Feeling nostalgic and loving parkrun

I was having a bit of a sort out this week and came across two bits of paper that made me feel so nostalgic! One- the couch to 5k running plan that I followed back in 2008.

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It was so much easier than other plans that I had looked at, as so many of them seemed to be complicated run 2 mins, walk 1, run 3, walk 2… hard to remember when you are out. This was so easy to remember the timings. You repeated each run three times per week, and I remember the first one was tough and I didn’t think I would manage it, the second was OK, and the third I used to spend worrying about the jump the following week! But magically I managed it.

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Following on from the 5K I started to increase the length of my weekend run, and these are my notes of what I did, and the miles in brackets as by then I had discovered mapometer!

After my club run on Tuesday evening I had a rest day on Wednesday- we went to The Waffle House for lunch and had a lovely walk around the lake after, even seeing lots of ducklings.

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I then finished my reports (hooray!) and had another walk later on to top up my steps. In the evening we watched a film and my back started to feel a bit stiff, and then I had an awful night of just not being able to get comfortable at all. In the morning I could not put weight on my left leg as the pain going down from my back to the back of my leg was so sore. So I had a rather miserable day. Luckily Andy was working from home so he could help pass things to me- I managed to hobble to a chair in the living room, and after googling some stretches I had a go at doing some to ease the pain.

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A few weeks ago I had bought three of these ice packs from Amazon, and luckily they were in the freezer, so I put them on every 90 minutes or so which does seem to help a lot.

I fell asleep on the sofa after finally finding a comfortable position, and then after that I felt a little better- we had a very slow walk so I could have some fresh air, and then I had a bath which also helped a lot. Andy found some of my old super strong painkillers from when I had my cyst removed, so I put them next to my bed in case it was bad again in the night, but it was much better. It’s so weird- no idea what caused it, and none of the stretches seemed to immediately help, but it seems to go as quickly as it comes. On Friday I was able to walk fine- we walked around town as I had to pick up a present for my mum. I did a lot of sorting out of clothes, baking (I made Laura’s banana bread which is really delicious), a 30 minute yoga video and then about a 35 minute walk before dinner.

I am being very sensible though. My dad was going to parkrun today, and of course I wanted to go with him, especially after all the stuff going on with it this week. But I thought that I should have one more day off running, just to be on the safe side, so I messaged the RD asking if I could do anything like take photos- that way I am still going along but I wouldn’t be able to change my mind and run in the morning. Sensible! Andy even lent me his fancy camera and I took so many photos, but that’s for another post!

So, onto parkrun. It was even talked about on Radio 4 this week, and seems to have been on all the TV channels. Back in January I heard on Marathon Talk that a council were wanting to charge the parkrun team (or runners- it seems they are changing their minds a bit as to how to do it) to run in their park, and I signed the petition, hoping that they would vote the other way. Well, in case you didn’t hear, they voted to push on with their charge.

To me, it just does not make any sense. First of all, the council won’t make money because what will actually happen is that the parkrun will be cancelled or moved elsewhere. I do understand that parks have to pay for the upkeep of their paths, and I know that budgets are being squeezed, but we all pay our council tax. Will they charge dog walkers for the cost of emptying the dog poo bins? Or parents the cost of a health and safety check for the swings? I liked this take on the story- particularly the coin operated swings! The council’s argument seems to be that they charge other organised sports, such as football teams, for using the park (although I just heard a bit of this week’s MT and apparently they are not going to charge the junior event that takes place each Sunday, even though it is the same organisation…). But that is different; if you book a football pitch, no-one else can play on it at the same time. They have more obvious items to maintain such as goals, nets, corner flags, lines being painted etc. Players will pay subs to their team, which will then go towards this sort of thing too. Each parkrun event brings their own signs, finish funnel and so on, so there is no upkeep needed, and at every run briefing I have been to we have been reminded to be considerate of other park users and give way to others.

This blog post sums up a lot of what is great about parkrun (and it was written before this happened), and this morning I read Chrissie Wellington’s blog which I also very much agree with.

