Lovely Christmas and a WINNER!


We had a very cosy Christmas Eve. We had a nice walk in the afternoon and then put up some decorations. Last minute much? The moose candle holder is my favourite- a few years ago we went to Copenhagen for the weekend as our Christmas present, and that was the one thing we brought home with us. The Christmas tree is a tealight holder but it was not lit when I took the picture.

After a nice tea of bread, cheese (I had some Wensleydale and cranberry cheese), salad, grapes and clementines we had a slice of Christmas cake too. Well I did want to try it before we gave the other ones away, for quality control purposes, of course.

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and Boxing day too. I did, and I will ramble on about that later. But first, last week I posted about a giveaway where one lucky person could win a Bondi Band.

Well, I put all the names into a pot, gave them a big shake, and then chose one (yes, I am super old skool!), and the winner is:

Marijke who wanted the “One more Mile” one. So, email me your address and I will post it off to you! How exciting! Plus it made the decision for me as I loved them both, so once I am out running again I will get to review the Run one. 🙂

And now onto Christmas. I was getting excited about giving out the hampers:

The cake boxes were so huge they took up most of the hampers! There was also coffee, apple and mango jam, spiced nuts, Christmas pudding fudge and chocolate coated gingerbread cookies.

Plus I was so excited to give me Dad his tile for the garden.

He loved it so much! He actually said it was far too nice to put in the garden and is going to see if he can fix it to the front of their house.  🙂

We spent most of the day at Andy’s parents’ house (my parents were back from holiday late on Christmas eve and are heading away tomorrow so we did not want to impose), and it was lovely.

We were totally spoilt- the present opening took all afternoon (although it was nice and slow- one at a time in reverse age order, with a little break in the middle for some pudding), and by the time we had finished it was dark. We had a little walk to see some of the lights and interesting decorations. 6 ft inflatable tree, snowman and santa anyone?

Some of my gifts- a cute owl hot water bottle, some lovely recycled socks (from recycled plastic bottles) that came all the way from Yellowstone when Andy’s parents went there in the summer, nice handcream and a lovely baking book.

And some latte making equipment! A little hand-held whizzer thing, and a cocoa powder/ icing sugar shaker, a marmalade making kit and the sweetest present ever. (I did warn you I would ramble on). Andy has 2 brothers and they both have girlfriends/ fiancées. The 6 of us decided this year that instead of exchanging gifts we would choose a show in London to see in the new year and go together. We had to bring a “fun” gift (with a small price limit) that everyone could enjoy, so we went for this game (which was fun as we played it about 4 times I think). Anyway, his youngest brother and girlfriend gave me the Stitch mug and toy (Lilo and Stitch is my favourite Disney movie) with a little card in it saying that they were sorry that we had to cancel our holiday and would not be going to Disney at Christmas, so here was a little bit of Disney for me to have at home. It was so sweet and so kind and so unexpected. And the mug is the perfect size for a latte I think 🙂

For me and Andy our presents were going to be going to see The Book of Mormon ( from the South Park guys) and also The Rockettes, both in NYC. But I found out that as a surprise he had booked for our last night on holiday to stay at the Disney Animal Kingdom lodge, but obviously yet again we had to cancel it all. So instead he got me a Kindle, which I am very excited about! I got him one last year and he loves it, and I do read a lot (and he kept saying when I was in hospital that I could do with one too as he kept having to bring me more books and magazines). It came pre-loaded with Run by Dean Karnazes which I started already. 🙂 I feel very lucky indeed 🙂

I spent today chilling with my parents for most of it, before they are off tomorrow, and it has been lovely 🙂

I did start off with mincemeat topped pancakes 🙂 Yum! They were made of spelt flour, baking powder, almond milk, apple sauce, cinnamon, ginger and a few raisins, topped with the mincemeat from Meridian. Yummy. My best ones yet. I just realised this picture is almost identical to the one with cake and tea- I am loving my tablecloth, placemats and little table decorations right now! 🙂

Any lovely surprises that you had over Christmas? What was your favourite thing that you gave/ received?

Make your own decorations

Happy Christmas Eve everyone. I hope everyone is having a lovely relaxing day.

It started with a cranberry cinnamon roll and some pumpkin spice rooibos tea.

Like my new tablecloth and mats? 

