Woo hoo!


How exciting! I won a prize on the lovely Rachel’s blog 🙂 And the prize arrived! So exciting! 🙂 With the cutest peanut postcard too!

After dinner me and Andy tried a booja booja truffle each. These were rum sultana ones-and I don’t like alchohol or drink, but I do add stuff like that to a Christmas cake -and these smelled like a Christmas cake. Or maybe just like rum- anyway they were super strong! But booja booja always make such amazing chocolate- the rest are safely in the fridge for another day. Thanks so much Rachel I am looking forward to trying every single item in the box 🙂

Now for a catch up;

Monday- good run after work- 4 miles and no walk breaks.

Tuesday- Aerobics- super hard and no time for a cool down! My calves were stiff on Wednesday.

Wednesday- Another good run after work- another 4 miles- so so windy but again feeling good and sped up for the last bit- under 10 min miles at the end which is super speedy for me at the moment. I am now feeling optimistic about Sunday and feel that I could run the whole way.

Thursday- Body pump baby! Heavier weights for squats (quite a boring track I think) and also for the back (as it is slow so I feel I can add more weight and have more control).

Warm butternut and goats cheese salad. This was spinach zapped in the microwave for half a min, topped with roasted butternut, herby goats cheese, caramelised onions, and quinoa cooked with beetroot, tomato, pepper, courgette. Yum.

Lemon slices (from Hummingbird)- I made some for my Nan 🙂

Yay my new bowl! With chocolate alpro and chocolate granola.

Alpro with coconut extract, and chocolate granola. More yumminess.

Also can I just say a massive thank you to everyone who has sponsored me so far! I really really really appreciate it (and the lovely comments too). Plus, exciting news- I have a few more prizes that will be added in the next few days. Altogether now “oooooooooooh“.

Question- how do you get ready for a race? It is 10K but at the moment that is the most I have run for maybe a month? I think the day I got the stomach bug was the last day I ran that far. So anyway I was thinking of going for 2 miles tomorrow and then resting Saturday (well, my parents are over, we have to go to the allotment and I also want to start baking some “bribes” for people at work to sponsor me)- but Andy is resting tomorrow also. He will probably tell me off for going for a run, but I need to wash my hair. So- what would you/ do you do?


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16 thoughts on “Woo hoo!”

  1. Congratulations on winning the giveaway 🙂

    Your plan for the run sounds like a good one – I’m sure with your fitness base you’ll be fine, and totally able to make it round the 10K running the whole way.


  2. YAY on wining, I love getting surprises. And I think, from reading your blog for a while now, I can say that your baking bribes will most certainly work 😉

  3. Oooh, those prizes look great, I adore Booja Booja chocolates and Conscious, yum!

    That reminds me I must enter your giveaway today, hopefully I’ll have better luck with this one and they’re for such good causes anyway that it’s worth entering (plus, as Lara says, your baking is a great incentive!!)

    I love the look of your butternut goats cheese salad – two of my favourite foods. That lemon slice looks great too 🙂

    I, obviously, have no running advice, but I hope it all goes well! 😀

  4. Your butternut/goats cheese warm salad looks divine – love that combination! I think doing 2 miles today and then resting tomorrow before the race is a good plan. 2 miles is just enough to warm up/stretch out your legs without causing tiredness. That said, with your level of running I really don’t think it would make a difference to not run at all until the 10K race on Sunday (Herts 10K?). When I’m in doubt I just leave it to chance and make a last minute decision based on the weather outside!

    1. No its a 10K in Hatfield- We usually do the Herts 10k but thought it would be the weekend of the great south run- it is usually later on- did not realise it was this early until we had already booked this race instead.

      1. Ah I’m guessing its the Williw 10k then! This is the first year in ages that I’m not doing it (too disorganised to enter in time) but it’s a fab run, lovely countryside course and good atmosphere too. Enjoy it!

        1. Yes that is it 🙂 I have walked around there before, and also helped out at a race last year- am hoping the route is quite pretty (and not too muddy!)

  5. Wow all those prizes look fantastic- congrats!

    I think your running plan sounds good. 2 miles today and then resting tomorrow is a good idea. The last thing you want is to over-do it and end up with an injury the day before your race!

    Good luck with it! Can’t wait to hear how it goes!

  6. YAY! It’s so lovely to read that you like the goodies 🙂 I’m glad they all got to you safely also.

    The Booja-Booja truffles are my favourite. Being strong flavoured means it’s harder to munch them all in one go 🙂

    I can’t wait to see what else you have for your competition 🙂 x

  7. COngrats on winning that lovely prize – the truffles sound amazing!
    I personally would rest, but as long as you take it easy I think it will be OK. I’ve rested for a few few days before my half marathon – I hope I don’t forget how to run on the day!

  8. Thanks guys- as the weather was ok I went for 2 miles, just to stretch my legs and also I find it helps me after body pump to get the achey-ness out of my legs.

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