St Albans parkrun only started in 2012, a long time after I had started running, and it took my dad to persuade me to come along to it as I didn’t see the point- I could just run a 5k on my own on the pavements around home. But I went, and loved it, and have not looked back. Our club now use it as a mile (5K?) stone for the new runners- they do their beginner runner course and then “graduate” by running a 5k parkrun, and other running clubs do the same. I think I would have loved to attend this sort of event instead of a race for my first official 5k as it is so much more friendly, and less scary than an actual race. But the point of it to me is the community. The fact that volunteering is huge part of it- yes you can just run if you want to, but when I first started they asked for everyone to volunteer 3 times a year. Not much, but so good to be putting something back. There is a lady at Panshanger who volunteers most weeks. She does not run, and no-one in her family does. But since retiring she wanted to be involved in the park (it was only recently opened to the public and the Friends of Panshanger had a lot to do with helping start the parkrun), and so she is one of the most familiar faces you will see there. If parkrun wasn’t there, she could go to the park at the same time each week, but it would not be the same. She would not have met the people she knows now (she was given a special award at the one year birthday as she has volunteered so much and is such a huge part of the team).

Volunteering also helps people to develop a huge range of skills. We have had a few teenagers do the volunteering as part of their D of E award. Doing the new runners briefing has helped me to start to get over my fear of public speaking- the first time I did it my knees were shaking and I wished I could sit down, but I have done that role a few times now and each time it gets a bit easier.

It is such a feeling of community, and this morning even though I wasn’t running, I chatted to some of my club mates, some of the event team, cheered on runners.

It also gives a boost to the local area. On my walk from my first photographing post to the start, I saw quite a few dog walkers carrying cups from the coffee van- the van is only there because of parkrun and there is always a huge queue- he must do a roaring trade but he’s only there while the parkrun is going on. So yes one path is a bit congested for about five minutes (after the first bit everyone spreads out) but anyone else in the park can benefit from the coffee van. The car park at Panshanger is only small, so unless you are volunteering you are asked to park elsewhere (they have a marshal on the gate to check) so that dog walkers and other park users have priority. It is a considerate event, it promotes other local events; today there was free cake from a running club promoting their 10k and 10 mile race, they have sold calendars and had a photography competition to raise funds for the upkeep of the park, they promoted a free family Easter egg hunt- the list goes on.

I was glad to see so many of the parkruns posting on facebook about how their events will remain free, as the worst thing that could happen is that other councils follow suit, but it seems that most local councils are aware of the benefits that parkrun brings, and so continue to support them.

What was your take on the parkrun fiasco this week? 

For anyone interested in the benefits, they have created a temporary website, loveparkrun.com, showcasing their brilliant work.

And if you want a little giggle, check out these t-shirts.

Aldenham Country Park parkrun- another bit of tourism

So my dad has been quite keen on doing a bit of parkrun tourism (visiting other parkruns). We have our two local ones (St Albans and Panshanger, although we favour Panshanger now and rarely do St Albans) which we visit together, and have all been to Gadebridge in Hemel separately. He has been to a few different ones to me; Wimbledon Common, Cannon Hill in Birmingham- both when he was at the tennis tournaments, and Lloyd parkrun in Croydon, which he and my brother visited before a football match a few weeks ago, whereas I have been to Hove Promenade and Crissy Field (San Fran). For the last few weeks they have either had to head off soon after, or I have been volunteering so we have been tied to Panshanger. This week we realised that as I was not volunteering and they had no plans we could go somewhere new.

We spent a while looking at the local ones, but Dad was not keen on the idea of 3 lap courses- so many of them are, and we were losing hope. Then we came across Aldenham County Park parkrun, which is only 2 laps, so decided to give it a go.

