No Christmas getaway

Guess where I am.

Thats right, the getaway did not happen 🙁

Long recount so be warned!

On Friday we left here at about 7, and got to the hotel near the airport just before ten. At half 6 the next morning we were up and glad to see there had been no snow overnight, so we got the bus to the airport, dropped off our bags, got our money, went through security (still no snow)- boarded the plane (it just started snowing very lightly at that point), watched the safety video (snow got heavier), the plane got de-iced and we were told that we were going to take off before the “storm”. Then we were told that the runway was closed until 10am (our flight was meant to go at 9.15), but the crew were good until 1.30 that afternoon. Then the runway was shut til 12. and when we were about to get off we were told the runway was shut until 3, which meant the plane would not be going anywhere that day. Then the chaos started. We had to go and collect our bags, but because of the snow they were having trouble, and we ended up waiting in the reclaim area for our bags until about half 1 in the afternoon. Luckily we had some raisin bread with us, and had bought a bottle of water in the airport, as we were given nothing on the plane. After a few hours of waiting a lady came around with a piece of paper that said we would be rebooked on a flight leaving on Sunday, but nothing about hotels or food or anything. The desk for the airline had a massive queue, which turned out to be to use a phone as the desk was only manned until 9am (There was a lady screaming down the phone as she had been told that there was no 11am flight so we did not know what to think). I did try calling the airpine on my mobile, but it told me to go to the website, and when I called back and pressed different options it put me on hold for ages. I won’t go into it, but it was stressful- we were ringing our parents to see if they could book us a hotel, but there were none available nearby and the cheapest was over £200- the airline website said they would pay “reasonable cost” towards a hotel but we had no way of knowing what that meant. Then Andy told me that for my christmas present he had booked us tickets for Discovery cove (the Seaworld park where you can swim with dolphins)- but for Monday. As the new flight was to get to Atlanta on sunday evening, we would have an 8 hour drive to do in order to get there in time, which after spending a night in the airport (only option) we did not think was safe, so then we would have to book another hotel somewhere on the way, and miss the booking we had made on the next hotel too. Complicated I know.  We also found out that if we missed the day of collecting our car for hire there were no guarantees that there would be one for us. Anyway, to cut a long story a little shorter, we eventually made the painful decision to come home and get our money back, and hopefully re book for the summer.

Even getting home was awful as half the trains were cancelled, there were signal failures on the underground, but eventually we got home at about 10 last night. It seems silly because I know it was “just” a holiday, but we were both looking forward to it so much- having some winter sunshine, spending time outside, spending time together, seeing all the christmas decorations, the special shows (candlelight processional at Epcot is amazing), and of course the discovery cove. We spent so long weighing up our options, but the insurance people said that anything we missed if we still travelled would not be covered for anything we missed, and we could not really afford to pay out more for new hotels, tickets and another car. We also thought that after a night in the airport, we would take a few days to recover and it would affect the first few days of our holiday. We are still not sure if we made the right decision- that was all I dreamt about last night. I had to be on hold for over an hour last night to cancel the flight and start the process of getting the refund.

So, this is where I am at!

Snow joke.

I am trying to look forward to all the things that I can do at home that I could not do on holiday at christmas- so any ideas would be welcome!

And I am thankful after seeing the news that we did not get stuck on the roads, on the runway, or spent the night at the airport. We got home safe and sound, which is the most important thing.

Latest news

So, after it snowed hard at work and half the kids went home early, we booked a hotel! We have had dinner at home and finished packing, and are heading off to the airport in about half an hour.

So,I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas! I might manage a few updates, you never know.

Bye 🙂



The excitement in my class is at fever pitch at the moment what with it being so close to Christmas. I came home as soon as I could and even managed a cup of teapigs mint tea, squeezed in between cleaning the bathroom, kitchen, doing some dusting, washing up and putting a wash on. Phew. But I feel good that a lot of those jobs are out of the way before holiday. (By the way, if you missed it, me and Andy are off to the USA for Christmas- paying a visit to Disney and also a few places in the south- Savannah and Charleson 🙂  ).

Although we are now debating to go to Gatwick on friday night (and try to get a hotel) as snow is due here. We don’t want to get stuck here on saturday morning if the snow is bad here but not at Gatwick. Any thoughts?

Anyway, I went to get my haircut and was planning on wandering around the shops, but we had some snow and the traffic was bad, and so I had ten minutes before my haircut, and then the shops shut at 7. What kind of late night shopping is that? So they were shut when I came out. I did manage a speed shop in Boots for the last few things before I ran to the hairdressers! I am trying to grow my hair a little longer, so I had a trim but had my fringe cut again; I am quite liking having a fringe at the moment- makes me look like I have a hair style instead of just hair!

No running today (and no body pump); running service (and baking service) will resume shortly after the new year 🙂

Cheerio 🙂

Walking on clouds


Yesterday was the secret santa present swap at work. We don’t buy for individual people but get a themed present which are then randomly given out. I was given two pairs of fluffy bedsocks (the theme was “warm”).

After work I had a run (5 miles in the drizzle- I was so tempted by a cup of tea but I had posted on wlr in the morning that I would go- I felt better after!) and after my shower I put on a pair of the socks. It feels like I am walking in clouds they are so soft! Perfect for this time of year.

After yesterdays panic I am feeling a bit better about being ready. I have most of my clothes ready, Andy has been charging all the cameras and things, and I have a list of toiletries that I need to get tomorrow. I am having my hair cut 🙂 and as it is late night opening I can pop to the shops on my way back to pick up the last few bits I need.

I am off to relax now 🙂

Pre holiday panic


So the panic has begun! I like to be packed with a week to go so I know that I will not forget anything. I also like to make sure I have cleaned the house before I go (so I don’t have to when I get home), and left it all nice and tidy. Well, I made my list the other day but I keep having dreams where I get off the plane and find I have not even packed underwear.

Today started with mince pie porridge;

Yum, sprinkled with cinnamon of course!

It was the christmas play at work and I was feeling nervous, (it went fine) but I have been feeling all day like I have been full of adrenaline- its a weird feeling. Anyway, it wasnt the play because even when it was over I still felt funny. After work I had 2/3 of a graze flapjack (I didn’t know they did them until it arrived in my box)

(along with a cardboard make-your-own reindeer which I made of course). Good for a pre aerobics snack anyway. (Aerobics was fab, very high evergy which is what I needed). I thought it might help but I still feel a bit panicked. I have put some of my holiday clothes in a box in the living room as I don’t want to wear anything that I want to take in case I don’t manage to wash it in time.

Anyway, I am going to relax now – hopefully the start of my packing will put a stop to the nervous dreams!

So what kind of packer are you? A list and organised kind, or a shove it in the suitcase the night before and don’t worry kind?

Night 🙂