I have heard that the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem.
Well, I have a problem. Now, I did actually admit this a long time ago in my hoarding post. This was way back in June of last year, and I think since admitting it my problem has got worse.
The problem is buying more and more flavours of tea.
The trouble is, since that post, I have discovered that I love even more types of tea.
These are the new additions to my tea family (Clipper Earl Grey, Apple and Ginger, Coconut and Orange, Twinnings peppermint and Green tea with lemon, Celestial Apple and Cinnamon, and Bengal Spice, Cinnamon and Licorice, Spiced rooibos, Caffeine free chocolate, Rooibos with strawberry and raspberry, rooibos with orange and cinnamon…). I think I am just going to embrace it and not try to fight it any more.
The thing is, I don’t have “normal” (black) tea very much any more. I had cut it out completely while I had the cyst still because caffeine made it uncomfortable, but even before then I only had one cup per day anyway. And I like variety. At the moment I have a bit of a “tea routine”. Mint for breakfast, Earl Grey for lunch, rooibos in the afternoon (or something in my teapot using loose leaf tea), ginger after dinner, and then licorice in the evening. Although my routine changes all the time- I have even had some iced tea when it has been hot.
So please enjoy some pictures of tea. I wish I could make it play the music from the Hart Beat art show. So just sing it in your head.
Earl grey with a (delicious) peanut butter pretzel bar.
Loose leaf mint tea in my little teapot alongside a (burnt) teacake and pear. I love my little teapot.
Cinnamon Apple tea with an apple nut loaf.
Mint tea and carrot cake from Brighton. (That is where I bought the loose leaf mint tea from as it was amazing).
Licorice and cinnamon tea.
Iced lemon green tea.
I am actually more surprised when I don’t buy more tea at the moment 🙂
I got an email from Twinings the other day saying that they are going to be bringing out loose-leaf teas for the Jubilee! How exciting! And sent a very pretty picture of some tea:
I think you will agree it is much nicer than my pictures!
And (hint hint) of course there is always more room in my tea cupboard for new types of tea, or of course teapots! 🙂
Are you a tea fan? If so, which flavours do you particularly like? I think if it has the word “cinnamon” somewhere on the packet then I am sold right away!
What do you hoard away in your cupboards?
PS- I am going to make a loaf cake later on- any guesses for the secret ingredient 😉