Pre holiday panic


So the panic has begun! I like to be packed with a week to go so I know that I will not forget anything. I also like to make sure I have cleaned the house before I go (so I don’t have to when I get home), and left it all nice and tidy. Well, I made my list the other day but I keep having dreams where I get off the plane and find I have not even packed underwear.

Today started with mince pie porridge;

Yum, sprinkled with cinnamon of course!

It was the christmas play at work and I was feeling nervous, (it went fine) but I have been feeling all day like I have been full of adrenaline- its a weird feeling. Anyway, it wasnt the play because even when it was over I still felt funny. After work I had 2/3 of a graze flapjack (I didn’t know they did them until it arrived in my box)

(along with a cardboard make-your-own reindeer which I made of course). Good for a pre aerobics snack anyway. (Aerobics was fab, very high evergy which is what I needed). I thought it might help but I still feel a bit panicked. I have put some of my holiday clothes in a box in the living room as I don’t want to wear anything that I want to take in case I don’t manage to wash it in time.

Anyway, I am going to relax now – hopefully the start of my packing will put a stop to the nervous dreams!

So what kind of packer are you? A list and organised kind, or a shove it in the suitcase the night before and don’t worry kind?

Night 🙂

Better run and home-made gifts


After my bath last night (and deep heat) my leg felt better today, so after work I went on a short, 3 mile, gentle run to help loosen it further. I took it easy and although I felt ok, made myself stop after those 3 miles. The run was good, although it was colder than I had anticipated so was still chilly every time I stopped (to cross roads etc).

Then it was time to sort out the gifts I have been making.

I made some cranberry and white chocolate fudge- I used the Rachel Allen recipe for white chocolate fudge and added in cranberries for a festive touch. I was going to add in pistachios too (for the green colour) but I wasn’t sure if anyone was allergic so they are in the cupboard for another time. I got some little food gift bags from Sainburys;

I think the bags make it look so cute- much better than in a sandwich bag!

I also melted a few squares of dark chocolate to finish off the Mickeys I made for Andy (and the Minnies for me 🙂 )

Also a picture of the baby christmas cakes I made for our work tea tomorrow. I halved a christmas cake recipe and cooked it in a small square tin, once cool I cut it into little squares, covered each one with marzipan and then icing. (This I did on Sunday).

🙂 I am thinking that they will go perfectly with a cup of tea after work (its a sort of end of term social at school for all the staff) and as they are quite small people will have one.

Off to pack up all the presents to take to work now, so exciting- night 🙂

Hard run

Hey all, and welcome to the non gingerbread post of the weekend!

Friday and Saturday evenings we had family over for dinner and stollen etc, so it was pretty busy.

I went on my run, and it was my last long run before holiday. I managed 8.7 miles in 92 mins, but it was hard work, my legs felt heavy and I felt tired. I told myself it was all in my mind, and I knew that if I didn’t do the whole distance I would be annoyed with myself for a while. Also I had not taken any water with me. I normally do on longer runs, but the last few weeks it has been so cold that my hand holding the bottle (even with gloves) had got too cold so I have been leaving it at home. Yesterday was much milder and I should have taken it with me. Anyway, once home it was time for nesquick and my last US clif bar, only I had run out of nesquick. Please note that cocoa powder mixed with milk does not mix as well or taste the same!

After a shower it was lunch time (it was about half 1 I think!) and so I treated myself to toast with chocolate PB;

Yum 🙂 I also had some nuun rehydration (well, a tablet in a big glass of water). I really think it helps; without fail I would have a headache every single Saturday after a long run, but since taking this as well as water I hardly get them at all. I still do occasionally, but not regularly and certainly not every week. So if you have a problem with headaches after runs then they would be worth a try. (I just ordered a new pack from wiggle so they are on my mind).

Over the weekend I was busy making the gingerbread house. I also made a cake for our work tea next week, which I cut into little squares and have since covered in marzipan and icing. Very fiddly, but I think they will be appreciated.

