Robin Hood Adventure Challenge

Hey peeps

Hope everyone had a fab weekend- ours was really relaxing despite having to rush off Friday evening to drive up to Nottingham. I forgot my water bottle and nuun this time- ah well can’t have everything!

We spent Saturday taking it easy (the weather forecast was for rain so we planned to spend the day around the town instead of going out into the countryside, but in fact although it was cold and overcast, it was dry)- we went out for a late breakfast (I had some yummy home-made granola) and then wandered around the shops in Nottingham, went to see the castle and Robin Hood statue, had a soy chai latte for lunch (Andy is not teasing me about my addiction!), had an early dinner and went to the cinema- we saw The Ides of March, which was like an amped up West Wing I think.

This morning I got my race bits ready (clif bar for breakfast to eat in the car, banana for after).

Like the Thundercats style timer chip? It was a sticker on the back of your number which was a good idea.

Then we drove to Sherwood Pines Forest, where the race started. The parking was right by the race start- you had to walk through these lovely paths to get there.

There were real toilets (as it was a visitors centre) as well as port-a-loos. You can see the start/end inflatable arch thing in the field.

There had been a 2k kids run earlier in the day, and there was a duathalon as well, so lots of bikes around. The 5K and 10K races started at the same time (midday)- the 10K runners did the loop a second time.

I was hoping to beat my time from the Willow 10K (65 mins I think) a few weeks ago, as back then I was not feeling quite 100%, whereas now I am feeling back to my old self.

I kept an eye on my Nike+- I felt I started off a little fast as I was doing 9.20 miles, but I soon settled into a rhythm.

The scenery made it just fantastic- the first few km smelled so strongly of fresh pine trees.

Most of the trees were turning, the run was on wide tracks (sort of dirt roads) and there were lots of walkers and cyclists out too- perfect.

There were a few steep sections, but not for long (although one was quite mean at 4.5 and then 9.5km!)- going through the middle part was simple as the 10K and 5K runners had different coloured numbers, and there was a marshal directing us- the announcer even called out my name as I went past the middle bit! 🙂

So pretty!

Anyway, I was enjoying the run so much I had decided that I did not mind what time I finished- I was just thinking to myself that this was why I love running so much, and the fact that I was healthy and able to get out in the fresh air in the countryside and see the beautiful scenery.

Near the end my Nike+ lost the signal from my shoes, and then told me I was going at 15 min miles, so I really had no idea how I was doing for time. But I was steadily overtaking people and I felt like I was pushing myself quite hard although I wanted to save some in the tank for the last little hill.

I overtook a few people going up the hill, and put on an almost sprint finish at the end (didn’t quite catch the last person!)- there was no clock but when I stopped my Nike+ it said 61 mins (and looking on the computer it was 61.33)- I was so pleased with that- close to my best ever 10K time but still not breaking the hour mark. Ah well, maybe next time!

We wandered to pick up the bag from the bag drop, and then back to the car.

I was still very excited about my time!

I went back to change into the nice t-shirt we were given.

It has the list of the runs on the back- I think the kids run was the Maid Marian dash or something! It is a womens large, but proper cut so I might actually wear it as I rather like the colour too. We also got a £5 sweatshop voucher and some High5 samples.

While Andy was driving I took even more photos as I just thought it was so beautiful there.

They had no food on offer at the end, so we enjoyed the bananas, some coconut water and a clif Z bar on the drive home.

I loved this race sooooo much- I think it could be my favourite race ever! I pushed myself hard, but still enjoyed the experience and the scenery. It was busy so I was never running alone, but the paths were wide and it was never congested so I felt I could run at my own pace and never struggled overtaking people.


Home for a shower and a rest!

What is your favourite race (if you have run races)? Did you get out and enjoy the lovely autumnal weather this weekend?



I am excited because today I get to announce the winners of my giveaway! No random number generator screen shots I am afraid- I went old school with names on paper in a hat (well, in a pot).

So the winners of the 3 Teapigs prizes are:




The winners of the hampers of Nature’s Path cereals are:




The winner of the Rude Health cereals is:


The winners of the Nuun packs are:



Congratulations everyone!!!

You also all get some Seedstacked bars, plus some baking from me. So please email to me (emailme (at) your delivery info’s. How exciting! And thanks again at helping me to raise money for such a brilliant cause.

