Hello all
(Some of my gifts lucky me- some super warm slippers, a cute lunch pot and flask, and some clinique perfume)
I hope you all had a fab day yesterday, and are having a relaxing boxing day (although, not sure if it is boxing day as it is a Sunday?).
Anyway, here is a quick recap of yesterday first of all.
We got up nice and late, had breakfast (pumpkin porridge for me) and then opened some presents. Andy was feeling bad as my present was a surprise trip to Discovery Cove, and we were supposed to be there on Monday, but he had to tell me at the airport, and we have postponed it until the summer. So I had nothing to open from him, and I don’t think he believed me when I said I didn’t mind. The gift from him is amazing and I have months of looking forward to it 🙂
(Some of my running gifts- tops, loads of gels and bars to try, Born to Run and RUN LESS RUN FASTER
We had a walk (it was so cold out there I think my eyeballs froze), I had some clementines, and then we headed to his parents house for the afternoon and evening. We had a lovely dinner -I provided a pumpkin and goats cheese canneloni for my meal, as Andy’s mum has enough cooking to do. I piled up the carrots too (but I declined the sprouts- I am not a fan!). I also had some yummy christmas pudding with a little bit of ice cream. Later in the afternoon we opened our presents together, played some games, watched Strictly, played more games, and had a cheese and picalilli sandwich and some cake. The best game was a rather competative game of Articulate . It was a great day- I love the fact that no-one is in a hurry, we spend ages playing silly games and it is totally relaxing. Eating wise, I had not enough fruit and veg, and too much cake, but in the grand scheme of things it is one day.
(Some baking related pressies including a cupcake stand, some teapigs tea and The Great British Book of Baking – I have seen so many fab looking recipes in there!)
Andy was also given a Marmite cook book and the weirdest thing of all- Marmite chocolate. He loves marmite and spreads it really thickly, and his Mum got it as she had given his other brothers other chocolate that they liked- I think it was a “I saw this and thought of you in an instant!” kind of gift. Now, I do like marmite, but I don’t love it. And I feel very suspicious of it. Anyone tried it?
Now, onto today. Andy was off to watch a football match (which I have just heard has been called off after he made the journey there) and I went on a run! Hooray! I have not run since the wednesday before last, and it was such a great run! I had to be so careful getting to the clear pavement, as every day the pavement by my house gets even more slippery. But once I was there, it was fab! There was a mile stretch, so I went out and back 3 times (for 6 miles) and I amazed myself by being totally steady- every time I turned another 10 minutes had gone. My legs were like a metronome! I passed the same family 6 times as they were walking on the same stretch of pavement! Once home I had what I like to call the cold weather glow!
(My cheeks looked pinker in real life than they do in the pic!)
Once shower and clif bar later and I felt a little warmer, and a slightly more normal colour!
(How do other bloggers take such good pics of themselves? I just can’t do it!! At least my head was actually in this pic- a few of them ended up being of the wall!)
And now it is time for some baking- my poor oven must be wondering what is going on haha!
So, did you all have a lovely christmas? What is your fave christmas family game? And did you manage some exercise over the last few days?