This was delicious! Years ago we went to Disney World for Christmas and on Christmas morning had a cinnamon roll for breakfast at the main street bakery. I wanted to try and receate that, as it was going to be our plan for this year. I used this recipe, only I left out the pecans (because I had none) and only made 1/4 of the recipe- I thought that 16 between the 2 of us might be excessive? Anyway it was so easy to make- last night I mixed up the dough (I used almond milk so they are also vegan), left it for an hour and a half, and then rolling it out and spreading with a little pure spread, brown sugar and cinnamon took another 5 mins. Into the oven they went this morning for 15 mins while I made the tea (in my Disney cup just to help with the theme).

Before being topped with a little maple icing.

Anyway, I thought they would be much harder to make but they were super easy, plus the cinnamon smells so good.

I have not done much today- I made my lunch for tomorrow (a sort of veg and lentil/ tofu bake topped with sweet potato mashed with some almond butter), and we managed a bit of a longer walk this afternoon. We have put up a few decorations (my paperchase reindeer, some nice candles and a ceramic tree with lights) so my gingerbread house is one of the few festive items! So here is the making of my gingerbread house.

Mix flour and spices etc together.

Melt butter (pure spread), brown sugar, golden syrup and treacle.

Mix together. At first it looks all wrong, but keep mixing.

Wrap in cling film and put in the fridge for a bit/ overnight/ however long you would like.

In the meantime, decide on the design of your house. Cut out templates with baking paper. When you roll out the dough, place the templates on top and then cut around them.

Once they are cooked, leave them to cool for a bit before you make the house. They are soft when they come out of the oven so this is when I cut the door and window, but you need them to be hard before you build it.

While you wait for them to harden, use the left over dough to make cookies for gifts.

Then it is onto construction time. Royal icing is the best because the egg whites make it stick. In previous years I have made it from scratch, and also used the powdered egg white. This year I cheated further by buying a tub of royal icing- it was only 99p in Julian Graves so I thought I would try it.

I covered a cake board in silver foil so I could use the cake board again. Use the icing like glue to stick the bottoms down to the base as well as the sides.

I do the front and one side, leave it for a bit and then do the back and the other side.  Then leave for a good 30 minutes.

The roof is the scary bit (especially this year as it turned out to be quite a steep angle). The icing does dry quickly though so do not worry. Of course then the fun begins. I was lucky enough to be sent some vegetarian sweets from Jealous so I decided (after sampling them) to have them as part of my decorating kit.

So get all your sweets together:

I also had jelly tots and some milky bar buttons, and the roof pebbles I made (but I did not use them as I was worried they would be too heavy for the roof).

Let the fun begin! Use the royal icing as glue again and decorate away.

I use the gummy bears as visitors to my house 🙂

A jelly tot for the door handle, plus to decorate the front. Milky bar buttons for the roof.

And some of the jealous sour sweets to frame the window at the back.

I love a gingerbread house as a decoration (read more about my obsession here) – they are different every year, plus they smell so good too. Anyone else with me on the gingerbread house love? I have seen loads of pre-made ones in shops this year, which look so pretty, but for me the fun is in the decorating! Ikea always did a kit too (with the pieces for the sides and roof etc ready baked) but I didn’t go to one near Christmas this year.

The Jealous sweets are really tasty- I got to try gummy bears (yummy), sour sensations (lovely and soft- a bit like the Goody peaches) and the cherry Kola (not my kind of flavour so much, but nice) and the best thing is they are all vegetarian, gluten free, with no artificial colours or flavours. Some of them are vegan and some are organic too so check out their website for more info. Plus they come in the pretty boxes so they are nice for gifts I think.

Right, I am off to have a Christmas Eve tea (salad, bread, wenslydale with cranberries, grapes, clementines, and maybe even a slice of Christmas Cake) and then hopefully to watch The Snowman , AKA the best Christmas film of all time.

Have a lovely Christmas everyone!

Maria  🙂

Christmas Pudding Fudge recipe

I have become a bit of a stalker of The Pink Whisk website. Ruth has so many amazing looking ideas, and when I saw her idea for Christmas pudding fudge I knew I was going to make it as a gift.

Ruth included a fudge recipe on her site, but I decided to use the one that I know works for me (from Rachel Allen Home Cookingfor white chocolate fudge) and just adapt that instead.

