Evening all
Today I had another run planned, but ended up having a rather lazy morning. I did not even have breakfast until nearly 11, so then I had to wait for another hour before I went out. I used my waist pack again and it was brilliant (this time with the bottle that came with it- even less bounce)-it also has a handy little pocket which is my fave thing (pockets in running gear)- so handy! I have pockets in my shorts, tights, even in my top!

It is so hard to take a picture like this! (Where is Andy when I need him? Well, off watching football!)

I could not decide how far to go (the marathon training plan is still being sorted) – in the end I did my “normal” long run of 8.5 ish miles- 90 minutes, and I felt pretty good throughout. I am pleased that I have managed to maintain this level of fitness during the autumn and winter.
I logged on to Nike+ when I got back and as it was the first one for 2011 it had some stats for the past year. It must have been a bit skewed because I only started using it in May, but it averages out over the year. My stats were; 510 mile run, 2 runs per week on average, 10 miles a week on average, fastest mile of 8.35 (perhaps during my 28.10 5k race for life?), 49,630 calories burned (I think it overestimates but you do enter your age and weight into the website), with 77 miles in september being the month with the most miles.
It was pretty good to see this, especially as I was not expecting it!
I had a hot chocolate and a peanut clif bar when I got back- for the hot chocolate I heated 250ml Kara coconut milk in the microwave for a couple of mins, then stirred in 15g nesquick. This was delicious and just what I fancied as I got quite cold on my run.
Then after my shower I pottered for ages (this means dusting, washing, reading blogs and procrastinating) and did not manage lunch intil half 3. Not so good.

I made a kick-ass snack this afternoon- some defrosted cherries with some dark chocolate alpro and some delicious pecan and cranberry granola- yum 🙂 Alongside some tea (I felt very stupid in the shop as I could not work out how the individual teapots worked- wouldn’t all the tea pour out the crack? Silly me).
I am also in the process of using up a Terry’s chocolate orange by making it into brownies to take into work tomorrow. I love chocolate orange but Andy doesn’t, and once it is opened I could eat it in a couple of days (and it would be just me too, not anyone else helping!). So I decided to put it to better use. Maybe some pictures later!
Last night we could not decide what to have for dinner, so we had another soup, bean and sweet potato combo. It’s so easy! (I should actually make the soup but to be honest I could not be bothered!).

So in a pan we cooked a couple of peppers that were past their best, added a tub of spicy tomato soup (this time it was Waitrose tomato and pepper soup with chipotle chilli) and a tin of kidney beans. We served it with baked sweet potato (sped up by microwaving first) and some salad. Delish- no cheese or salad dressing needed either! It is currently my fave quick and easy speedy meal!

Tomorrow it is back to work, and we are having a training day which means I should be home a bit earlier. My plan is to clear out my wardrobe a bit and get a bag of clothes to give to charity- I came across some jumpers today which I have not worn for a couple of years- they were in my pile of “don’t get rid of just yet, hang on for another year in case I start wearing them again”- well, I think it is time they went! I also have some tops which I think will be sent to the “duster” pile as they are so tatty now! I love a good clear out- it’s all very theraputic so I am looking forward to it. Anyone else planning an early spring clean or clear out?