Oaklands College for IWD and beyond, and V100!

On IWD I headed back to Oaklands College parkrun. After a few weeks of touring, it was good to set the alarm later. Andy and I had plans to head to Oxford in the afternoon (seeing Ash and The Darkness) so I needed to be home fairly promptly too. Happily, Branka and Holly were there for a parkrun RD/ambassador meet up, and lots of OH ladies were there so it felt like a lovely social occasion.

I parked at my parents and jogged up there, testing out to see if this would be an option, and it was perfect as the start is just about a mile away.

All week I’d had a sore throat, and I thought I was getting a cold (I was), so wanted to take it gently. I ended up run/walking with Branka which was perfect, as we chatted all the way and had a lovely time catching up. It was my first time trying out the new and improved Oaklands College route- sadly it doesn’t look like a dog any more!

Old route (dog shaped):

And new route:

Definitely not dog shaped any more!

The previous was two laps, with one out and back section, and now it is a lot of out and backs, but only one lap. I really enjoyed it- it’s flat and you run past “the swamp” rather than through it. It was good to see more of the parkland there too, as you cover more ground, and more interesting parts rather than rugby pitches.

I wore my new parkrun alphabet top as it was IWD (and purple seems to be a theme for them)- I got my run 25 t-shirt for my 250th (as I attached a paper 0 to it for the run) and don’t tend to wear it much. As the parkrun alphabet is 25 letters (no x), it fitted perfectly so I sent it off to Shadow of a Saint for personalising- I am really pleased with it. Branka took a photo below of me running in it:

Swamp picture, purple pop up fun and my purple top.

When I finished we stood around for ages in the sunshine chatting, it was just lovely.

Lots of OH ladies in the before and after photos, plus Lee doing a super job with the first timers welcome. And just look at those blue skies!

A few views from the course. The section was a little muddy in places as tractors had driven over the path and created some ruts, but it was not too bad and my feet stayed dry.

The following week I was back there again- Dad was around but we both needed to be somewhere local (I had a haircut and he was off to football) so we opted for Oaklands. Lee (one of our OH ladies hanger ons) was debuting as RD, so wanted some friendly faces to be there, so we were happy to oblige. I ran to my parents, we ran/walked up together and then ran around the course together too. Dad hadn’t been to the new route yet, and he enjoyed it. I got a course pb too! We couldn’t hang around at the end too long as we had to be out again by 11, so we jogged/walked back to theirs soon after finishing.

Below- celebrating with Lee at his RD debut, a pic with Dad and more selfie rehearsals. When we finished, Dad said “I’ll get our jackets and then we’ll do photos?”- he knows that the photos are a required part of the parkrun experience now!

On the Sunday I was helping out at Birchwood juniors. I have been doing a run before recently, but the cold was not shifting so I had a short walk before volunteering- I was handing out tokens and this marked my v100! The day before was parkrun 395 for me, so it was quite satisfying to reach this milestone a little before my 400th parkrun.

Volunteering at juniors- the novelty of handling the number 1 token has not got old yet!

I also got my parkrun anniversary email on the Sunday too- so what a way to celebrate 12 years of parkrunning- parkrun with friends and Dad on the Saturday and then my v100 on the Sunday with the lovely Birchwood community.

Now I need to decide if I get a v100 top or buff or anything. I do wear my purple v25 t-shirt a fair bit, particularly in the summer when volunteering at juniors, but it’s covered with the high viz anyway. I don’t think I’d be likely to wear it running much so I am not sure. I do think you can never have enough buffs, so I might get a v100 buff? Decisions decisions!

Oaklands College parkrun- marshalling then running

In January, a new parkrun launched in St Albans. I know one of the RD’s so had offered to marshal on their first event, as the date had been leaked online (this seems to happen to lots of parkruns now) and the team were worried about the event being swamped. However, the first event was cancelled due to ice, and as they emailed to ask if volunteers could be there the following week instead, I was happy to help.

Dad came back and even took the selfie- his skills are improving too! My view of the start (I guessed 18- runners, it was just under 250 in the end), views from my spot, and of course a pic with the pop up

Do you think the course looks like a dog?

The course looks very confusing on paper- it’s two laps but one lap has an out and back section, and you pass various points from different directions so I would not know how to run it on my own without signs and marshals. Luckily they walked us to our marshal points on the first event as I would have had no idea!

I was at a marshal point with another member of OH ladies (hi Mel)- we had a bit of a complicated cross over point with runners approaching from two directions and needing to be sent in different ways too, but we worked it out. Once the event is established and most people know where they are going it will be easier too.

Lots of familiar faces were at the first event, including my dad and brother, and I always enjoy marshalling and cheering people on as they pass. It was a bit of an overcast day and sooooo cold- I had wrapped up warmly but my feet were freezing when we finished.