I picked them up at 8.15 to give us plenty of time to get there- we arrived at about 8.45 so plenty of time. I am awful at directions so had spent a while on their course page, and on google maps, trying to work out where it was (it didn’t help that I went to uni at the Aldenham Herts campus, which it turns out is not the same place as the country park!), but the postcode on their course page took us right there so there was no need for me to worry. As we drove up the little road to the car park, some sheep wandered across the road (no lambs though). You do have to pay to park (well, you pay on exit) and it’s normally £4.50 (most people would visit for the day, there’s a little farm, nice walks, a Winnie the Pooh trail…) but now if you show your parkrun barcode it’s only £2, which isn’t so bad.  It turned out that I parked right by the finish straight, so I think next time I would park a bit further back. When we got there, we were the first runners to arrive!

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(The view of the final turn from the boot of my car- after we had finished).

It was a bit chilly at the start- I had worn a long sleeved top under my t-shirt and had thought I might be warm, but that was fine for me in the end.

The lady that did the new runners briefing was so lovely and welcoming- she asked where the tourists were from and wrote our home parkruns down, and there was one first timer so she made him feel very welcome too.

From their facebook page- I think we are cheering the new parkrunner here!

Almost as soon as that was finished, she then gave the main briefing (again giving everyone a reminder about the car park token system), mentioned that there was a pacer who could run between 25 and 30 minutes (one man took him up on his offer), welcomed the new runner and tourists (and mentioned each of our home parkruns which was a lovely touch), thanked the volunteers and then we were off! There were only 25 runners so I was conscious of not going off too fast. I ended up chatting to a lady who had come from Milton Keynes, and that was perfect as the chatting speed meant I was keeping a steady pace.

The route itself is lovely- it was two laps, the first lap being slightly longer, going around the lake and then through some woods. They had warned that it was muddy (and I had worn my newer trainers, not my trail shoes) but the first section of each lap was fine- mainly concrete type paths with a thin covering of mud and a few puddles to skirt around. But then the second section of each lap through the woods was far muddier- I took plenty of detours to avoid the biggest muddy sections. I really enjoyed it though- as there were so few runners at times I had the woods to myself. I saw bluebells, plenty of ducks and coots, a few dog walkers and just generally enjoyed the change of scenery. At one point I noticed an amazing carving of some acorns in a fallen tree trunk- it would be a lovely place for a walk too. The marshals were lovely- one was indicating which way you went towards the end of each lap (right for the first lap left for the second). I was just behind the first timer, and she told him “remember, you don’t have to run the whole way, walk if you want”.  On my second lap she congratulated me on my 50 parkruns (I was wearing my 50 t-shirt)- really friendly.

From their facebook page- the half way point (ish)

The finish was back into the car park, and I could see everyone standing by the finish line which is always motivating. I did get told off for being so clean! I think I had one splat of mud on one leg, whereas my dad had mud all the way up his trousers! I really was avoiding the mud because of my newish trainers!

I ended up as number 16, 4th lady and second in my age category, with a time of 30.41. It’s a good flat course though so once I am feeling more confident I am sure I will be back to try and get myself a nice pb. One thing I loved was looking through the photos on their facebook page- pretty much every runner was smiling.

Then we headed home and Mum made us all pancakes- a pretty good start to the weekend!

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I had to be careful not to run any ducks over on my way out of the car park!

It did get me thinking though, why some parkruns have such low attendance. This parkrun is 12 miles from where I live, so not at all far. Our two closest, St Albans and Panshanger are regularly getting 200- 300 + runners each week, and St Albans particularly is so congested now which puts me off, whereas close by there is Barclay (in Hoddeston) which seems to have 40ish. Gadebridge in Hemel seems to get around 100. Does the car park charge put people off? But then in St Albans the parking charges start at 9.30 so unless you are very speedy now you are unlikely to get your chip scanned in time. Do people just tend to go to their local one and not explore other options? Do people prefer ones based in towns as opposed to out in the country somewhere? It would be hard to get to Aldenham by public transport I think, and it does seem a bit far from the nearby towns to be able to run there and back. Do ones linked to local running clubs do better? On the results the only clubs were from tourists (this week), and I wonder if having that base of runners helps with word of mouth, volunteers and generally upping runner numbers.

