I spent a lovely few hours doing some cooking today- not sure how it will all fit in the freezer! I made some lentil and cannelini bean chilli (whoops no more kidney beans but I am sure they will be just as tasty), some roasted vegetable sauce for pasta, and some bean and veggie wraps (plus roasted some pepper for lunch in the week). Phew!
Yesterday I made some cowboy cookies from the Vegan
cookie book.

Yum. These are oatmeal cookies with some coconut and chocolate chips. They were supposed to have pecans in them too, but I didn’t have any so I just left them out. I have not had one yet but Andy approves. I am loving this book π
Today began with some pb&j porridge (well kind of, oats with dried cherries, pb and cinnamon);

Yummy π But the cherries kept floating to the bottom when I was trying to take the picture!
Now onto the review of the week.
This week again has been very positive. After the 13 miles last weekend I was apprehensive about being tired or stiff for my midweek runs, but they all went fine.
Monday- 8 miles- did over 7.5 miles in the end (in the rain)
Tuesday- Aerobics- a better snack before I went helped me keep my energy levels up.
Wednesday- 6 mile run- done and in the beautiful evening sunlight to begin with.
Thursday- Body pump- back to my highest weights.
Friday- Good old rest day.
Saturday- 14 mile run (a little over 14 miles I think)- last 4 miles were really hard work but they are done with now.
Sunday- another lovely rest day. I had stiff legs this morning but as the day has gone on they have continued to feel better.
Total- 28 miles give or take a little bit. Again the most miles so far, but only a little step up from last week. I managed it and am feeling like I am getting better at this anyway!
Some snacks I enjoyed this week;

Oatcakes with pb and choc pb, cherries and possibly teapigs chocolate tea.

Cherry and coconut cereal with vanilla alpro.

And the king– rice pudding with cooked nectarine, chocolate chips and pb.
Also, we have signed up for the 20 mile run. It is organised by the south cheshire harriers, and had some good reviews from last year. Although mp3 players are not allowed- hopefully the scenery will take my mind off my awful breathing! I do need to get used to running without it I suppose, as it seems that more and more races are banning them. The Berkhamsted half marathon which I did last year has banned them for this year, when last year they were allowed. I always keep mine turned down low- I can hear my footsteps etc, but I suppose some people have it way too loud and it is not safe on open roads if there is no pavement or whatever. Anyway, I will have to run 5 miles per hour to keep within the time limit (not sure what happens if I miss the cut off- perhaps my race number self distructs?), and although it says the course is pretty hilly, I am going to think positive.
So I will leave you all on this positive note and with a random question- what have you achieved that you never thought was possible?
I never even thought I would be able to run a 5k (which is why I kept it as a secret) and even when I did that, I then secretly signed up for a 10k as again I doubted myself. I am trying to change my perception of myself, as I was never sporty, always got the leftovers at sports day and so on, and I still feel now that when I am out running people are looking at me and wondering what I am doing. Which is silly, but it seems my brain is taking a long time catching up with me legs!