Yesterday I had a total rest day- I was thinking I might try a short run after work, but my legs were sore and so I opted for some yoga, general stretching and lots of foam rolling instead. Today I was feeling OK so went on a slow 3.something mile run after work, plus more stretching and foam rolling. I have no idea why races make me so much stiffer- last Saturday I did a 10 mile run and was fine on the Sunday. I suppose I did run a little faster, but not much, plus it was way flatter than my normal runs. I think maybe I tense up, and maybe the adrenaline gets me! Anyone else find that?

I have parents evening the next 2 nights, and then we are going away on Friday for the weekend (to do this Robin Hood 10K )so I might manage a short run on Friday after work, but that will be all. So a sort of rest week really.

Anyone else doing any more races this year? I just realised that I could still do the Watford Autumn challenge (remember my accidental cross country race last year?) but Andy has used a veto on that one! I think this Sunday will be my last one of the year 🙂

Last day of freedom

Is that a bit too dramatic? It is after all only the last day of half term, except for the weekend which I have anyway. Half term has been brilliant- really relaxing. I have had work to do (parents evenings next week so getting ready for those) but also had fun projects like making Christmas cakes.

Exercise has been good- I realised I have not done a Sunday recap for ages so I will do one now.

Saturday- 10 mile run

Sunday- walk to shops (rest day)

Monday- 6 mile run

Tuesday- yoga, Shred level 1 and 2

Wednesday- 3.6 mile run

Thursday- walk to shops, Body pump (and I kept the heavy weights for squats and heavier shoulders as of last week, and added a little to the lunges).

Friday- 4 mile run

Tomorrow will be a rest day (and I will be going shopping while Andy goes to the football) and then the Great South Run on Sunday! Getting excited now!

I had a delicious lunch today.

Roasted a little squash (a harlequin which is the smaller yellow one with the dents on it).

Mashed up half on a little wholewheat tortilla, crumbled on some herby goats cheese (thanks Delamere) and baked it for 5 mins.


Yesterday I had another delicious lunch.

Carrot pancakes! This time I used 35g spelt flour, 1 grated carrot, 1 tbs pumpkin puree and some milk (50ml?). With tahini and maple syrup yum 🙂

Also shhhhhhhh:

I may have bought some more tea. How cute are the piglets? I wanted to try the lemon ginger tea so getting a 2 pack is perfect. The chilli chai is for Andy for Christmas you see, plus he thinks we have enough tea at home already. You can never have enough tea.

I also popped to the shops today and could not resist a baby pumpkin (munchkin pumpkin)- for photos and also for eating later on! I also got some giant cous cous as I keep seeing it raved about- thought I would give it a try for lunch at some point. Plus some coconut water (this was a new brand on offer so I thought I would give it a go) and many tins of pumpkin. Although some are for a friend from work- yup I am branching out to pumpkin dealer.

Plus I have been practising with my icing! I decorated the mini Christmas cakes (the ones I made in the little loaf cases). I took photos as I went along, so at some point will post the how-to.

Cute 🙂 Well I think so anyway.

And my first i-herb order arrived (I have been going to and from the website for ages)! After trying several Luna bar flavours, I have decided that the peppermint one is the best. I also got some mini ones to make up the weight (they are teeny and only 80 cals so good for when you fancy a sweet snack I think and come in variety packs) plus a free peppermint lip balm and some scary green powder. Not sure what to do with the powder?? Also you can get $5 off your first order by using code QOC914.

Also I got my rejection email today from the London 2012 Olympic run ballot- did anyone get in?

Any exciting weekend plans?

What do you like to do on your days off from work?

Pumpkin pie cheesecake

Well sort of.

I really really really fancied pumpkin pie this weekend.

Andy’s family were coming over so the perfect excuse (or reason) to make one. But I am not really a fan of pastry, so decided to make a sort of cheesecake pie instead- based on the Hummingbird recipe. Here goes! I made one big pie and 6 cupcakes with the mixture as it does make a lot. So line the pan you are going to use/ get out cupcake cases etc.

Then make the base.

Whizz 300g gingernut biscuits in a food processor (or bash with a rolling pin) then mix in 150g melted butter ( I used pure spread).

Then press it into the case/ pie dish etc.

Preheat the oven to 170C and make the filling.

In a bowl whisk up 1 tin (425g) pumpkin puree, 1 egg, 230ml evaporated milk, 220g caster sugar, 1 tbs plain flour, and the spices you love. I chose 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp ground cloves and some grated nutmeg. You could also use ginger/ mixed spice.