On a side note, a while back (using some EarthMiles points as a discount) I bought myself a Stnky bag for my sports kit- I have used it a couple of times- it unzips on both sides, one side has a net (I use that for my trainers) and the other side is for clothes- it keeps all the smelly kit confined, plus the bag can go in the wash after. (I got the normal sized one and it is fine for my trainers plus running kit, but they do a bigger size too). Worth a look if you travel to races or training (and worth a look on Earthmiles as the discount code will save you a bit too).

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The bag filled with my kit today before I put it all into the wash.

How many parkrunners do you tend to get at your local one? Do you prefer the smaller or larger events? How many ones have you visited?

Hooray! Finally a run!

So after the weekend I was feeling much better- I could walk fine and was not having pain or stiffness- I could put on my socks easily again (before it was a challenge to get my hands anywhere near my left foot) so I was hoping to try a run. On Monday I was visiting a friend, and when I got home we had to walk up to the shops, so that was my fresh air fix for the day. I also tried the yoga for hips video that was recommended to me- I really liked it (it was from Yoga in the Big Smoke) because they had 3 people showing the moves in different ways which meant I could still do the poses even though I am very inflexible.

On Tuesday I woke up feeling fine, so I went for a very gentle run. I felt really paranoid, and kept stopping to walk. I kept thinking that my calves were aching a lot, and I felt like I was running in a slightly weird style, but I was OK.

2016-04-05 09.18.51It was a lovely day so I headed out to the fields and enjoyed being out in the sunshine- I even had on capris which I think is the first time this year.

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Andy commented that I should wear sunglasses as the capris are so bright. I don’t think they are that bad!

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And argh! Look at the sign I found on my run!

When I got home I found a yoga for runners cool-down video on you-tube. I have actually been organised and saved a few to my page (I think? I am not 100% sure it worked) so hopefully I’ll be able to do the same one after each run.

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As it’s the holidays I decided to make the most of being in no hurry- I had an orange before my shower, and then later made some pancakes- I found some coconut flour at the back of the cupboard so have started to use it up- this was just an egg, a little almond milk and some coconut flour. Once cooked I used the same pan to briefly cook the banana slices in (and topped the pancakes with a little maple butter- so good).

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I’ve been enjoying Bluebird Tea Co matcha powder- through the Earth Miles app (you earn point through exercise, and then can redeem point for money or % off certain goods) I had a voucher for money off Bluebird matcha, so I decided to try the one mixed with acai and blueberry. It’s still green (I thought it would be purple) but really smells of blueberries. I have discovered that if I put a little milk in the bottom of the glass first, then add the powder, it mixes so much better than when I put the powder into the bottom first. Not sure why this never occurred to me before.

After my run I felt very conscious of not sitting still for too long in case I stiffened up so I spent a lot of the day pottering around at home, and in the afternoon popped to town for a while for another walk- but it was all good. I got very tempted by a long sleeved thermal running top for sale in John Lewis, but the size I tried on was possibly a bit snug. I wanted to try the next one up but it was not in store, and when looking on-line later I ended up buying some new running trainers instead (and not even from John Lewis- how did that happen?). They are the new version of my beloved old Asics DS 19, and they were on offer so I thought I would give them a go and rotate my trainers instead of wearing one pair all of the time. I used to find it easier to have one pair, to keep an eye on when they need to be replaced, but now with Strava keeping track of the miles for me I think it might be better to swap between a couple- I do this with my trail shoes already.

This morning I went to the doctors- I did ask about a physio referral but the wait time is around 8-10 weeks, and as the stiffness and pain is gone she didn’t think there was much point. She did examine me and thought it was most probably sciatica, and advised painkillers if it happens again (but fingers crossed it won’t- I did manage the whole of 2015 without it happening- she thought that falling over would have been the trigger). So anyway, generally good news and it means that I will continue to run then have a day off on alternate days so I am easing back to it gently. I had a nice walk of a couple of miles before lunch (and before the heavy rain luckily) and I am sure we will pop out later at some point too, so I am making sure I keep moving.