The following week I decided to run at Oaklands College, as Dad wanted to stay local so I thought I’d give it a go and see the whole course as I’d only seen the section that I’d been marshalling on.

A few OH ladies at the start, some of the mid run views, and the finish funnel

Parking is available on site, and when I’d volunteered I had been directed to a small car park right by the start, but this week I went to the normal car park (still only a minute away from the start)- it had signs up with ways to pay, but I could not get the QR code to scan or the website to work, and then someone told me it was free until February. So be aware! (Not that I mind paying but there were no machines so it was app or website only…)

The start/finish is right by the old mansion house, so it’s a nice backdrop to the purple pop up. The week I ran it was cold but glorious sunshine. People were pouring in from the car park- the first week there were around 240 participants and I guessed there were 450 this week- so many tourists with the cow buffs and hats from far flung running clubs. I spoke to one person in the car park who had some from Harlow (not too far) but basically told me he was ticking it off as quickly as possible and didn’t seem that interested in the event at all. There was a big queue for the purple pop up and it felt like a weird atmosphere with lots of people who were not going to be coming here regularly, but then once I saw people I knew (lots of OH ladies and other local runners) it felt more like a normal parkrun morning.

I have to say that I loved the “beware of the swamp” sign!

I had been warned to wear trail shoes when marshalling, so of course I wore them for running, but according to my dad it was way muddier this week! The course is varied- you run around a rugby pitch (despite them saying in the run brief to keep off the rugby pitches the poor marshals were having to shout at so many people who were ignoring this request), on some hard paths, through a little wooded area and over a little hump (the reverse of a ditch if you can picture that), then you had a long out and back section on a stony path, before repeating the rugby pitches and woods again. For the finish funnel you run past the funnel, around some trees and then loop back into a hard path so it was quite nice to have a strong finish. You end up right by the mansion house again, and the scanners were right in front- all very easy to find.

After finishing we stayed around and chatted to people as they finished- one of my friends had nearly lost a shoe in the deep mud, and I had seen that happen to someone as we ran too. It was a proper quagmire in places!

Muddy legs and shoes at the finish!

Dad had cycled so he headed off once he started getting cold, and I hung around a bit longer, enjoying chatting to people as they finished. As I was stood by the purple pop up I ended taking lots of photos for various people so I asked for one in return- I was a bit miffed that they could not manage to frame the photo properly- I made sure that in all the photos I took the mansion house was in the background with the blue sky- it’s not that hard people!

How to take it with the sky vs how the photo was taken for me!

I was doubting my estimate of 450, but it was getting closer and closer. Apparently they only had 448 tokens (must be to do with how many are on each sheet?) so they had some paper tokens, and they needed one as the final total was 449! It’s crazy that event 2 was so busy.

I do think it will be lovely in the summer as it’s lots of grass, it’s varied, fairly flat and there is some shade- it reminded me a bit of Great Dunmow but slightly less wild. Anyway, I was glad to have given the course a go, and very glad I had on my trail shoes!

A new hole appeared in my map but it was quickly filled!

That was location 122 for me, my first new location in 2025, and my run number 388.

Up next? Hopefully a bit more touring!

Willows 10k 2024

I’ve not done this race in years, but it was one of the events chosen by my club to celebrate their 10 years, and as I was free I signed up. You can choose from either 10k or 5k, and they both started at 11. The number (and t-shirt) was posted out before, so there was no need to get there too early, so I ended up handing out tokens at junior parkrun beforehand- a bonus of a late starting race!

It was sunny when I left which is why I had on sunglasses! The only time I get to handle the number 1 token- that and token sorting of course!

I picked up Nicola and we drove to Hatfield House (where the race was held) together. I opted to take layers with me rather than leave them in the car, as I got really cold at junior parkrun. In the “before” photo I was wearing 4 layers! However I knew I would warm up as I started running. The race raises money for the Willow foundation, started by Bob Wilson, creating days out for terminally ill young adults. He did a lovely speech at the start, as did David Seaman who is one of the main patrons. Annie the high sheriff was also there of course, although sadly none of them were around to hand out medals by the time I finished, whereas in orevious years they have stayed for this.

The “after” picture of some of us (I am back in 3 layers and a hat), two people who ran the 10k as a person riding a horse, the best cheering station, and heading to the finish in a blur!

Nicola was running the 5k, but handily the 10k followed the same route for the first 5k, so we ran together and chatted, and then I only had a parkrun to go- perfect!