As with all fudge recipes, get all your equipment and ingredients ready before you start- you don’t want your fudge to burn because you are plugging in the electric whisk or lining the pan.

So, line a pan (I use my brownie pan which is 10×6 inches and line with greaseproof paper), plug in the electric whisk, and get your fudge flavourings ready. This time I chopped up a small ready-to-microwave supermarket Christmas pudding- I think it was 80g?

Sorry it is a bit blurry but you get the idea.

Then in a large pan heat together 100g butter, 450g light brown soft sugar (or caster sugar) and a tin of light condensed milk.

Gently melt the ingredients, stir to stop it burning to the bottom. Then let it bubble away until it reaches the soft ball stage (113C). At this point turn off the heat and add in the Christmas pudding crumbles.

Then get out the electric whisk and beat away. (Traditional recipes seem to say to put the pan in some cold water and beat by hand, but this way always works for me).

Keep going until it gets harder to whisk. If you take the beaters out the fudge will drip off in a sort of stalactite way. Then pour into the lined pan.

Leave it to cool- I leave it at room temperature as I find it much easier to slice when it is still a little soft- in the fridge it goes too crumbly and can snap when slicing. I left this for maybe 2 hours and then it was super easy to slice.

Then bag it up ready for giving as gifts. (I had a friend visit me yesterday so she got the first bag).

Bag up the rest (and optional- keep a little pot for yourself).

It makes loads and loads- as it is so rich you need only put a dozen or so cubes in each bag and I think you could get 6 or 7 bags worth from one batch. Pretty good and a lovely gift idea I think.

Decorating the Christmas cakes!

Hey all

I had a lot of fun yesterday (and Friday) decorating the Christmas cakes. I used the pink whisk for some of the how-to’s, so it is well worth a look if you wanted to create something similar. Lots of you voted for the polar bear, so I decided to go for it even though it looked tricky.

It did take a while (and his ears kept falling off at first) but I am really pleased with how he looks! Too pretty to eat! I had fun with the edible glitter too, but you had to dampen the icing for it to stick and that had not dried when I took the photos.

I also did one with gingerbread men and candy canes.

Although I made the mistake of using the gel icing for the eyes- it is super sticky and does not dry. The holly was tricky as you were meant to have cutters but I didn’t so had to make do with a knife- easier said than done!

I also did some like presents:

In the box from Dunelm Mill ready to be given away.

The boxes are so good, as they come with the boards too. Normally I either give them away in tins that I want back, or have to wrap them carefully in a lot of silver foil and things.  I will have to remember that for next year. 🙂

I hope you are all busy getting ready for Christmas too- I have to decide one something for Christmas day as we will be going to Andy’s parents but I will make something for myself that they can heat up in the microwave- am thinking some kind of lentil shepherds pie with sweet potato mash on top? I have seen some lovely nut roast recipes but as I don’t really like all the potatoes etc that go along with it (and it is easier as they cook the potatoes in goose fat so would need to make some separately for me) I need more of a complete meal. Veggies/ vegans- what are you going to be eating this Christmas day? What do you normally do if you eat at someone else’s house?

Oh, and don’t forget to check out my giveaway 🙂

Bondi Band Giveaway!

Hello all!

I promised a giveaway today and so here it is!

A while ago the lovely folks at Bondi band agreed to send me two of their sweat wicking sports hair bands. One for me to review and one for me to giveaway. They look brilliant as they will keep the hair out of my eyes (I normally have millions of hair clips and hairbands as I cannot stand even a strand in my face, and I have a lot of hair so it frequently gets in the way) and of course the sweat wicking fabric is so much better for exercise. I had so much fun choosing them- check out their site for many funny slogans. Anyway, the two I finally chose are here:

A black one that says “Just one more mile…” and a navy one with “Run <3 ” on it. Now they arrived while I was in hospital, so at the moment I have not tried either one out (and won’t get to in the near future either). So anyway I have decided that the winner will get to choose which band they like the most, and I will keep the other one to try out once I am better.

All you have to do is comment on this post saying which band you would like and why.

You can also get an extra entry if you like my facebook page– please leave a separate comment saying this. (If you like it already then just say so in a separate comment).

It is open to anyone in the world! How exciting! The competition will close on Christmas Eve next week. Good Luck! 🙂