
I bought some tinned pumpkin when I went to use my almond breeze vouchers (from Waitrose magazine)- plus some yummy multi-grain thins and oatcakes.
I could not wait to get my bake on!

I decided to use coconut sugar to replace regular sugar (Ocado now stock it so I don’t have to order it from i-herb any more)- it seems to work in recipes just fine. The darker one is from i-herb, and the lighter one from Ocado (Tiana brand). Next time I am going to try coconut milk in place of the evaporated milk- I think it is there as a sweetener, and to make it a bit more creamy like custard, as the egg is there to set it I think. So I think it will work. As I am not a massive pastry fan I decided to experiment with filo pastry- then there is hardly any pastry and you get more filling. Although next time I might bake a couple in ramekins for a sort of pumpkin pudding/brulee thing.
Anyway, ingredients: (for 12 mini pies)
1 pack of filo pastry
1 tin pumkin puree
1 small tin evaporated milk (I think it is 170g)
1 egg
220g coconut sugar
1 tbs ground almonds
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground cloves
grated nutmeg
First up, I prepared the filo by slicing it into squares. I then melted a little pure spread, and spread it inside cupcake tins.

In between each layer I put a little more melted spread (but not too much as it can go soggy). While this is going on, preheat the oven to 170C.
In one bowl combine all the other ingredients (pumpkin, evaporated milk, egg, sugar, spices, ground almonds) and mix gently until there are no lumps.
Then spoon into the pastry cases.

They took ages to bake in my oven- they should not wobble when you gently shake the tray. I thought as they were small they would take 25 mins (so check after this time) but I baked them for about 15 mins longer- towards the end I turned the temperature down a little bit to stop the pastry from catching.

Remove right away (I think they will not crisp up otherwise) and leave to cool on a wire rack.

I sprinkled them with a little cinnamon sugar before serving.
I took some to a friends’ house on Saturday evening, and then served up the rest today to mine and Andy’s parents who came over (I heated them back up in the oven for a bit as I think they are so much better served warm). They were delicious- I love the pumpkin pie filling- the nutmeg just goes so well with the pumpkin.
Back to the weekend ramblings:
On Saturday I went for my 11 mile run. I found it much tougher than the 9 miles last weekend, but for the most part I still enjoyed it. The weather was beautiful- the lake was looking wonderful, and it was nice and cool so good running weather even with the sun shining. I think I was more tired, plus I think I left too long a gap between breakfast and going out (lots of cleaning etc before) and so by the time I got home I was very starving- it was nearly 1pm I think. Plus I had not taken any water with me, which was a mistake when I was out for just over 2 hours- a bit too long for me really. I was hallucinating about coconut water for the last mile!

I had one of the rude health pumpkin bars. It tasted a lot like dates (no surprise, it is made mainly of dates, plus almonds, pumpkin seeds, ground pumpkin, apple, spices)- I liked the seeds as they added crunch, and I loved the spices in there (cinnamon and ginger)- it reminded me a little of a nakd gingerbread bar, but a bit more subtle. Verdict? I would like more pumpkin flavour, but it was very tasty and I liked the texture of it.
I had a nuun tab right away, plus some coconut water to help with the rehydration, but it was a bit late as I got a headache quite soon after. Ah well, at least I finished it, and although when I got home I felt exhausted, after a shower and lunch I felt fine; not too stiff or anything, so I think so long as I don’t go crazy this week I should be fine for the next half marathon.

Today started with some greek yoghurt (with raspberry and pomegranate sauce) , a nectarine and cereal. After some work I had a few jobs to do in town, so I treated myself:

Tall soya chai tea latte, with spiced pumpkin syrup. The lady at the till liked the sound of it too! It was very sweet, but I could taste the spices, and it was very creamy (I think there is condensed milk in the syrup?). Anyway, a nice change and I am glad I asked if they would do it because I don’t like coffee but I did want to try the flavour.
Lunch was a speedy affair:

A pitta bread with some honey peanut butter (courtesy of American soda). Delicious and very melty in the warm pitta. Then both sets of parents came over to watch the football- tea and pumpkin pies for half time 🙂
I had a 3 mile run planned so I headed out later in the afternoon. I wore my tights for the first time this year as it seemed a bit chilly, although I had forgotten how annoying they are- I need to wear shorts over them otherwise I spend half my run pulling them back up again. Anyway, 3.2 miles, 31 mins- I thought it would be slower as I ran so far yesterday, but I felt alright.

When I got home I had some of the coconut water that was on offer in Waitrose- it was almost creamy tasting. I liked it anyway. (I wore gloves with a vest- seems a good combo for the weather at the moment as my hands seem to stay cold when the rest of me is warm.)

I had a Rude Health beetroot bar- it was quite pink but I am not sure that the photo shows it up that well. Like the pumpkin one it was mainly dates, with almonds, seeds and 7% beetroot, but the beetroot flavour came through. The bar was still sweet, but had an earthy flavour to it. I liked it although I prefer the pumpkin one because of the spices. I suppose some cocoa powder would be nice (beetroot and chocolate cake is yummy after all) but on its own it was still tasty.
Now I am making a lemon and poppyseed cake to take to my Nan tomorrow. More on that another day!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Do you like the sound of the pumpkin or beetroot bar?