In previous years the course has been quite hilly, but they had changed the course this year and it was far less hilly than I anticipated. The grounds of Hatfield House are so beautiful (but don’t get me started on the owners attitude to allowing access), and it was turning into a beautiful autumn day, so running through the woods and fields with loads of other runners was great. Weirdly at times it reminded me of the New Forest race I did years ago (2018 I think?).

Mid-run views and the mini doughnut I had at the end

The marshal stations were all excellent, with all the runners being thanked and cheered- I think the people on them had probably been helped by the foundation. The OH ladies were on one of the marshal stations before one of the hills (or slope of love that they called it) and they really helped to spur me on.

The second lap was not the same as the first, heading off to a slightly different part of the park further north and crossing the river, before crossing back over and rejoining the route and repeating the same few kilometres.

Medal selfie, photo by a giant postbox and a few more run scenes

As I finished I was cheered on by the OH ladies who had run the 5k, and those that had finished ahead of me in the 10k. We were offered doughnuts at the finish line, as Simmons (a bakery with lots of chains in Herts) were sponsoring, but the trays had no ingredients listed and when I googled, their doughnuts aren’t vegan. I had bought a mini one from Crosstown the day before (as we’d been into London) so i knew I could look forward to that. I picked up my bag, put on my layers and joined the others as we cheered in the rest of the runners. It was a really fun occasion.

Once everyone had finished we got a few more photos- medals in front of Hatfield House, and then as we were walking back to the car park I saw a huge postbox, so I had a photo by it. (Apparently the tickets have seeds in them, so you can plant them at home, or if not you can post them in there and then the staff will plant them in the grounds)

Anyway, definitely an event I would do again- it was so close, nice and low key, and the event village, parking and even real toilets to use.

Have you done this event before? How do you choose events to do?

Happy 20th birthday parkrun!

At the start of October, it was 20 years since Bushy parkrun launched, so the first Saturday was international parkrun day, where all parkruns celebrated the 20 year anniversary of parkrun.

I had planned to run Jersey Farm with Dad, as it was the first Saturday in ages that we were able to run a parkrun together, so it was the perfect way to celebrate, with running together and then Mum making us vegan pancakes for breakfast after.

All the posts made me reminise a bit. My first parkrun was in March 2013, so it’s crazy to me that it’s been a part of my life for 11 years now, but also it’s one of the best things of my life.

Dad got into it via his tennis umpiring, as some of the other officials from Wimbledon were going along to Wimbledon parkrun, so he went with them, and then a bit later found out we had a local one in St Albans. That first year we were very sporadic at going along- my brother would come along too and we tended to go about once a month. However, when Panshanger parkrun launched (and that was back in the day of inaugurals being advertised- I saw the poster in the local Sweatshop when I went along there for a run) we pretty much started going each week, and in fact my 50th was celebrated on Panshanger’s first birthday. Of course once Ellenbrook Fields started we properly found our parkrun home- I knew whenever I went there that I’d know lots of the team and lots of the participants- always friendly faces there and the most enthusiastic marshals. I love that we have regular family time together via parkrun, and although my mum doesn’t run, she does sometimes come along to watch, and is very happy to make us breakfast for when we have finished which is always amazing.

Birchwood junior volunteer team, parkrun tourist crew (Branka and Holly), the visitors at Futakotamagawa in Tokyo, and Dad and I at Jersey Farm at the birthday celebrations (collage has missed out the name though!)

The beauty of parkrun is that it can be so many different things to different people. I am not fussed about times, although every now and then I will aim for a time (usually if there are pacers I might try to keep up with a specific one). However, before my dad moved to a new age category he decided to try and be first in his age cat at various parkruns- a good challenge for him to aim for. Some weekends, like this past weekend, we will go along to our local one, but other times we will fancy touring, maybe for a specific reason but usually just the fun of visiting somewhere new, meeting a new event team, admiring new scenery and discovering a new park that you didn’t know existed. Of course you can work towards the official milestones (celebrating my 100th at Ellenbrook Fields is probably my favourite parkrun memory as my mum came along too and handed out cakes while we ran, loads of the OH ladies were there, it was fantastic), and there are all the unofficial challenges too (parkrun alphabet, pirates, Wilson Index etc).

Lots of my memories come from volunteering too- the first time I did the first timers briefing my legs were shaking as I was so nervous (I am not one for public speaking), and at the end a runner came up to me and thanked me as he remembered me from the briefing, and that little interaction really helped me develop some confidence there, and it became one of the roles that I loved doing.

The fact that it is popping up in more countries is exciting too. Of course if we are on holiday then I’d love to do a parkrun if there is one nearby, but I’m not going to not go on holiday for fear of missing one. The more parkruns there are, the most fantastic places are just waiting to be visited!

The parkrun touring crew meeting Danny (from With Me Now pod) at Birchwood juniors launch, solo tourism in Brighton (Preston Park), Jersey Farm with Dad in the cold, and my 350th celebrated at Lee on the Solent.

