my arms- I normally only use them on hills (well, I forget to drive them properly) but as I was tired after the sprint start I decided to see if they would help me power through.

The final mile felt tough, but I told myself that I was close to the finish. I think I was really grimmacing as I ran up the final hill (well, attempted to run- it really feels like going backwards!)- one guy who had finished shouted some encouragement which helped.

As I got my finish token I was surprised to see number 110- I think normally I am around 140-170, but I did wonder if it was a smaller turnout.

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A bit muddy! May have to get the trail shoes out soon!

I felt pretty rubbish when I stopped, so I quickly got my chip scanned, bought a drink from the coffee van, and headed back to my car. The chai latte perked me up, and I noticed that an OH lady had parked behind me (we have the same car) so I waited for her to walk along and had a quick chat.

I was very pleased when I got my text though- my time was 27.55, which I think is my second fastest time. My pb for that course is 27.44 which I got on my birthday. Also, when I did the San Fran one, I did it in 27.45, and that was a totally flat course, so to be close to those times was pretty pleasing.  There were 232 runners, so not really a smaller turnout. I don’t really do parkruns for the time, but a new pb (or getting close to one) is always good. Plus according to Strava (Strava is my friend right now as it takes out all the stopping time for me) I did my fastest ever mile effort, at 8.35! And a segment PB on “steep slog”, which according to the map is around the lake. Gosh lots of stats- basically, I was happy!

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I had some buckwheat pancakes + cherries for a celebration!

Then it was time to get ready for the wedding- of course it would have been nice to have two people dry my hair for me, but it was fine for me to do it myself.

The wedding was lovely- it was a uni friend, and so we picked up another friend and her husband on the way, got to the venue early so popped into town for a drink (and I ended up getting some boots from White Stuff- I saw them online but they were out of stock in my size- 20% off too!), then headed to the wedding. It was in such a lovely setting, and the weather was just perfect- sunlight streaming in through the windows, lovely photos outside.

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There was a meal after in a gorgeous country pub a few miles away, so we spent the evening enjoying dinner and catching up, before driving back home.

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Loved the cute little wedding favours.

This morning I took it easy, had breakfast, and then went out on a run at about 12, although it was rather warm and I realised after 2 miles that I had only had a cup of tea to drink- not the most sensible. I made up my route as I went along, doing a combinations of routes that we have run with the club (including that hill)- at one point I ran through a little path and got stung by stinging nettles.

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I was loving the sunshine! (Well here I was loving the shade as it was getting pretty warm and I was wishing I had worn a vest and not a t-shirt).

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7.77 miles! All the lucky 7’s! I was pleased with that too!

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Sadly I had already had breakfast, so could not have pancakes- I made do with a quick lunch of ryvita, tomato pesto, avocado, coconut water and half a flapjack (saved the other half for later) as I had to rush out to the shops before they closed.

Do you stop on runs or do you prefer to keep going? Do you plan out routes in advance? Did you have a good weekend?

Hawaii running

So, even without the race I was taking my running things with me. Last time we came to Hawaii I was training for the GNR, so did a few runs. I don’t normally run on holiday, because we tend to be up and our pretty early, with long busy days and a lot of travelling. But this time we would be in the same place for a while; Honolulu for five days, Kauai for five and Maui for a week.

Due to jet lag I was wide awake at 5 am for our first day in Honolulu, so I went out for a run as the sun was coming up.

IMG_20150804_060315560_HDRJust beautiful.


That was the Tuesday, and after that we did a lot of walking and hiking ( well over 20,000 steps on the Friday), and my race on Saturday.

Then we flew to Kauai. We had a little condo, but we could not walk to the town from where we were. We did lots of walking and sightseeing, about five miles from us was an eight mile path by the coast for walking and cycling which would have been perfect if it was closer. I did scope out a potential route, but on the Wednesday that I had planned to run, I slept badly and didn’t feel too well, so gave it a miss.