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On an unrelated matter, this stuff popped up on Ocado and so I ordered a jar to try it- cashew butter with honey and cinnamon (and a little coconut in there too)- I had some on a crumpet and it was delicious! One to keep an eye out for if you like that sort of thing.

Finally, has anyone been watching the new Bake Off, Creme de la Creme? Because I have, and it is just no-where near as good. (This is a bit of a rant I am afraid). First of all, the guy that is narrating it has the worst French accent ever! Honestly he is not even trying, and seeing as most of the things they are making are French, you would think they would choose someone (how about Mel? She can actually speak French too) who would at least attempt a good pronunciation. Secondly, the things they are baking look like such a faff. For me the appeal of the Bake Off is that I could generally imagine attempting most of the recipes, and they would give me ideas of things to make, and seeing people try them would help me see hints or tricks to use in my own baking. This is just not like that at all- I would not attempt to build a tree from chocolate or make 100 mini fancy cake slice things. Finally, although Paul Hollywood gets a bit of a bad reputation and can be a bit intimidating, on the whole the judges on Bake Off are encouraging, and honest, but also fair. I think Mel and Sue help here too as if there is a bit of a disaster they will pick up the broken/ burnt bits and eat them too, but I really think that the judging is more honest and less for effect. With this new show, it just seems that they are being harsh and picky to make the show more dramatic. Which really is the opposite point of Bake Off. It should be a relaxing hour watching people bake, and yes some people have disasters, but that’s not why people watch it. I do get that the people on this are professionals, whereas Bake Off have amateurs, but I still don’t want to see people being nasty just for effect.  It seems like they see that Bake Off is a hit, see shows like Top Chef (which I love) and have tried to combine them, making some sort of terrible hybrid.

Are you a matcha fan? Do you get easily annoyed by spelling mistakes (or the wrong homonym being used)? Do you keep one pair of running shoes or do you rotate through several pairs at once? Are you a fan of Bake Off or the new one?

Two visits to parkrun in one weekend, and no running

I had already signed up to do the new runner briefing at parkrun on Saturday, and usually it’s a great role to do if you are running. I was walking so much better, and could actually lace up my shoes (that is progress- my lower back had been so tight that putting a sock on my left foot was a challenge and I could not even zip up my boot), but I knew that going from resting to a run was a bad idea. Maybe I did learn something last week! Anyway, Dad and my brother were still running, so they picked me up as per usual. There was a big bunch of volunteers, including some from the new (coming soon) Hatfield parkrun, so after the tail runner (and about 10 late runners) headed off we chatted for a bit.

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The field of sheep was closed as they were close to giving birth. Sadly several sheep had been mauled by a dog (they had some horrible photos on the notice board)- usually they ask for dogs to be on leads but because of the attack they have closed it. It was a gorgeous day, and it wasn’t long before the lead runner headed back up the hill.

Later we had to collect a parcel and spent a bit of time walking around town (including buying some bargain 59p 4-packs of PB cups- for some sort of baking I think)- I know I am walking more slowly but I think partly that is me being cautious now. I did some baking (banana peanut butter cake) ready for Sunday, and some general pottering, before we had another walk in the evening.

Today was another beautiful day, and we fancied a walk somewhere, but could not make up our minds. Andy suggested Panshanger park, so we drove there for a walk.

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We walked along the parkrun course. Bluebells were starting to flower, and there were so many birds in the trees.

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At about 3.5km along the parkrun course, there is a new (ish) path up to an old oak tree, so we decided to walk up there and have a look. There were leaflets in a box on the gate (which you returned at the end) and the walk was marked with oak leaves.

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The walk went beside one of the lakes, past a little weir and an old water wheel, and up through a field, eventually into some woods.

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The oak was circled in fence with an information board- it’s around 500 years old.

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The walk then took us past where the old house used to be- it was sold and demolished in the 50’s which is weird- the photos make it look like a National Trust house and it had quite a bit of history including some royal visitors (Queen Victoria I think), and it was strange to think it was just sold and knocked down.