Today I tried mince pie porridge- I cooked porridge as usual and then added a spoonful of mincemeat and some cinnamon. It was tasty.

My legs have been so stiff today, so I think I actually found the run yesterday harder work than usual. I had a walk up to the shops and back (for about an hour) which helped a bit, but I am going to see if a bath later will help.

Tonight I am going to watch Inception- we had some kind of deal with Sky to get it for free, so the plan is to watch that while wrapping the last few presents, and writing a few cards. It’s not a festive film at all, but it gets deleted tonight!

Anyone else loving the Kirsty and Phil Christmas shows? I think (exepct for cooking the ham and stuff) they did all my favourite festive things. I think in an ideal world home-made gifts are perfect. When I was little we made decorations for the tree and I have no idea how we did them, I would love to do that sort of thing. Although making cards has never appealed to me. I have made some fudge for people at work so hopefully they will appreciate the time and effort 😉

Gingerbread house!

First, some photos of gingerbread houses I love! The one above is from our hotel in Copenhagen last year. The lobby smelled amazing 🙂

And the one in the lobby at the Grand Floridian at Disney (we didn’t stay there but you can wander in and even buy a roof pebble). So, there are the professional ones. And now onto mine. I took millions of pictures (it seems like) so be warned!

First, melt together butter (I use pure dairy free) with sugar, treacle, golden syrup. Then pour over a bowl of flour and spices.

Mix mix mix! Then leave in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Then measure out baking paper templates for the roof and walls. It was only after I had made the house for the second time (last year the roof was too small and I made it bigger this year and it is still too small) that I realised that the maths in the book is wrong. So next year I am going to make my own design.

Remove dough from fridge and cut about 1/4 of it to begin with. Roll out on the baking paper dusted with flour, and then the baking paper can be slid straight onto the baking tray.

Put the templates on the dough and cut with a knife.

Keep on re-rolling un-used bits until you have all the parts needed.

They don’t take long in the oven (12 mins ish).

Quick! Before they cool, cut out the windows and door. Trim any wobbly edges.

Leave to cool on wire rack and then wrap up until the construction is ready!

I had a load of dough left – more cookies for work!

Let the constructing begin!

The icing is egg white and icing sugar which makes super strong glue. I tried to use a piping bag, but this was not good, and so I drizzle with a spoon instead.

Wrap a chopping board in foil for the base.

Put icing along the bottom and up the sides, then join gently together. Hold for a few minutes, then prop up with whatever you have to hand.

Repeat with the back and other side. This is a scary time but the icing does stick pretty quick! Leave for 30 minutes to properly harden before adding the roof.

Take the cups away to test it 🙂

Lots more “glue” to hold the roof in place. Put the door so it is half open. Leave for a bit before decorating to your hearts content!

Some strateigically placed buttons hide the poor maths in the cookery book!

(Some of the overlapping roof tiles went a bit wrong on the front but at the back they were perfect! Always the way).

Happy baking 🙂

Quick update

Morning all

I have had a busy few days- Thursday was body pump night (last one of the current track list), and before I managed to make the dough for my gingerbread house, and bake the sides, and after I made the rest of the dough into little cookies (most of which I took to work).

On Friday I was stiff, and managed to fit in a 3.7 mile run after work, before the shopping was delivered. I only needed 2 layers as it was positively mild- maybe 6c! Then my parents came over for a Christmas get together as they are off too. Last weekend I made stollen loaves and had saved one for last night (the recipe said they were better if left as the flavours mingled even more), I was worried it would have gone stale or hard, but it was still moist and delicious- success 🙂 They took home the cake I made for them;

I didn’t set the alarm today, and woke up at 9.30 which is unheard of! So am letting breakfast go down before my long run. At least it is not as cold today.

Later on I am going to finish the gingerbread house- I am taking pictures as I go along this year so be warned! 🙂

Later guys!