On Thursday we flew to Maui, and again having been here before helped, as I knew there was a long boardwalk by the ocean. Friday morning I was awake early, so headed out. I found the path to the boardwalk half a mile from our condo ( if in doubt, follow all the other runners), and enjoyed a 4 mile run.

IMG_20150814_082050794_HDRI stopped to get Andy a coffee and an iced chai for me, so took the pphotoa bit later. I can’t upload my Garmin bits here so I hope it has all stored properly.


Gorgeous views!! I was somewhat desperate for water by the end, so took water with me on my next runs. I saw a hotel ice machine and contemplated getting some just to hold.

My next run was shorter- I had entered a virtual run ( virtual runner uk- check out the fab medals)- someone in my running club was supporting the September charity, and when I signed up for that I saw the summer 5k and signed up for that too.


It was more overcast which helped, although I forgot to put on suncream.


Again, I picked up drinks after and enjoyed them on our balcony. I packed a tube of nuun with me, and bought some coconut water too.


My final run was on the Tuesday, I had set my alarm for 6 to see the sunrise, but was awake before.


I kept stopping to take pictures, and to drink water. It was amazing.


I even attempted a beach selfie – so much sweat!


When I finished I stood on the beach and stretched for a good half hour, I was just dropping and could not face going inside!

I got Andy to take my picture on the balcony after I had cooled. Love my new running top!

IMG_20150818_082555637_HDRSo, five enjoyable runs, including one race and one virtual race. Because I run faster than I walk, I get to see more scenery in the same amount of time = awesome.


Certainly more scenic than Hertfordshire!

I am hoping for one more run, the San Francisco Crissy field parkrun, but the logistics of getting there are a bit tricky. I am not keen on taxis and think I might end up getting an uber…. Depends how much I want to be a parkrun tourist.

We shall see…





Hawaii 5-OH k

Hey peeps, I hope you are all enjoying the summer.


Having a little bit of trouble blogging so photos are in random order! Here is the finish area.

We have been having a fab holiday, first to Yosemite national park and then on to Hawaii. A few weeks before going, I remembered that last time we were here, we had just landed on the Big island, and saw loads of people wearing race numbers, and had thought at the time that a race abroad would be very cool. I had my running kit with me then, as I was training for the great north run after having my op, but because of our flight time it would not have worked.


Anyway,after a spot of googling,I found a 5k charity run, in Honolulu, the morning we were due to fly to Kauai. The run started at 6 , and our flight was midday, so after some thought I decided to go for it.

It was the Lea Lea charity 5k in aid of Rainbow kids, which supports children affected by the earthquake and tsunami of 2011.



I had not considered getting my number! It turned out you had to collect it from a running shop on the Thursday or Friday before (although on race morning people were picking up their packets). So on the Friday we went to the shop and I was handed a lovely bag for life with my number, safety pins, fan, flannel,fan and the finishers t shirt. I do find it strange getting the tshirt before, but a lot of people wore them to run in so I suppose that is why. Because it was black cotton ( and on our first morning in Hawaii I was wide awake at 5am so had been on a run as the sun rose, so I knew how hot it would be) I wore my club vest.


Initially I thought I would need to get a taxi there,but the 3.5 miles from our hotel to the start turned out to be more like 2.2 ( we walked back from it on the Friday) plus I find taxis so stressful, so I decided to run there.

With my alarm set for 4.45 am I was questioning my sanity a little! I had half a clif bar, water,got dressed and headed out into the dark. It surprised me how many people were already out at 5.15! Finding the start was OK as I mostly had to follow the sea, although at one point I had to open Google maps as some construction work confused me( I love that the maps can work without the data, so clever ). I arrived at the park with about 15 mins to spare- I was already so sweaty and glad I had worn one of my new sweat bands.

When I signed up it showed me a link to the entry list. I should not have clicked because there were 18 people on it! But there were a few hundred there, phew!


The run was in aid of a Japanese charity and so the guy giving the briefing gave it in English and Japanese. He described the course- my favourite part of the description was when he said that you would see the finish line but you would have 1 k to go, as you looped around the edge of the park, so don’t run too fast then!