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Then we re-joined the parkrun route and headed back to the car park. Why does this never look steep in photos? Someone was running up it so I thought that might show how steep it is!

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Still no lambs in the field. Anyway, it clouded over a bit as we neared the car, but it was so lovely to be outside in the fresh air. My hip held up well which is a good sign as that was around a 7km walk, and it’s really my back which is worse now- my lower back is still so tight and so bending down to untie my trail shoes was a bit uncomfortable at the end. But I have saved a yoga for hips video to my laptop (thanks to Steph the magpie for that) so I will try that either later this evening or tomorrow.

This sort of park is my favourite- it’s not very busy, there are no toilets or cafe (parkrun has a coffee van there on a Saturday morning) but there are plenty of different walks and loops that you could do.

How have you enjoyed the spring weather? What shall I bake with the pb cups?

Parkrun graduation!

Last Saturday it was graduation day for some of our new runners- doing their first 5k. It also coincided with another local running club doing the same thing. As it fell the day  before the Welwyn half, I had already offered to marshall as I didn’t think running before would be the best idea- I can get a bit carried away.

Here is what happened in the style of The Smartest Giant in Town:

I confused a dog with my hat like a frog.

I used a stick to give dog poo a flick.

I chatted with my friend as people ran around the bend.

I gave a cheer each time a runner came near.

But look me up and down, I’m the happiest marshal in town.

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That’s our OH ladies flag next to the finish line.

Here’s the longer version.

After finding out my marshal spot (at the 4km mark) I left my dad in the car and walked down the hill just as the runners were setting off. It was colder than I thought, and was glad I had packed my Kermit hat. I had my OH hoodie on but actually needed my coat as I was in the shade too.

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As I walked down I passed a lady walking two dogs. One of them stopped in it’s tracks and stared at me- it looked so confused- “I think it’s your hat” she told me- probably the eyes!

Once in my spot I noticed a huge pile of dog mess right in the middle of the path. No runner wants to tread (or worse, slip) on that as they come around the bend, so I got a big stick and managed to flick it (in many goes) away to the bushes. As I was doing this a guy ran past and asked me if I really was flicking poo. Yes, I replied- the glamorous life of a marshal!

I waited for a bit and soon one of my club mates came down (Louise who I ran with on Sunday)- she had helped with the pre-event set up, and her daughter was running. She wanted to try and take some photos of the graduating runners. We had a chat and cheered on runners as they went past. It’s a good spot as although you are there a long time, you get to be the one delivering the good news- less than 1 km to go, the finish line will soon be in sight. I did enjoy it although my voice was very hoarse when I finished!

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My dad laughed as he ran past as he hadn’t seen my hat before! We saw all the OH ladies and gave them a huge cheer- they were doing brilliantly- then Louise headed back to the finish.

Once the tail runner headed past, I started walking back up and could see the ladies at the top of the field having a chat. I had said I would see Dad in the car but he ended up running up from another field- there’s a bit for bird watching so he had walked down there, with a plan of finding me and walking back up with me, but the tail runner went by without him noticing so he missed the end!

(This was at the start- but they were all smiling at the end too!)


I do love marshalling- of course I love running it, but cheering on everyone else is good fun too and I love seeing the speedy front runners. It also surprises me every time just how many runners say thank you as they run past. I always try to, but it isn’t always easy. One child thanked both me and Kermit! The marshals even got a special mention in the run report as apparently lots of runners commented on the support and encouragement from the volunteers. Hopefully lots of them will be back! I do think that if it had been around when I started running it would have been far less stressful and intimidating than an actual race for your first 5K event, and I hope that it encourages more people to keep up with running  (or walking).

The rest of Saturday was spent having hot cross buns for breakfast, visiting my parents, going to the garden centre for supplies and digging up some plants to attempt to take them with us when we move.

It was fab- and that’s why parkrun is great- time outdoors, being active, being involved in a community- it’s not really even that much about the running.