More parkruns with Dad, more solo touring and volunteering fun!

Touring with Dad, being on the cover of parkrun adventurers podcast, one of the best ever photos with Branka and Holly walking at Letchworth, and finally claiming my German flag!

(I was meant to run a parkrun in Berlin in December 2018, but our Friday night flight was cancelled and we couldn’t get out there until the Sunday, so I was not there for parkrunday sadly, so a German parkrun has been on my wishlist since then. In May 2024 we went to Germany and happily were not that far from a parkrun, so I finally claimed the flag!)

More touring fun with the OH ladies (Harrow and Leavesden) and with Branka celebrating Christmas i July and the best ever tail walker at Southall.

The parkrun pause was super tough, as by then parkrun had become such a part of my routine, and such a high point of the week. I really am so grateful that it restarted, and I really cannot imagine my life without parkrun. We introduced my dad’s cousin to parkrun a few years ago, and he is now a regular at Linford Wood. He recently had his 80th birthday and he is still running and volunteering. Life goals right there.

How did you celebrate parkrun’s birthday? What does parkrun mean to you?

Local parkruns- Panshanger for the 97th time, Letchworth for the 5th and Jersey Farm for the 40th

The single ton at Panshanger is inching ever closer for me!

At the start of July, after a bit of touring I decided to head to Panshanger and work on the single-ton achievement instead of touring elsewhere. It also means I can run there as it’s about 2 miles, so a good parkrun sandwich distance. It was a bit drizzly when I left, so I took my hat with me and was glad of it. The run there goes through a lovely section of woods so you are at least a bit sheltered, and I got there at about 8:45 so not too long to stand around. At this point it was raining much harder so I sheltered under one of the gazebos (the event team have them for the timers to stand under at the end). I’d bumped into a runner friend (hi Sam) so we chatted under the gazebo until it was time for us to reluctantly go and stand in the rain ready to start!

I said hi to a few of the OH lady crew before the start and then had an enjoyable solo run. The cows were near to the first hill so I attempted a selfie with one of them (anything to mean I don’t have to run up the entire hill!), and the rain eased off during the run too.

As per usual, when trying to get a selfie with the sign someone took pity on me and offered to take my photo:

I don’t look that wet in the photo but trust me, I was soaked through. Other people were having photos taken and saying that they were commemorating running in such heavy rain!

The gazebo was being used by the timers too- a very good idea as it’s not easy to use the phone screen

when it’s raining.

So that was my 97th time at Panshanger- hopefully I’ll manage 3 more this year!

The following weekend I could not decide where to go. I didn’t fancy Panshanger again, and Dad was away so no point in going to the St Albans ones. I was tempted to revisit a Herts one (to move up the Herts Vegan Runner table)- either Westmill or Stevenage, but Branka was going to be at Letchworth and so I decided to head up there as it was around the same driving time as Westmill and it would be lovely to have a catch up.

The sun came out and it was a fabulous walk around the fields and park, and as always we enjoyed a good catch up about parkrun touring, work, Disney and a few other topics thrown in for good measure!

After, I headed to Vutie Beets for a post parkrun brunch. It is so good there- I just wish they did pots of tea rather than cups. I took a selfie as somehow I always end up matching their cups. They don’t just serve yellow cups but it seems I am always given a yellow cup and always seem to be wearing yellow!

After a few busy Sundays I was free in the morning so headed to Birchwood to marshal there. The weather was beautiful, and they had let the wildflowers grow in the park, mowing a path (which was handy for the course as it meant less cones for the team to put out). I had fun messing around with the timer on my phone while I waited for the runners to come by!

The following Saturday I was back at Jersey Farm. Dad was back so we walked there together and then ran around together. I was a bit sad because looking on the 5k app I had been to Ellenbrook Fields 39 times, and this was my 40th run at Jersey Farm so I am now overtaking my EF visits. I did volunteer at EF 22 times but of course some of those would have also been running ones eg I probably did the new runner briefing, so the total won’t be the same yet. But still, it did make me feel a bit sad. Our OH ladies insta feed on Saturdays is full of all the parkrun touring that we all get up to, and that mainly comes from us feeling “homeless” and so heading to lots of places. Anyway, at Jersey Farm the wildflowers had been left to grow and you could just hear the constant chirp of insects in the long grasses- how it should be.

Looking at my event summaries, St Albans is my next visited one (where I started parkrunning) on 31, so it will be a bit of a while before that overtakes EF.

Where are your most visited parkruns? After these local ones, Hove Prom is my next most visited with 11, and then Preston Park with 8, so you can tell I like going to Brighton for the weekend!