Then, we were off. There were loads of families running together which was so lovely, it felt to me more like a parkrun than a race, although there were some speedy runners warning up beforehand, it didn’t seem competitive.

The run went around Ala Moana park, which is right by the ocean. It looped away from the sea for a bit, before heading back to the start, around the headland of the park with gorgeous views out to sea, before finishing. At the finish a band was playing, and as I ran in they were playing “Brown Eyed Girl” which is so summery.



I didn’t look at my watch on the way around, as I was running to enjoy, plus conscious that I had to run back to the hotel. There were plenty of friendly marshals on the way around, and even with the super early start time, some spectators too.

At there finish there was water, fresh fruit ( I had some orange slices) and randomly, doughnuts! They kept saying that in a few minutes they would post the finish times on a tree, but after waiting ten minutes I felt I had to head back as we had a flight to catch.


Later, after some googling I found my time -31.03 ( although I was in age cat v60-65)- good going in that heat.

I ran nearly 2 miles back, stopping at Island Vintage Coffee for two acai bowls to go- an awesome post race breakfast.



I also had a nuun tab in water, plus some coconut water, so much rehydration needed! In the end I had run nearly 8 miles in that heat. Although at times it was a bit stressful, I am so glad that I did that race. Much less stressful than my only other race abroad (Stockholm marathon).

Have you ever raced abroad?

PS, we saw Hawaii 5-0 being filmed the day before, plus I wore my OH vest, hense the title…


Lamp post intervals and summer time!

Hooray! It’s summer time!

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On Monday I was surprised by this beautiful bunch of flowers from the parents of my class- how kind.

The last few days of term were pretty stressful- there is always so much to do and time starts running out! But we are finished now, hooray! I usually have a meeting on Tuesday, but not this week, so I was home in plenty of time before heading out to the running club.

We had been warned last week that we would be doing intervals as for the last few weeks we have had lovely longer runs (5-6 miles). This was going to be shorter, but tougher.

We did a gentle run as a warm up, and then along a long straight stretch of uphill, we had to walk (high knees, long arms) to one lamppost, jog (arms at 90 degrees) to the next and sprint to the final one, repeated until we got to the top. It was tough, and you realise that you actually do need the walking breaks to get your breath back. Although I was very worried about tripping and falling. At one point I got up to 5.41 mm ( of course, only for a short distance). Checking on Strava after, I could see that I am getting faster on this route overall.

I was getting told off for hunching my shoulders up- I know I do it, but I can’t help it!

After getting to the top, we had to run back in the same way, but instead of the sprint being for one section, we had to go for as long as we could. The first time we did that, my sprint apparently turned into a run. So for the second one as I ran past our leader I shouted out “am I sprinting?”- apparently if you can say that, you are not. Need to work on that I think!

Afterwards my legs were really sore- we did loads of stretching but I was feeling the effects on Wednesday.

I would usually run on Wednesday, but my legs were sore in the morning, and I felt headachey (I think sometimes after evening runs I find it hard to re-hydrate enough) so I mooched around at home and had a couple of walks during the day. I had a sports massage booked for the evening which I badly needed (my shoulders just crunch when I roll them)- he told me after “it’s like working on a table” because they were so stiff!

2015-07-23 07.20.59On Thursday morning I headed out for a run before going to work- I wore a pair of my new capris and was very excited to see that they matched my trainers (nearly). I did some squats and calf raises (homework from my run leader) before the run. It was lovely- nice and cool, and loads of stretches after helped my poor interval-sore legs.

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I spent the day in work, clearing out rubbish from my classroom (it is amazing what accumulates over the year)- I took a little graze dipper with me (the red pepper salsa one- yum) and a cereal bar, but didn’t think to take a proper lunch. On my way home I had to stop and walk to collect a parcel from the amazon locker.

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I was hot, and thirsty, and tired (I had not sat down all day) so I went to Costa (as I had to walk past it after collecting the parcel). I have tried one of their iced chai lattes before, when we saw Jurassic World at the cinema, but it wasn’t good- they made it with powder so it was all lumpy, and took them ages to make. Anyway, the mint choc soya cooler ended up tempting me. Now, it was good, sort of like drinking melted mint choc ice cream, but it was not the best choice- I had to take most of it home and share it with Andy. Also, that is a small! It’s huge!