Carefully spoon onto base and then  bake in the oven.

The little ones took about 20 mins, and the bigger one took about 40 mins. It should not wobble when it is cooked. Then put on a plate and take a beautiful photo of it outside with some autumn leaves. I skipped that step.

Yum! The ginger base was a lovely addition and complemented the spices in the pie mix.

The only problem is that the cupcake cases have stained the pie blue! Not so good! Oh, and we have lots to eat now, although it was popular last night it does make a big pie! Do you think this would freeze? I might try a couple and see.

I also made pumpkin pancakes for breakfast.

These did not go so well! I used spelt flour, baking powder, kara coconut milk, molasses, vanilla and pumpkin puree, but the batter was too runny and the first lot had to be binned. The second lot tasted amazing but still not very photogenic! I served it with some whole earth chocolate caramel spread (love this- my weekend treat!) and some apple/pumpkin sauce- I basically chopped 2 apples (from the fruit bag) with a little water, tsp agave, cinnamon, and a tbs pumpkin puree (actually because I could not fit the rest of the tin into the plastic tub for the fridge, what a happy accident) until the apples softened a little. This was yum!

I had the rest of the apple pumpkin sauce for lunch with some rice pudding- 30g flaked rice and 150ml kara coconut milk and a tbs maple syrup all cooked in the microwave. Sooooo yummy and autumnal 🙂

Aaaaaand I have started on the squash box! The photo above was a clue!

I went for the red onion squash and it is currently roasting in the oven with some rosemary-mmmm.  Am going to make some kind of stew- chickpeas will be involved. Possibly with a baked sweet potato. We shall see. I feel my fingers turning orange as we speak!

And the most exciting news of all!

I have started on project Christmas cake 2011. My fave half term project! In that bowl is a lot of dried fruit- raisins, sultanas, mixed peel, cranberries, cherries, dates, figs, chopped crystallised ginger, and also a big glug of some kind of alcohol. The recipe says it needs to soak for 2 hours, but I am thinking the longer the better, so it is going to soak overnight. Just the smell makes me cough! 🙂

Pumpkin pie- yay or nay?

Fave pumpkin recipe?

Pie crust or cheesecake base? Or another suggestion?

It is too early to mention Christmas? 🙂

Almond and chocolate heaven

Hey peeps

Yesterday I was perusing the internet and I saw that Marijke made some almond chocolate fudgy bars. They sounded amazing and I had all the ingredients to hand, so I went for it!

First I roasted some almonds (took about 15 mins in a low oven- shaking the tray every now and then).

And then I whizzed them up in the food processor.

Along with some dark chocolate.

I used Waitrose soft dates (these are soooooo yummy) and dark chocolate dreams instead of regular nut butter- thought it would go.

Then out came the nuts, in went the dates and pb, then after it was whizzed for a bit, the nuts went back in again. Yum.

Dollop it onto a lined brownie pan.

Then smooth down and refrigerate.

Then cut into bars and enjoy 🙂

I had one last night and it was delish- the crunch from the almonds is lovely and they are so rich and fudgy.

The rest are wrapped in cling film for another day.

On holiday I bought some of these (excuse the awful photo!)

Dark chocolate covered almonds (from Disney!) and they are lovely! So after eating the packet (and not being able to get any in the UK) I decided to attempt my own.

Roasted almonds in a bowl (one cup), dark chocolate melted in the microwave (probably around 40g?).

Mix it all up in a bowl.

Spread out on a baking tray and leave to set.

Put into a jar and try to make them last longer than a day! 🙂 Mine are not as shiny as the shop bought ones, but are in big chunks and taste so good!

I never used to like almonds, but at the moment I think they are my favourite nut! And with chocolate they are amazing.

What combinations do you like?

This morning I did a 10 mile run- it took me 1 hr 49, which I was pleased with as I think on my GSR entry form I put my estimated finish time as 1hr50. I made sure I started off really slow, and that helped as I was more consistent for the whole run. Plus my batteries lasted on the mp3 for the whole run- phew.

I made a lovely almond chai latte- heated some almond milk, used my tea strainer thing filled with Whitards cinnamon chai (which is just spices, no tea) and then enjoyed.

Yum! It went very frothy and was delicious. Mmmmmm. 🙂