Thursday evening was Body Pump- I was worried that I would find it harder because my shoulders were sore from the massage, but actually it was better. I think I had left it too long this time. Although the lunges track is so tough- you have to bounce, and I have no idea why, but it makes it so much harder.

When checking Strava for the matched runs, I noticed that I have run over 600 miles already this year! Although marathon training at the start of the year upped my mileage, and I have not been running as much since then. I was impressed with that though.

What are your summer plans?


Parkrun persuading

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The start was just visible to me, where the brown field ends, next to the tall trees, but ant-sized people did not come out on my phone. I just love how the whole course looks though.

Hooray for the weekend- I am already looking forward to a parkrun tomorrow morning, and this weekend I will be running it (and doing the new runner briefing- eek!)- last weekend I had decided to marshal, because I had the 10 mile race the next day and it was going to be hot. I know, I could run it gently, but it is easy to get carried away once I start, so I decided to be sensible.

I was really looking forward to it- I knew some OH ladies were coming along, and I had promised them an extra big cheer. I was there at around 8.20 in the end (normally you have to park a bit away, but the marshals can use the car park at the start)- I had left earlier too because I knew I would need to help with set up and allow time to walk to the marshal point.

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They are so organised there- every marshal point is numbered, and each marshal gets a laminated (the teacher in me loves anything laminated) map, a photo showing where to stand, instructions as to how to direct runners, and phone numbers of the run directors- love it. After handing out the other ones, I was sent to the point about half a kilometre from the end. On the way there, I came across a dead rabbit on the path, but luckily one of the people setting up was heading past so I asked him to tell the run director- I didn’t think it was that nice to be on the path, and someone moved it.

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As the laminated photo indicated I was to stand under this sign.

After walking there, I had a while to take some photos before the first runners came through (at around 9.15 I think – so impressive).

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It really is so pretty there, and so calming too.

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I had to direct the runners to their left, and then right at the next arrow. But of course for the most part they are following the people in front. I was cheering and clapping each person that came by- it was a hot day and so I was impressed with everyone running. Because they were coming out of a field and into the wooded area I could tell people that they had a nice shady section before the final “slope”- one person told me I knew just what to say to the runners!

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All ready with my high viz, lanyard of info and rucksack with water, very glad to be in a shady spot.

I saw some of the OH ladies- for some of them it was their first visit to Panshanger so I wanted them to enjoy it- at least they were all smiling when they passed me so I am hoping they will come back (and one of them got a bonus high-five for extra energy)! I do love how many runners say thank you (or gasp it- I know what that’s like)- I always try and say “good morning/ thank you marshal” to each one, and it is so lovely being on the other end of that too. After the first couple of runners, people were coming through in a steady stream, but after around 25 minutes of constant runners, it started to tail off a bit. One man went the wrong way (only a few steps) so I had to call him back, but he was very thankful and scolded himself for not looking at the arrow properly!

After the tail runner came through, I shut the main gate and unclipped the signs before walking back. The OH ladies were at the top so I had a quick chat and congratulated them for running in the heat, before taking the signs back to the car.

I know I keep on about it, but honestly parkrun is one of my favourite times of the week. The running is part of it, of course, but really it is the whole atmosphere of everyone enjoying being out in the fresh air, everyone supporting and encouraging each other, children and people of all ages and abilities getting outside and being active, and the core team who run it every week. On Saturday it was the run director’s birthday! How fantastic that he had decided to come to parkrun on his birthday- I don’t feel I know many people there, but he is in one of the bigger clubs and so I suppose it’s even more social. I shall keep on persuading my OH ladies to come along there.

Weekend plans? I am feeling super jealous of all the teachers who finished today! We go on until the middle of next week. Anyway, after parkrun tomorrow morning I am off out for lunch which should be lovely.